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Author Topic: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC  (Read 42793 times)

Malek Deneith

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[4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« on: November 14, 2010, 07:18 »

"A small issue"
"It shouldn't be a problem to heroes of your caliber"
Oh it's always "small problem" and "easily solved" when people hire you, and they expect for you to take the cheapest pay. One does wonder why don't they solve them by themselves if they are so easy. The thing was, that with half of your small group near broke, you needed to take the job. The task itself was fairly straightforward, if not necessarily easy to finish - something was pillaging and burning small settlements near the city of Fallcrest. You were hired to track it down and kill it. What was it exactly was a less clear matter - of few survivors some claimed they saw a dragon, others talked about a pack of dog-like creatures. Whatever it was, the destruction it caused was rather easy to follow, and it seemed you might be near catching up with it soon.

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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2010, 08:09 »

Varis stood leaning against a tree as he surveyed his surroundings.

"Heh.  Track and kill."
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 17:42 by thelaptop »
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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2010, 08:23 »

On the front of the group, clad in a loose, flowing robe of surprisingly unremarkable fawn colour, young genasi women marched. Her skin jet black was adorned with a meticulous chalk-white pattern stretching from her ankles (oddly she was shoeless- probably the first person you've seen walking like that that was not a halfling) through her entire body up to the cheeks, a tattoo probably, though it could have also been the natural body-mark of genasi race. Her elemental affliction was revealed by a small nimbus of smokeless reddish flames sprouting from her, head matched by eyes that looked more like a pair of cinders. More perceptive of you could also spot some very faint shimmer in the air around her, as if she was surrounded by some sort of mystical aura- though it should not come as a surprise, given that she was a spellsword.

'I just hope that this villager who talked about the dragon was delusional...' she said, admiring the destruction that lied in front of them.

As far as you remembered, her name was Kin, but she admitted that it was of a moniker, not her real name, which she deemed to be to embarrassing to reveal.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 17:18 by Gargulec »
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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2010, 09:01 »

The half-elf with brown hair, and hazel eyes stopped strumming her lute and sat back "Well, it wouldn't be as surprising as some of the stories Father told me when I was younger." As she got up, she revealed that she was quite tall. Dressed in Finemail, and carrying around a very nice looking lute, This one was always ready for adventure. Always. Based on her parents, it should've come as no surprise.

You could all remember her name clearly, for her introduction was quite long: " I am Thersys Dawntracker Uthadar. Daughter of Pender Uthadar, Famous adventurer, and Janmorel Dawntracker, Priestess of Corellon. Half-Sister to the heirs of the Uthadar adventuring legacy, Norian and Aden Uthadar. Pleased to meet you."

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S.K. Ren

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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2010, 15:46 »

  A small giggle could be heard from the back of the group. Your eyes are met with the form of a thin woman. Wasn't she at the front of the group? Either way she was behind you now. Removing her hood, you could see something protruding from beneath her long black hair. Horns... a Tiefling. Her skin however lacked the hues most common in Tieflings, it was much more ashen and pale with an almost sickly quality to it. Her eyes lacked both pupils and irises; Her steely blue eyes giving off a faint ethereal glow.

  Looking at her, the name Aile comes to mind. Yes, Aile K'traz, that is what she introduced herself as. A wandering Warlock who eagerly joined your band of miscreants on your adventures. She was short -only 5'1"- and had a thin frame, but was often one of the last to complain of tiredness from traveling.

"I've always wanted to see a dragon up close ...And watch it fall "
She sighed, keeping that last bit to herself.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 02:06 by S.K. Ren »
(6:50:00 AM) Simon-v: How do you live in a world where Everything's Trying To Kill You?
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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2010, 16:00 »

'Trust me, you wouldn't' replied Kin, chuckling slightly, with a sound reminiscent of wood cracking in a fireplace. 'I've seen a dragon once, and if not for the fact that I am a cinder already, I would have became one. And there is nothing really impressive in those lizards anyway.'
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 17:17 by Gargulec »
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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2010, 17:05 »

Varis took a look at his companions and replied, "Hard to kill."
« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 17:42 by thelaptop »
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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2010, 00:37 »

Sorasha was silent. Sorasha was nearly always silent, at least around friends. Thin, and pale white (but in a healthy fashion, not a sickly one) most people would say she is too tall for a human female. Her blonde hair was too wild and yet straight. Her frame was too graceful and controlled. Those who were learned could spot the signs, but they usually were warned to keep their thoughts to themselves.

A silky voice spoke in your mind [Death comes to all things eventually. But not to our quarry while we stay here.]

Anyone hearing a voice in their mind should have no doubt that they were dealing with a Kalashtar, even if she did happen to be a Psion. But then again, quite a lot of people are susceptible to believing what a pretty woman tells them.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 05:52 by Tavana »
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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #8 on: November 15, 2010, 07:47 »

Kin turned towards the psion, frowning slightly. Even after all the time spent around her, she still felt a little bit uncomfortable in a presence of someone that could read thoughts at will.

'Please, I don't want to offend you but, communicate verbally if can... it is just kind of creepy to hear someone's else voice in you head, you know... Also' she added after a moment, as if to further justify her plea 'I have some innate psychic resistance and I can't quite hear you as clearly as you would probably want.'
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

Malek Deneith

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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #9 on: November 15, 2010, 09:10 »

Your banter gets cut bit abruptly, as the trail you were following turns and enters a glade. On it you see five monstrosities busy fighting for remains of... something that was their prey. The bests do have dog-like posture, which witnesses reported, but their heads are nothing like canines, and dogs obviously don't have a mass of spikes on their backs. And behind these creatures, joy of joys, Aile's wish come true - not one, but two dragons awaited you. Quite exotic ones to - it's hard to see as the creatures seem to be surrounded by unhealthy looking fumes, but what your eyes can spot looks like if it's made of... lava?

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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #10 on: November 15, 2010, 09:24 »

'Oh marvellous...' mumbled Kin, swearing angrily. Quickly, she calmed herself, and drew her blade, tip of it drawing a circle in air, that soon expanded to the entire party. All weapons in Kin's companions possession suddenly turned cold in touch.
'That should help, a bit at least...' she murmured, charging in the middle of the hellhounds, swinging her sword in a wide arc.

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« Last Edit: November 15, 2010, 09:52 by Gargulec »
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

Malek Deneith

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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #11 on: November 15, 2010, 09:57 »

Kin's sword hit one of the beasts, but other managed to avoid it if barely. As she was recovering from her attack, one of the dragons quickly approached her. Once, twice, thrice his claws fell, each time finding their mark and finally the creature decided to take a bit at her. Kin found herself suddenly engulfed in flames after the bite - normally that wouldn't be a problem to the genasi, but something was wrong. The flames hurt, as if previous attacks managed to break through her natural resistance somehow.

The other dragon didn't seem to be concerned with the genasi - instead it moved closer to the rest of the group and started to expel lava in their general direction. It didn't seem to aim at anyone in particular, instead it was satisfied with burning and melting the ground and your feet.

The fumes around both dragons took up in intensity, some reached even Varis, who immediately started to cough.

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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #12 on: November 15, 2010, 14:04 »

[Perhaps the Gods have heard your request, Aile.] The expression on Sorasha's face didn't change, but you could see she was concentrating. The air behind the Dragon almost seemed to waver with energy. She danced away from the hot ground afterwards.

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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2010, 07:04 »

Varis coughed and moved up into the covers to take on the other Dragon, lest it causes more havoc.

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Malek Deneith

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Re: [4e] The Garden of Graves - IC
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2010, 13:10 »

Coughing, Varis notices that his stay in the fumes has made him slightly dizzy and weak. Despite this both his arrows find their mark. In the meantime the remaining hound-beasts finally spring into action: first one starts to shuffle towards Varis, while another gets closer to Kin and lets loose a piercing howl that shakes the Genasi and makes her drop her guard a little - though not enough for the last hound to land a hit.

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