What would everyone think about the mortems displaying badges that were fulfilled during the run but had already been awarded previously?
I don't think that the player.dat need track the number of times a badge gets awarded, but I think it would make the mortems much more comparable if we can see everything that was done in a single run
This idea came up because in my office we have DoomRL on a shared computer but of course most of the bronze/silver badges are already awarded. Thus my lesser skilled coworkers really never see some of the things they've achieved and cannot really compare the quality of a run between each other.
Repeat awards can be distinguised in the mortem with parenthese at the bottom, for example:
-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------
Medal of Prejudice
UAC Star (bronze cluster)
Grim Reaper's Badge
Hell Champion Medal
UAC Bronze Badge
Veteran Bronze Badge
Reaper Gold Badge
(Reaper Silver Badge)
(Reaper Bronze Badge)
(Brick Bronze Badge)
(Arachno Bronze Badge)