Yes, I have read it.
"TNode is great as a base for objects in a game. Elements of a game usualy form a natural tree structure, for example -- Games have Worlds, Worlds have Areas, Areas have Maps, Maps have Items, Maps have Monsters, Maps have Players".
Yet it's not clear, how such a structure can be formed without a primary TNode.
"Singleton TSystems (a descendand of TSystem) in te form of the variable Systems, is the root of the whole Valkyrie program tree. It's the only TNode that should be allowed not to have a parent. TSystems' children should be TSystems. The uniqueness of Systems is that it is autoinitialized at runtime, and autodisposed at program end -- meaning, that any child of it is also disposed. So as long as all classes in the program form a tree with the root Systems, you need not to dispose anything manualy."
Maybe I have misunderstood something, but isn't statement
"So as long as all classes in the program form a tree with the root Systems, you need not to dispose anything manualy."
a clear suggestion to connect every used class into Systems?
And TNodes cannot be passed into Systems, since Systems only accepts TSystem to be added.
is Systems supposed to be completely separated from TNode
or it should look like
If the second case, then World has to be TSystem. If the first - we have 2 TNodes without parents, Systems and World. Both of cases contradict the documentation...
Or I am completely lost somewhere.