Hi all, You making her very own version of DiabloRL and You want to ask You about some things.
1) How to indicate somebody's hp status, by RLG-like messages (unhurt, slightly wounded, etc) by drawing some kind of ASCII-lifebar, or anyhow else?
2) Ranged attacks. Can heroine, rounded with hordes of enemies shoot them off or she must go in melee? What is the range for an arrow?
P.S. Please, sorry You for her ugly english.
Glad to hear someone else thinks DiabloRL needs some love. ;)
#1 - think of it as a range from Unhurt to Dead. Slip in other indicators in the middle. I've seen people get away with just "Unhurt, wounded, near death, dead" before. The more you have, the easier it is for your players to tell, but that adds code.
#2 - It's commonly accepted that an archer CAN attack people at close range, BUT in doing so, can't defend against anyone surrounding them. In essence, people standing to the side get a free attack.
Also, you could just pick up Kornel's source code from FreePascal and attempt to work with it. Granted it would need a bit of updating, since it doesn't compile under the newest FreePascal release.
Second note: Kornel will at some point (this year?!?) be developing DiabloRL using C++.