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Author Topic: Introducing: Improved Shotgun Sounds (and others)  (Read 7266 times)


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Currently, DoomRL uses the shotgun firing sound from Doom. As anyone who played the game a lot knows, this also includes the sound of the shotgun being pumped at the end. For me, it got very confusing using the combat shotgun, because I would hear the gun get pumped...and then hear it a second time when I moved. I could never remember if there was a shell in the chamber or not.

Here's an improvement. I truncated the shotgun sound down to right before the cocking noise. (About 0.55s.) I also added in a shell loading sound for the combat shotgun.

Now when you use the combat shotgun, you hear a blast, followed by a pump, followed by a shell loading if you press R. It makes it much easier to keep track of what's going on.

The shotgun blast sounded a little short at first, but when I loaded it up on the second day I didn't even notice. Give it a try.

To use, just unzip it to your DoomRL directory and make sound.lua look like this:
Code: [Select]
powerup = "wav/dsgetpow.wav", --or whatever is last

dofile "shotsounds.lua"

Thanks to tehtmi for helping me with the .lua code.
« Last Edit: May 12, 2011, 12:11 by GrimmC »

Ander Hammer

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Re: Introducing: Improved Shotgun Sounds
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2011, 14:03 »

This is pretty handy. Thanks!

I'd like to note that you just have to paste the text into sound.lua. There's no need to delete the existing code for either shotgun's sounds, which I thought might be the case since I'm an idiot.
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Re: Introducing: Improved Shotgun Sounds (and others)
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2011, 12:21 »

Here's a knife sound set. I was playing on another rig and I was surprised at how dry the vanilla setup sounds when you're used to this. It adds a "chink" pickup sound & a nice meaty cutting sound. Both from Scuba Steve's knife weapon for regular ol' Doom.

In a game where paying attention to detail really matters, I find these sound sets help out a lot. Instructions are same as the shotgun addon. Ander Hammer's note is also correct--no need to modify any existing entries. Just add 'dofile "knifesounds.lua" to the end of your file.

NOTE: By default, DoomRL plays the reload sound when you switch guns. This will make the sounds a little funny, so you might want to change that config entry to play the pickup sounds. It's this one:

Code: [Select]
-- If set to true, pickup sound will be used for quickkeys and weapon
-- swapping.
SoundEquipPickup = false --the default


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Re: Introducing: Improved Shotgun Sounds (and others)
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2011, 10:12 »

It's simple but satisfying--here's the old supershotgun reloading sound. Slight amount of legwork since I had to combine two separate sounds and get the timing right.

Obviously, one can import the old Chainsaw rev sound to DoomRL also. Simple for anyone with doom.wad but I can upload it if requested.

Ander Hammer

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Re: Introducing: Improved Shotgun Sounds (and others)
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2011, 14:24 »

Could you? Would you?

I love all of these little touches - sound is as important as graphics, maybe moreso when you're working with a roguelike.
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Re: Introducing: Improved Shotgun Sounds (and others)
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2011, 15:43 »

Surely. I think there is a danger of making things too flashy (like giving EVERY weapon it's own pickup sound), which I will be wary of. But happy to post some more if you enjoy it.

Here's the Chainsaw rev sound. Lots of fun when you pick it up that first time and you go berserk. I also have a ripcord sound (from Doom 3) I might paste in front of it...but probs not.

Here's also a reload sound for the pistol. What's neat about this is the former humans use this sound too.

Some of the exotic/unique derivatives will not use the same sounds! So feel free to post if you notice one that should have its definitions altered.

edit: On second thought, only report the exotics, I haven't found all the uniques yet.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 10:59 by GrimmC »

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Re: Introducing: Improved Shotgun Sounds (and others)
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2011, 16:05 »

Some of the exotic/unique derivatives will not use the same sounds! So feel free to post if you notice one that should have its definitions altered.

Eh? Can you point out which ones? Currently exotics and uniques that lack a binding should default to sounds of their "base" weapon. If some don't... then I need to bash Kornel again it seems >.>
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Ander Hammer

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Re: Introducing: Improved Shotgun Sounds (and others)
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2011, 21:26 »

Thank you.

Why shouldn't things be flashy, though? The combat shotgun reload serves a purpose, and I'm fine with the pickup/reload sound being generic for generic weapons, but interesting things like the chainsaw deserve a different soundbite. Surely you're not cocking it when you bring it to bear... or a knife, for that matter.

Edit: I can't determine exactly why, but something about the pistol file makes DoomRL cry. Diagnosing this was made infinitely more fun by the fact that DoomRL was also suddenly tossing out an error for another reason, completely unrelated: a bracket and comma had somehow vanished from elsewhere in sound.lua (boss monster sound edits) since the last time I played, after running perfectly fine when I installed those properly.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2011, 21:51 by Ander Hammer »
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Re: Introducing: Improved Shotgun Sounds (and others)
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2011, 11:01 » should be fixed. As far as me it's way to easy to become obsessed with modifying EVERYTHING. Simple is always good.

Like you said, combat shotty, knife, and chainsaw are pretty justifiable. Other stuff is just icing :-)

EDIT: I suppose one use for different reload sounds is that it lets you know which enemy just reloaded. i.e. pistol guy vs. chaingun guy.
« Last Edit: May 17, 2011, 11:03 by GrimmC »

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Re: Introducing: Improved Shotgun Sounds (and others)
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2012, 21:45 »

Would you happen to have the playstation Doom sound effects? For the Weapons, monsters, etc?
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