Currently, DoomRL uses the shotgun firing sound from Doom. As anyone who played the game a lot knows, this also includes the sound of the shotgun being pumped at the end. For me, it got very confusing using the combat shotgun, because I would hear the gun get pumped...and then hear it a second time when I moved. I could never remember if there was a shell in the chamber or not.
Here's an improvement. I truncated the shotgun sound down to right before the cocking noise. (About 0.55s.) I also added in a shell loading sound for the combat shotgun.
Now when you use the combat shotgun, you hear a blast, followed by a pump, followed by a shell loading if you press R. It makes it much easier to keep track of what's going on.
The shotgun blast sounded a little short at first, but when I loaded it up on the second day I didn't even notice. Give it a try.
To use, just unzip it to your DoomRL directory and make sound.lua look like this: powerup = "wav/dsgetpow.wav", --or whatever is last
dofile "shotsounds.lua"
Thanks to tehtmi for helping me with the .lua code.