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Author Topic: Fixed sound?  (Read 13867 times)

Jered Cain

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Fixed sound?
« on: December 01, 2006, 17:54 »

I've got a little piece of my .INI file here, after I did a little bit of tweaking to make the monsters sound how they sounded in the actual games.  No longer do Shotgunners sound like demons.  And no longer do Lost Souls sound like they're gibbing with every move.

Code: [Select]
SOUND_PISTOL    = "wav/dspistol.wav";
SOUND_SHOTGUN   = "wav/dsshotgn.wav";
SOUND_PLASMA    = "wav/dsplasma.wav";
SOUND_ROCKET    = "wav/dsrlaunc.wav";
SOUND_BARREL    = "wav/dsbarexp.wav";
SOUND_RELOAD    = "wav/dswpnup.wav";
SOUND_DOOROPEN  = "wav/dsbdopn.wav";
SOUND_DOORCLOSE = "wav/dsbdcls.wav";
SOUND_ITEM      = "wav/dsitemup.wav";
SOUND_AMMO      = "wav/dssgcock.wav";
SOUND_BFG       = "wav/dsbfg.wav";
SOUND_PUNCH     = "wav/dspunch.wav";
SOUND_CLAW      = "wav/dsclaw.wav";
SOUND_FBALLFIRE = "wav/dsfirsht.wav";
SOUND_FBALLHIT  = "wav/dsfirxpl.wav";
SOUND_BRLMOVE   = "wav/dsstnmov.wav";
SOUND_POWERUP   = "wav/dsgetpow.wav";
SOUND_PUSHFAIL  = "wav/dsnoway.wav";
SOUND_PLDEATH   = "wav/dspldeth.wav";
SOUND_SKULL     = "wav/dssklatk.wav";
SOUND_ROCKETEXP = "wav/dsrxplod.wav";
SOUND_TELEPORT  = "wav/dstelept.wav";
SOUND_DIEIMP    = "wav/dsbgdth1.wav";
SOUND_DIESER    = "wav/dspodth1.wav";
SOUND_DIEFORMER = "wav/dspodth3.wav";
SOUND_DIEDEMON  = "wav/dssgtdth.wav";
SOUND_DIECACO   = "wav/dscacdth.wav";
SOUND_DIESKULL  = "wav/dsskldth.wav";
SOUND_DIEBARON  = "wav/dsbrsdth.wav";
SOUND_DIECYBER  = "wav/dscybdth.wav";
SOUND_DIEARACH  = "wav/dsspisit.wav";
SOUND_ACTIMP    = "wav/dsbgact.wav";
SOUND_ACTFORMER = "wav/dsposact.wav";
SOUND_ACTSER    = "wav/dsposact.wav";
SOUND_ACTDEMON  = "wav/dsdmact.wav";
SOUND_ACTCACO   = "wav/dscacsit.wav";
SOUND_ACTSKULL  = "wav/dssklatk.wav";
SOUND_ACTBARON  = "wav/dsbrssit.wav";
SOUND_ACTCYBER  = "wav/dscybsit.wav";
SOUND_ACTARACH  = "wav/dsspidth.wav";
SOUND_HITIMP    = "wav/dspopain.wav";
SOUND_HITSER    = "wav/dspopain.wav";
SOUND_HITFORMER = "wav/dspopain.wav";
SOUND_HITDEMON  = "wav/dsdmpain.wav";
SOUND_HITCACO   = "wav/dsdmpain.wav";
SOUND_HITSKULL  = "wav/dssklatk.wav";
SOUND_HITBARON  = "wav/dsbrssit.wav";
SOUND_HITCYBER  = "wav/dsdmpain.wav";
SOUND_HITARACH  = "wav/dsspidth.wav";
SOUND_PAIN      = "wav/dsplpain.wav";
SOUND_LEVER     = "wav/dsswtchn.wav";
SOUND_CHAIN1    = "wav/dssawhit.wav";
SOUND_CHAIN2    = "wav/dssawful.wav";
SOUND_HOOF      = "wav/dshoof.wav";
SOUND_DIEPAIN   = "wav/dspedth.wav";
SOUND_ACTPAIN   = "wav/dspesit.wav";
SOUND_HITPAIN   = "wav/dspepain.wav";

SOUND_ACTVILE   = "wav/dsvilact.wav";
SOUND_HITVILE   = "wav/dsvipain.wav";
SOUND_DIEVILE   = "wav/dsvildth.wav";
SOUND_ATKVILE   = "wav/dsvilatk.wav";

EDIT: I made a few more changes since things didn't sound quite right, and now everything's as close to as it should be.  Kornel, take a look again.

Edit Deux: We do not have Arachnotron sounds, I repeat, we don't have Arachnotron sounds.  That's why they sound like the Spider Mastermind.  I will find them, download, and send to Kornel.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2006, 15:29 by Jered Cain »
Jered Cain didn't like it too rough.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2006, 18:35 »

This one will be official in the next release :)
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

Jered Cain

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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2006, 05:03 »

Also, for all of you watching, please note.  I could not make all the changes I wanted to make due to coding problems, for example, Hell Knights and Barons of Hell are one and the same to the sound code.  Also, some of these changes don't seem to be working, but I'm not entirely sure about that.  More extensive research is required.
Jered Cain didn't like it too rough.


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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2006, 06:49 »

I always wondered, why arachnotron sounds like Spider Mastermind? Maybe add sounds corresponding to every monster, because sound of arachnotron for people, who played an original DooM a lot, causes one reaction, and sound of Mastermind causes another? Also i found in "wav" directory mancubus sounds, but haven't found him in game(or in ini). It's for the future?))
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Malek Deneith

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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2006, 07:53 »

Mancubus is planned for 0.9.9 or later versions...
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Jered Cain

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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2006, 15:26 »

... Crud.  I even missed that.  Making the Arachnotron change now, will re-edit the first post again.
Jered Cain didn't like it too rough.


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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #6 on: May 02, 2007, 23:16 »

This is sound and music setup I've been using:

MUSIC1       = "mp3/e3m3-e4m3.mp3"; //v good music 4 the 1st screen of DooMRL, and also its unused
obviously I downloaded the mp3s for the above.

SOUND_DIESER    = "wav/dspodth1.wav"; //fixed in 0.987
SOUND_DIEDEMON  = "wav/dssgtdth.wav"; //fixed in 0.987
SOUND_DIESKULL  = "wav/dsfirxpl.wav";
SOUND_ACTSER    = "wav/dsposit3.wav";

Also I like these original DooMRL sound effects, having got used to them:
SOUND_DIEIMP    = "wav/dsbgsit2.wav"; //the other death sounds too human to me
SOUND_ACTSKULL  = "wav/dsslop.wav"; //this always makes me think of lost souls now

It would be really good though if we had unique DooM sounds for everything, if someone could find or create Doom-like sounds so that each sound_xxx had a different, good and easily identifible sound.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2007, 23:30 by Firstblood »


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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2007, 10:10 »

Hey, Firstblood have quite nice bindings, i like them. I set everything as he does, but
SOUND_DIEIMP    = "wav/dsbgsit2.wav" i left as before, Firstblood's sound setting don't makes me think of DEAD imp.

I uploaded several more sounds because i don't like that Arachs have sound of Spider Mastermind. Also i changed shotgun sound to double shotgun sound, because i like it more.))

Copy all files from archive into "wav" directory and replace [Sound] block in "doomrl.ini" file with following:
Code: [Select]
SOUND_PISTOL    = "wav/dspistol.wav";
SOUND_SHOTGUN   = "wav/dsshotgn.wav";
SOUND_PLASMA    = "wav/dsplasma.wav";
SOUND_ROCKET    = "wav/dsrlaunc.wav";
SOUND_BARREL    = "wav/dsbarexp.wav";
SOUND_RELOAD    = "wav/dswpnup.wav";
SOUND_DOOROPEN  = "wav/dsbdopn.wav";
SOUND_DOORCLOSE = "wav/dsbdcls.wav";
SOUND_ITEM      = "wav/dsitemup.wav";
SOUND_AMMO      = "wav/dssgcock.wav";
SOUND_BFG       = "wav/dsbfg.wav";
SOUND_PUNCH     = "wav/dspunch.wav";
SOUND_CLAW      = "wav/dsclaw.wav";
SOUND_FBALLFIRE = "wav/dsfirsht.wav";
SOUND_FBALLHIT  = "wav/dsfirxpl.wav";
SOUND_BRLMOVE   = "wav/dsstnmov.wav";
SOUND_POWERUP   = "wav/dsgetpow.wav";
SOUND_PUSHFAIL  = "wav/dsnoway.wav";
SOUND_PLDEATH   = "wav/dspldeth.wav";
SOUND_SKULL     = "wav/dssklatk.wav";
SOUND_ROCKETEXP = "wav/dsrxplod.wav";
SOUND_TELEPORT  = "wav/dstelept.wav";
SOUND_DIEIMP    = "wav/dsbgdth1.wav";
SOUND_DIESER    = "wav/dspodth1.wav";
SOUND_DIEFORMER = "wav/dspodth3.wav";
SOUND_DIEDEMON  = "wav/dssgtdth.wav";
SOUND_DIECACO   = "wav/dscacdth.wav";
SOUND_DIESKULL  = "wav/dsfirxpl.wav";
SOUND_DIEBARON  = "wav/dsbrsdth.wav";
SOUND_DIECYBER  = "wav/dscybdth.wav";
SOUND_DIEARACH  = "wav/dsbspdth.wav";
SOUND_ACTIMP    = "wav/dsbgact.wav";
SOUND_ACTFORMER = "wav/dsposact.wav";
SOUND_ACTSER    = "wav/dsposit3.wav";
SOUND_ACTDEMON  = "wav/dsdmact.wav";
SOUND_ACTCACO   = "wav/dscacsit.wav";
SOUND_ACTSKULL  = "wav/dsslop.wav";
SOUND_ACTBARON  = "wav/dsbrssit.wav";
SOUND_ACTCYBER  = "wav/dscybsit.wav";
SOUND_ACTARACH  = "wav/dsbspact.wav";
SOUND_HITIMP    = "wav/dspopain.wav";
SOUND_HITSER    = "wav/dspopain.wav";
SOUND_HITFORMER = "wav/dspopain.wav";
SOUND_HITDEMON  = "wav/dsdmpain.wav";
SOUND_HITCACO   = "wav/dsdmpain.wav";
SOUND_HITSKULL  = "wav/dssklatk.wav";
SOUND_HITBARON  = "wav/dsbrssit.wav";
SOUND_HITCYBER  = "wav/dsdmpain.wav";
SOUND_HITARACH  = "wav/dsmetal.wav";
SOUND_PAIN      = "wav/dsplpain.wav";
SOUND_LEVER     = "wav/dsswtchn.wav";
SOUND_CHAIN1    = "wav/dssawhit.wav";
SOUND_CHAIN2    = "wav/dssawful.wav";
SOUND_HOOF      = "wav/dshoof.wav";
SOUND_DIEPAIN   = "wav/dspedth.wav";
SOUND_ACTPAIN   = "wav/dspesit.wav";
SOUND_HITPAIN   = "wav/dspepain.wav";

SOUND_ACTVILE   = "wav/dsvilact.wav";
SOUND_HITVILE   = "wav/dsvipain.wav";
SOUND_DIEVILE   = "wav/dsvildth.wav";
SOUND_ATKVILE   = "wav/dsvilatk.wav";

SOUND_DIEMAN    = "wav/dsmandth.wav";
SOUND_ACTMAN    = "wav/dsmansit.wav";
SOUND_HITMAN    = "wav/dsmnpain.wav";

[Edit] Attached archive below if you don't want to mess with rapidshare.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2008, 02:43 by Blade »
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Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #8 on: May 17, 2007, 23:59 »

Hmm, shall I change it to those bindings for the next version?
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

Malek Deneith

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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #9 on: May 18, 2007, 10:27 »

Ummmm... the double hstgun shoud used by blade is nice, but I think it would be better to set shotty double shotty sounds separate and use it only for double one... it just sounds too strong for regular one.
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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #10 on: May 18, 2007, 10:36 »

Yes, now i think so too. It not fits to my feeling of sound of normal shotgun. If it could be possible to separate them, it would be cool. Also it would be cool if you could separate BoHs sounds and HKs sounds.

I edited string of shotgun sound back to normal sound.
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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2007, 16:06 »

Guys, tell what you think about new sound bindings. Personally i like it, it's more convenient to determine, what is happening, and new Arachnotron sounds rocks!
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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #12 on: October 20, 2007, 08:39 »

Sounds kickass, and gives me all the more reason to be scared when i hear bigger and badder enemies on the other side of that door O.o

Super Jamie

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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #13 on: August 29, 2009, 07:36 »

May I make the suggestion that some Uniques optionally have their own sound?

At least the Blaster from Q2, it should have sounds/weapons/laser2.wav from baseq2/pak0.pak. I can upload this file if you would like?

The other Uniques probably have sounds to keep them canon with their sources.

Maybe even a Unique item pickup sound? I would expect an "Ahh, fresh meat" when one picks up the Butcher's Cleaver for example.

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Re: Fixed sound?
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2010, 04:36 »

Is this the sound for 9.9.1? I believe some of the sounds in the latest release are still off. Particularly for the demon when he gets close.
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