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Author Topic: News from the Forge vol. 3: DoomRL BETA status thread  (Read 16585 times)


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It is that time again! After few long months of deathly stillness, Chaosforge lunges back to life: and its life is epitomised by newest marvel from our beloved Majesty hands: Doom The Roguelike BETA 1. This version will bring a number of new features, never seen before, and it will shake the foundation of earth and sky, and when it is released, doom will rain from heavens upon the heathen...

So convert quickly, make a donation and observe the cool new features as they are added.

And if you can't: here is the run-down on what is new so far.

Sidenote: interestingly, this is one of the stablest betas ever seen by the betatesters, and almost entirely free of bugs.

Let us see: two bugs that were visible and prominent (Armory level being destroyable, and Armory being completed without Shambler biting the dust) -  squashed.
One very little known, yet ancient bug (armor and player name colors at extreme value starting to turn into weirdest of colors) - squashed.
Number of bugs so insanely obscure that nobody ever knew of them - squashed.
Yes, bug-cleansing of the game is proceeding as planned. 

New Features
And again, a number of features you might be interested in:
  • Ammo packs, as suggested in RFE forums.
  • Three new level events!
  • Items on explored squares are now visible - and while this change is still experimental, it was met with wide acclaim among testers.
  • Bridges are now (finally, I'd say) guaranteed to spawn on rivers. So fear not their rushing sound. Which is not actually yet implemented.
  • A few more cosmetic changes - including higher number of Pain Elemental spawns and Cyberdemon being immune to lava/acid.

So far, the changes has not been that numerous, right? But wait! There is more to come, and this more will be earthshaking! Just wait until His Majesty Kornel, Almighty Forgemaster puts, for example, character classes upon his anvil and adds them!

And if you want to see this changes before anyone else, seriously, appreciate his omnipotence and donate!
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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The Zeal of the Priests of the 'Forge always takes me by surprise D:
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz

General Patton

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i iz in ur forj givn u tin dahlurs

i can haz baytuh
« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 17:00 by General Patton »

Shoop da Whoop

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Yay, now I have contribution in the game!
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He played classic Doom but not passed. He also played rogulikes. And once he found the intersection of these sets...

Angles of death

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I just have a question, will the Cyberdemon walk through acid and lava, now? On my previous game, the Cyberdemon was rendered immobile by the
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and was pretty much a sitting duck.
Take a look to the sky just before you die it's the last time he will!!!


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In the current beta, the cyberdemon is immune to acid and lava. As a result, he will happily walk through them.

Shoop da Whoop

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It's nearly two weeks passed, we want bread and circuses!
*Shoop da Whoop walks around thread nervously*
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He waited enough for new version of DoomRL.
He played classic Doom but not passed. He also played rogulikes. And once he found the intersection of these sets...


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First, huge apologizes from my side from posting this approximately two weeks after the beta was posted, but the thing is, I was away most of that time.

Anyway. Beta 2(B, because first attempt at beta 2 was kind of... well, bugged) is upon us, and thank Kornel for that. I can already assure you that changes in it are BIG. How big? Well, as big as introduction of master traits in .9.9, and that means REALLY big - for DoomRL now has classes. Of course, this is scarcely the only addition in this beta, but I am quite sure that the most important one. So, if you finally want to gain a class... well, you know what: Almighty Kornel appreciates donations.

None apart from bugs introduced by previous beta, so nothing that would concern wider audience. Well, maybe one thing: BB-colored screenshots will now be more accurately coloured.

New Features
And here, the list is now quite long, so sit back and listen:
  • Three character classes - marine, scout and technician!
  • Four (!) new master traits - Scavenger that disassembles and Survivalist that is Badass^2 and Sharpshooter and Running Man.
  • Much needed nerf of Intuition.
  • Slight recolouring of pinky demons to make them... well, pinkier?
  • New song by our awesome IRC regular Simon-v - Something Wicked, to be heard in the Mortuary.

Okay. That is a bit, is not it? And if it sounds interesting enough for you, there is little stopping you from seeing and playing with it just now - only a smallest donation. And seriously, Kornel needs them. So, be kind to your devloper, and donate a bit.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 15:35 by Gargulec »
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

Shoop da Whoop

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Well, better late than never.
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Nice. I wonder what the differences between the three classes will be?
Logged HB 1L. (3-2/6-3/3-1/0/0)

General Patton

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Marines can take Badass immediately without needing TaN. Scouts can do the same for Intuition and Technicians can go right for Whizkid.

Each class has different master traits to choose from.
Marines get Vampyre (minimum level 6), Army of the Dead (minimum level 6), Ammochain, Sharpshooter (max damage on all pistol attacks, SoG3 & EE3, blocks TaN SoB & Dualgunner) and Survivalist (armor can reduce attacks to zero damage and medkits can heal you above 100%, Iro3 TaN2 & Badass, blocks Hr SoB & Berserker).
Scouts get Blademaster, Fireangel, Gun Kata, Cateye (minimum level 6) and Running Man (double run duration without aiming penalties, Juggler & Dodgemaster, blocks TaN SoB & Dualgunner).
Technicians get Vampyre, Fireangel, Ammochain, Sharpshooter and Scavenger (can turn some guns into mods [modded or assembled=common mod, exotic or unique=any mod {can produce multiple copies of otherwise unique mods}], Juggler Int1 & Whizkid2, blocks Berserker Dualgunner & Triggerhappy).

Btw, don't try Ao100 as a Technician with Scavenger AND Sharpshooter. You can only take ONE master trait.

Game Hunter

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Adding on to Patton's post, the ideal product will be that every class will have five UNIQUE master traits from which players can select. We've already started brainstorming ideas for new masters to fit the duplicate spaces (the most likely candidates to replace are MVm/MFa/MAc from Technician and MSs from Marine) and will hopefully leave us with fifteen total masters. In this way, masters can be tailor-fit to the class's requirements, rather than carefully balancing masters across multiple classes (which would be a pain and would still result in everyone picking the best class for that master).

I should also mention that the focus on this version (aside from solidifying classes) will be leaning toward improved game moddability. There will probably still be some AI tweaks to remove the more glaring abuses, but more than likely modders will get the chance to customize the AI easier (which, at the very least, can get them to work toward improving the AI, which can then easily be added in the version after).
I'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.

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Re: News from the Forge vol. 3: DoomRL BETA status thread
« Reply #12 on: August 02, 2011, 17:14 »

We are not dead yet! And more, we are being graced by...

DoomRL Beta 3
DoomRL Beta 3b
DoomRL Beta 3c

DoomRL Beta 3d

...okay, that release was troubled, I admit, but that is mostly due to the fact that the game engine itself is undergoing massive reworking, which, while not affecting us, ordinary players that much means that a) there is a whole lotta of bugs in this beta(s), b) modders can do even more now, and if you have seen samples of their work, you will know how good is that - for TCs are not that far ahead of us!

Anyway, new beta is out and is being tested right at the moment, by a dedicated group of people who have shown heart and donated to Kornel Almighty so... I won't linger and just scribe what is new (granted, the changes are few, though kind of big...):

Barring some beta-exclusive insects and bugs, there is one bug more important squashed by this beta, an amusing one, too. You see, few threads ago, I have mentioned an introduction of single monster level types, but anyone who has played recent version can confirm a lack of such events in actual gameplay... and that was due to a bug, that was, rejoice, squashed by Our Divine Developer in the newest, that is that one, beta.

New Features
And again, a number of features you might be interested in:
  • Each character class now has a class-specific special trait: instantaneous item usage for technicians, stair-sense for scouts and extra toughness for marines!
  • New challenge mode: claustrophobic Angel Of Darkness (though it is less of a new and more of an "old classic revamped to modern standards!:
  • Angel of Light Travel revamp!
  • And last but not least, a very classy DoomRL menu sounds!

So, that is all for now, stay tuned for future updates, donate if you want to experience them on your own... and... well... know that the new version of DoomRL will see public release before the first day of the month of September!
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 17:24 by Gargulec »
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

Shoop da Whoop

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Re: News from the Forge vol. 3: DoomRL BETA status thread
« Reply #13 on: August 02, 2011, 17:39 »

Seems like now there is classic trio - The Tough, The Fast and The Smart.
And if in AoDa you cannot see far, then is rather agoraphobic challenge.
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He had posted some posts.
He waited enough for new version of DoomRL.
He played classic Doom but not passed. He also played rogulikes. And once he found the intersection of these sets...

Ander Hammer

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Re: News from the Forge vol. 3: DoomRL BETA status thread
« Reply #14 on: August 02, 2011, 19:46 »

Oooh, classy menu sounds. I hope they are what I think they are.

I can't donate to check until at least next month. :(
Hell Baron Major
Quest: bronzes/silvers i guess
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