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Author Topic: [U|AoSh|97%|YAVP] Gatekeeper Diamond / The Wall with Shotguns  (Read 4369 times)


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subtitle: UAC Star (gold cluster), Grim Reaper's Badge (bad idea!), The Wall

 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Dave, level 16 Imp Sergeant Major, sacrificed himself to kill the Cyberdemon
 on level 25 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 104635 turns and scored 375240 points.
 He played for 17 hours, 45 minutes and 4 seconds.
 He was a man of Ultra-Violence!

 He killed 1454 out of 1485 hellspawn. (97%)
 He held his right to remain violent.
 He was an Angel of Shotgunnery!

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 10
  Levels visited   : 10
  Levels completed : 9

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  UAC Star (gold cluster)
  Aurora Medallion
  Explorer Badge
  Grim Reaper's Badge
  Hell Champion Medal
  Hell Armorer Badge
  Shottyman Bronze Badge
  Shottyman Silver Badge
  Shottyman Gold Badge
  Gatekeeper Silver Badge
  Gatekeeper Diamond Badge
  Scavenger Silver Badge
  Scavenger Gold Badge
  Arachno Silver Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 0/60   Experience 120321/16
  ToHit Ranged +0  ToHit Melee +0  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Ironman          (Level 1)
    Finesse          (Level 2)
    Hellrunner       (Level 3)
    Tough as nails   (Level 2)
    Reloader         (Level 2)
    Dodgemaster      (Level 1)
    Whizkid          (Level 2)
    Badass           (Level 1)
    Shottyman        (Level 1)
    Fireangel        (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   Cybernetic Armor [7/7] (100%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   nothing
    [c] [ Boots      ]   modified plasteel boots [4/4] (100%) (A)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   modified assault shotgun (8d3) [8/8] (B1P1T2)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] focused double shotgun (9d4)x3 [2/2]
    [b] nuclear BFG 9000 (8d8) [40/40]
    [c] modified BFG 9000 (10d8) [220/220] (B3)
    [d] medical armor [2/2] (100%)
    [e] Necroarmor [6/6] (100%)
    [f] Angelic Armor [7/7] (65%)
    [g] shotgun shell (x7)
    [h] shotgun shell (x50)
    [i] shotgun shell (x50)
    [j] shotgun shell (x50)
    [k] shotgun shell (x50)
    [l] shotgun shell (x50)
    [m] shotgun shell (x50)
    [n] shotgun shell (x50)
    [o] shotgun shell (x50)
    [p] envirosuit pack
    [q] envirosuit pack

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    119 former humans
    106 former sergeants
    107 former captains
    200 imps
    112 demons
    425 lost souls
    53 cacodemons
    60 barons of hell
    1 Cyberdemon
    26 hell knights
    36 arachnotrons
    31 former commandos
    15 pain elementals
    50 arch-viles
    72 mancubi
    36 revenants
    2 bruiser brothers
    1 shambler
    1 lava elemental
    1 Arena Master

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 2 he entered Hell's Arena.
  He left the Arena as a champion!
  On level 6 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 6 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
  He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
  On level 8 he witnessed the Wall.
  He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
  On level 10 he entered Hell's Armory.
  He destroyed the evil within and reaped the rewards!
  On level 11 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
  On level 12 he found the Necroarmor!
  On level 13 he assembled a focused double shotgun!
  On level 15 he encountered the Phobos Hellgate.
  On level 16 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
  On level 16 he invaded the Unholy Cathedral!
  He fled the Unholy Cathedral seeing no chance to win.
  On level 18 he ventured into the Spider's Lair.
  He cleared the Lair, kickin' serious spider ass!
  On level 19 he entered the Vaults.
  He cracked the Vaults and cleared them out!
  On level 22 he found the Acid Spitter!
  On level 22 he was foolish enough to enter the Mortuary!
  On level 22 he found the Angelic Armor!
  He managed to clear the Mortuary from evil!
  On level 23 he entered the Lava Pits.
  On level 23 he found the Cybernetic Armor!
  He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
  He nuked level 24!
  Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
  On level 25 he finally sacrificed himself to kill the Cyberdemon.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 overload the nuclear reactor... [Y/n] You overcharge the nuclear
 plasma rifle! Warning! Explosion in 10 seconds!
 You start running!
 Warning! Explosion in 9 seconds! You feel vulnerable again.
 Warning! Explosion in 8 seconds!
 You see : green wall
 Warning! Explosion in 6 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 5 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 4 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 3 seconds!
 Warning! Explosion in 2 seconds!
 You wear/wield : a Cybernetic Armor [7/7] (100%) Warning! Explosion in 1
 You can't, your Cybernetic Armor is cursed!
 You feel relatively safe now. Congratulations! You defeated the
 Cyberdemon! Press <Enter>...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 7 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 4 of those were killed.

 1 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.

 Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 2 souls claim to have killed him...
 1 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 1 killed the bastard and survived.


Managed to get my first GK Diamond here, also cleared The Wall for extra experience. Was going for a YAAM minus one run (minus AoD), and will keep in mind that AoD should be possible for the future. However Mortuary nearly killed me, either I used the wrong shotgun (or didn't find the right one), or the wrong strategy, or it's just plain difficult for shotgun-users there.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2011, 18:14 by Firstblood »

Game Hunter

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Wait, do you mean that you think AoD is possible on UV AoSh, or just in general? Because I would never try to do it in a situation where I didn't have at least a combat knife (and, by extension, a chainsword). I'm kinda surprised you went through the trouble of killing the Lost Souls with a 50% to-hit fist. I am also impressed with the clearing of The Wall, musta gotten lucky with some phases (I just hope you picked up Fireangel in time to avoid the big damage).

Mortuary is always hard if you don't have the damage to deal with the constantly-encroaching army. Most games use a BFG or a missile launcher (or Ammochain plasma and a long time) but shotty builds should probably use MAD so that the damage outside of vision actually hurt more than one. FDS is a decent substitute, but I would definitely combine it with DM/MFa's ability to avoid damage to get closer. Either way it's gonna be a pain, but at least it's not as bad as pistol Mort.

You seem to have picked up the game rather quickly, I hope to see plenty more! (And I've seen the post in the Nightmare! forum, well done.)
I'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.

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I was thinking AoD in general is very killable now, but you're right, it's not a viable strategy for fists only runs. (I'm not saying it's impossible, but the chances are around 1 in 1000 that it's possible, in this version), still if I ever end up on AoSh or AoMr or during a strongman/demonic run and I have extreme luck with the RNG maybe I'll attempt it.

The Wall was indeed phase devices (homing to get back).
I tried a modded assault shotgun at first in the Mortuary (I brought mods in with me in preparation and I headed straight for it first thing), I expected it to work and kill at far distance, but it didn't, and I was quickly running out of shells, so I did indeed switch to FDS and had to close range to hit the Arch-Viles who didn't want to be nice and stand in front, which was extremely dangerous (MFa helped, and I had to sit next to some Mancubi & Arachni), it's definitely not something I advise and it was very costly in the supplies so I consider it a bad move, until I have the appropriate weapons or figure out a better strategy for dealing with Mortuary using shotguns. Once I reached the centre I was at least able to pick up some additional shells from dead sergeants.

I can't take credit from picking up the game quickly, as I've played UV/N! before in a previous version (pre a long time ago, and this version gives more options and improved strategies.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2011, 01:57 by Firstblood »


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Something seems wrong with this mortem, you say that you cleared the wall? Did you forget to get the reward?
v.997 [16/5/2/0/0]


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I wanted it (main reason for attempting), but it was destroyed by Hell Barons firing from right to left.
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