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Author Topic: [N!|Ao100|90%|YAVP] Dervis' Medallion, Centurial Diamond Badge  (Read 2093 times)


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  • More Angelic than not
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Hi all!  I haven't posted in months because I actually got over my DoomRL addiction for a while, but I guess I'm having a relapse.  :)  I played the first 30 levels in one sitting and for the rest, I left the computer on and played them bits at a time over the course of the next few days.  It took a while to get through all 100, so I'm lucky there wasn't a power failure.  :)

This was a very lucky game, seeing that I got my favourite armour ever, the Necroarmor on level 2!  And later, I found a nano pack, giving me infinite plasma gun ammo fairly early on.  There were a few close calls here and there, but overall, I didn't have a lot of trouble winning after that.

I cleared most of the levels, destroying bodies as I went so they couldn't regenerate.  It would probably have gotten tedious if not for all the new additions in this version.  (I got my introduction to Nightmare Arachnotrons with a cave full of them; also, Nightmare Arch-Viles?  Eek!)  :o  The Combat Translocator made a handy addition to my arsenal, (hmm...  I think I'll deal with that Cyberdemon later; bye bye!)  :)  and I brought the napalm launcher and acid spitter thinking they would be handy for submerging bodies so they can't regenerate, but I didn't actually use them.  I made an assault rifle at one point, but decided I much preferred the gatling gun I had been using.

I was invulnerable when I entered the Lava Elemental cave, so I regretted that I had used my nuke on the previous level.  It would've made a nice addition to my body count to have 20 extra Lava Elementals on there.  :)  Oh well...  (Needless to say, I fled that level)

Nothing much else to say except that I breezed through the last ten levels as quickly as possible and used a homing phase device to get me to the exit at the end.  I'd just had enough of the game by then.

 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Tormuse, level 25 Hell Knight Warrant Officer, completed 100 levels of torture
 on level 100 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 348413 turns and scored 5902508 points.
 He played for 3 days, 5 hours, 28 minutes and 9 seconds.
 He opposed the Nightmare!

 He killed 5194 out of 5753 hellspawn. (90%)
 He held his right to remain violent.
 He was an Angel of 100!

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 0
  Levels visited   : 0
  Levels completed : 0

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  UAC Star (gold cluster)
  Experience Medal
  Experience Cross
  Dervis' Medallion
  Technician Silver Badge
  Armorer Gold Badge
  Centurial Gold Badge
  Centurial Platinum Badge
  Centurial Diamond Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 90/100   Experience 1065998/25
  ToHit Ranged +4  ToHit Melee +4  ToDmg Ranged +5  ToDmg Melee +5

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Ironman          (Level 5)
    Finesse          (Level 2)
    Hellrunner       (Level 2)
    Tough as nails   (Level 2)
    Son of a bitch   (Level 5)
    Reloader         (Level 1)
    Eagle Eye        (Level 2)
    Juggler          (Level 1)
    Dodgemaster      (Level 1)
    Intuition        (Level 2)
    Whizkid          (Level 1)
    Badass           (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   Necroarmor [6/6] (95%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   tactical shotgun (8d3) [3/6]
    [c] [ Boots      ]   tactical boots [1/1] (100%)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   modified plasma rifle (1d8)x6 [14/40] (A1N1P1)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] tactical rocket launcher (6d6) [5/5]
    [b] gatling gun (1d7)x6 [22/52]
    [c] combat translocator (0d0) [50/60]
    [d] napalm launcher (7d7) [1/1]
    [e] Acid Spitter (10d10) [10/10]
    [f] chainsword (4d6)
    [g] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [h] 10mm ammo (x100)
    [i] shotgun shell (x35)
    [j] shotgun shell (x50)
    [k] shotgun shell (x50)
    [l] shotgun shell (x50)
    [m] rocket (x5)
    [n] rocket (x10)
    [o] rocket (x10)
    [p] small med-pack
    [q] large med-pack
    [r] large med-pack
    [s] large med-pack
    [t] large med-pack
    [u] large med-pack

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    263 former humans
    565 former sergeants
    622 former captains
    311 imps
    35 demons
    480 lost souls
    74 cacodemons
    582 barons of hell
    5 Cyberdemons
    181 hell knights
    316 arachnotrons
    32 former commandos
    75 pain elementals
    349 arch-viles
    398 mancubi
    305 revenants
    52 nightmare imps
    149 nightmare cacodemons
    206 nightmare demons
    107 nightmare arachnotrons
    11 nightmare arch-viles
    49 bruiser brothers
    13 shamblers
    9 lava elemental
    5 agony elementals

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  On level 2 he found the Necroarmor!
  On level 15 he assembled a tactical boots!
  On level 15 he assembled a gatling gun!
  On level 20 he encountered an armed nuke!
  On level 22 he assembled a tactical rocket launcher!
  On level 31 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
  On level 32 he found the Nano Pack!
  On level 36 he encountered an armed nuke!
  On level 36 he assembled a chainsword!
  On level 41 he assembled a assault rifle!
  On level 48 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
  On level 49 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  On level 53 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
  On level 58 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  On level 60 he ran for his life from lava!
  On level 60 he found the Acid Spitter!
  On level 63 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
  On level 67 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
  He nuked level 73!
  On level 74 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  On level 74 he stumbled into a lava elemental cave!
  On level 75 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  On level 80 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
  On level 86 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
  He nuked level 90!
  He left level 94 as soon as possible.
  On level 96 he encountered an armed nuke!
  He left level 97 as soon as possible.
  On level 100 he finally completed 100 levels of torture.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 You prepare the tactical shotgun instantly!
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : blood
 You reload the tactical shotgun with shotgun shell.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : a bruiser brother (almost dead) [m]ore | blood
 The bruiser brother dies. The bruiser brother suddenly rises from the dead!
 You use a homing phase device. You feel yanked in an non-existing
 direction! You dodge! You dodge! You hear the scream of a freed soul!
 You dodge! You dodge! You dodge! You dodge! You dodge! You hear the scream
 of a freed soul! You dodge! You dodge! You dodge! You hear the scream
 of a freed soul! You dodge! You dodge! You dodge! You dodge! You dodge! You
 dodge! You dodge! You dodge! There are stairs leading downward here.
 Unknown command. Press "?" for help.
 You did it! You completed 100 levels of DoomRL! You're the champion! Press

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 46 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 38 of those were killed.

 4 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
 And 3 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 1 souls claim to have killed him...
 1 killed the bastard and survived.

Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
Check out my Youtube channel for videos of me playing DRL!  :)
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