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Author Topic: Ride Across The River IC  (Read 31254 times)


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Ride Across The River IC
« on: September 22, 2011, 07:58 »

You still could not get used to the fact that the FTL drive just hummed when engaged, instead of roaring as it used to before Mai installed her latest upgrades. Still, it did make your life much more comfortable - though the the attempts to go to sleep still failed. So, having nothing better to do (unless you really wanted to watch that asari flick Mai was so ecstatic about) you just replayed the message from your current employer.

'Three weeks ago, my idiot's brother daughter was kidnapped by a band of ascended thugs who apparently believed that they could use her to blackmail me. As if I'd care for some asari.'

After hearing those words, you did not even have to look at the holo to see the face of the turian businessman before your eyes. He sounded just so palvean. Besides, you knew his voice and face from before. Trak Na'Qun was his name, and he was... well, an owner of a small, but well-prospering company and one of the most vocal nationalists out there in the Hierarchy.

'But of course I must not allow them to go unpunished for their arrogance. And thankfully, that so called 'mercenaries' proved to be as sloppy as my brother's security, and we have managed to track them down to a system in Terminus Systems. I want you' his tone was visibly used to giving orders 'to go there, find them, and kill them all. Every single of them is to get a bullet to the head, no matter if they are women, children or children with women. No one dares to mess with me. Especially not some thugs from Omega. And quite frankly, I want nothing more. If that asari girl lives, all the better, but their deaths come first. Of course, I will pay you extra for her being alive. But you will have to deliver her to me personally, because she has to learn a few things before I even start considering her a member of my family again. And you have my permission to do whatever you want with her as long as you get her to me alive and not crippled. I have no use for cripples. Ah, and it goes without mentioning that if any details of this mission ever make their way to the extranet, you both are facing a certain death. I will not allow myself to be disgraced!'

The message ended with that cheerful note. Enclosed, there were coordinates of a star system in Terminus, a file on that asari kidnapee and an another one on the mercenaries responsible. And, of course, information on the payment. One hundred and fifty thousands credits plus twenty five thousand extra for the girl being rescued alive and delivered to the given location.

'He is a kind of dick, is not he?'

You turned around to see Mai standing in the doorway, yawning and flexing her blue-skinned limbs. She had it good, she had no problems sleeping with a FTL on.
And greater honour is well due to them
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Xander Morhaime

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #1 on: September 22, 2011, 11:08 »

Seren Vorrech wasn't particularly bothered by sleep problems - his past military service had conditioned him to just catch any sleep where possible, and make do otherwise. He wore a standard and unremarkable military jumpsuit, lacking rank and service distinctions - no point in drawing extra attention on this job.

"Just your average high officer, making up a lack of distinctions by shouting and acting harsh. Just have to learn to nod, keep quiet, and don't look smarter than he thinks himself to be," Seren replied, switching off the recording. "How much longer until we reach the site?" he asked, bringing up the file on the planet in question, scanning it for possible groups that might complicate matters. Gangs, mercenary companies, pirates, Krogans... best to limit the number of involved parties. Less chance of major media attention. He also checked the file on the target gang - paying attention to any ties to other groups his employer might have dug up, possible funds and assets, numbers...

Spirits, but he missed having someone else to do recon and planning. Well, that's the life of a freelancer...
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #2 on: September 23, 2011, 12:14 »

'An hour. Hour and a half, tops' she shrugged, sitting herself on a nearby crate. She was wearing cargo pants and a loose, thick, pale-green blouse, a garb dangerously modest by asari standards of tight, form-fitting body-gloves.

The information in the enclosed files was staggeringly extensive, covering everything up to almost exact coordinates of your target's base, to the point it became quite dubious that your employer could have gathered it on his own. A good information broker seemed much more likely.

You destination was an entirely unassuming star system in Ismar Frontier - an aged sun with a single planet, and a rocky chunk barely big enough to be called such, mined dry around two centuries ago. And while the cluster itself saw some interest from Blue Sun and Omega's entrepreneurs, the chances of running into them here ran pretty close to nil.

The band itself was thankfully not affiliated with any of the big mercenary bands trio, instead being just another rag-tag bunch of humans, batarians and other scum led by a young krogan calling himself "Ghazkul", counting between ten and fifteen heads. They seemed to specialize in mid-profile kidnappings, having conducted three of them before, growing bolder with each - Na'Qun being easily the most influential of their targets, using the funds gained that way to arm themselves to the teeth and claim an abandoned mining outpost for their base of operation - an outpost you were about to storm, by the way. Fortunately, it would also seem that they have suffered serious casualties in a run in with a Blood Pack not long ago, having to replace almost the half of their ranks with green recruits fresh out of Omega's gutter.

'So, anything of interest here?' Mai asked seeing you finish the reading. 'Anything to make the job more interesting for you?'
« Last Edit: September 23, 2011, 12:37 by Gargulec »
And greater honour is well due to them
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Xander Morhaime

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2011, 12:41 »

"Spirits, I hope not. Last thing I need is for this contract to turn interesting," the Turian quickly replied with a shake of his head. "Think you could do a flyover of this site here when we arrive?" he asked, indicating the name of the mining outpost in the mission briefing. "Wouldn't hurt to have a look at the terrain... maybe I can lure some of them out into the open or something," he muttered to himself. The more thugs he could take out in the open, the less he'd have to worry about when attacking the outpost itself. That cheapskate Na'Qun couldn't even spare money for a second gun... Sweeping a structure - any structure - without someone to watch his back just raised all sorts of alarm flags in his mind.
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #4 on: September 23, 2011, 13:49 »

'I guess' she shrugged again. 'Though chances are that we are going to get spotted, but maybe if luring them out is what you really want, it is not such a bad idea after all. And if the look at the terrain is all you want, then rejoice, for I will be finally able to put that new scanner suite to some use. If it up to specs, then you should get a perfectly accurate scan of the entire area's topography and maybe even their exact postions, and that would help, would not it be?'

Ever since she bought that scanners (which took almost the entirety of your previous payment), Mai was itching to test them out.
And greater honour is well due to them
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that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #5 on: September 23, 2011, 15:11 »

"Try not to be too obvious about it. Unless you put guns in on this crate while I wasn't looking, we don't want to attract their full attention. This job's all kinds of messed up without adding a hot drop on top of it all," Seren replied, then got up with a sigh. Something about the mission just had "deathtrap" written all over it.

"I'm going to check my gear and suit up. Let me know if anything comes up."
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2011, 04:17 »

1 hour later

The ship jerked, the quiet buzz of the FTL engine changing to the much loader roar of the main thruster. Mai flicked a switch on the console, opening the shutters, revealing the system in all its non-existent glory to your eyes. The target planet gleamed in the distance, looking even more unremarkably than on the image provided by your contractor - just a grey chunk of rock, battered by the eons of bombardment by space's detritus, as evidenced by the countless craters dotting its surface.

'And here we are' sighed your asari pilot, starting to guide the ship down towards the planet. 'So you wanted that flyover, yes?'

Not really expecting you to confirm, she started the quick descent.

'Coordinates' she ordered calmly, and the ship's VI instantly displayed the location of your target. Mia nodded, and adjusted the course slightly. 'Hey, we should be in range now, could you give those sensors a test?' she asked, not looking at you, just concentrated on the piloting. 'There should be a console there somewhere' she added, pointing at a newly installed screen in cockpit's corner.

From up here, you could see much more detail of the planet's surface... apparently, there quite heavy mining operation going down there some time ago, for strewn among the craters, you could see a lot of remnants after them - mostly the husks of miners habitats and other hardware that was simply not worth reclaiming after the planet was mined dry.
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2011, 06:55 »

"Well, let's see what we can see," Seren muttered to himself, seating himself in front of the sensor controls and setting to work. Times like this, he was quite thankful for the range of skills he'd picked up during his military career, and that operating remote sensors was one of them. Between that, his skills of observation, and the natural paranoia of a frontline soldier, he hoped to find any difficulties his employer's agents had missed, preferably before he ran into them in person.

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2011, 07:29 »

The scanners proved to be a bit more complicated that you were used to work with, and it took you a longer moment to figure out how to process all information gathered by them. But the results were... impressive. A holograph of the entire base and its surroundings displayed itself on the screen.

The interior was mapped only sketchily: you gathered enough information to determine that the base was a two-level building, placed below the surface of a sizeable if flattened by age crater's bottom, with only a single entrance above the ground level. The area immediately around it was mostly featureless, with gentle slopes of the crater being almost perfectly smooth, with only a few paths carved into them. Apart from that, there were two places of interest immediately noticeable: a rectangular spot of evened ground mid-slope with a small shuttle landed on it - so, a landing pad and also a small, though quite high building on the crater's edge, about five hundred meters from the base's entrance - most likely an old communication array.

Interestingly, a few pieces of what should be scrap moved in a regular pattern - so probably, the mercenaries decided to bolster their defences with a few security mecha, making them patrol the perimeter around the base. There were four of them in total moving, though it would not be impossible for the mercs to have more than that, just tucked away inside of the base.
And greater honour is well due to them
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that after all the Persian shall break through.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2011, 14:17 »

"Think you can put us down someplace out of sight of the mining outpost? I'd rather not put them more on alert than necessary..." Seren asked, leaning back from the sensor console briefly to call out to the pilot, before leaning in again to continue studying the information, formulating plans.

"Order of priority, silence long-range comms, neutralize motor pool, effect hostage retrieval, cleanup," the Turian muttered to himself, propping up his chin with one hand while working the sensor console with the other. "Check outbuilding first, proceed to shuttle pad... hmm, need predicted patrol routes for junkers," he went on, tracing out the lines of patrol and copying them to his omni tool. After some thought he also downloaded the building schematics and made a note to add the list of gang members before disembarking. It'd serve as a useful checklist. He also made a note to load the HEAP rounds into the launcher first. For the 'mechs... and the Krogan.
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #10 on: September 27, 2011, 12:47 »

'I guess' the asari muttered thoughtfully, manipulating something with ship's control. The vessel jerked again, beginning a much more rapid descent towards the surface. She turned her head for a moment, appraising the holographic display of the terrain. 'It's kind of flat, though' she added, steadying the course. The eezo core kicked in, soothing the already minor g-forces. All in all, it was a really pleasant compared to a planets with a real gravity. The asari flexed, stifled a yawn and spared the map another look, this time studying it far more thoroughly.

'Yep, absolutely flat' she said, zooming the map a little. 'Oh' she spotted something, and zoomed again. 'There is this crater about two klicks from the target, deep enough to hide the ship in. And looking at the energy output of their base, it is unlikely that they have any good scanners running, so chances are that they will not ever realize we have landed there. Though you'd have to do a little walking. Else, it is all flat and if they have anyone in that comm tower, we will get spotted. And I'd rather avoid that. So?' she asked, but apparently was not even waiting for an answer, starting to plot the course for the crater already.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2011, 14:50 by Gargulec »
And greater honour is well due to them
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that after all the Persian shall break through.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #11 on: September 27, 2011, 14:57 »

"Unless you like the thought of a boarding party, I suggest going for the crater site. I'll worry about any watchers from the tower if and when the matter comes up," Seren replied from the armoury. Poly-carapace hardsuits took a while to put on, after all. Once he had the basic suit on, he fitted the breather mask to the inside of his helmet and put it on, connecting it up to the rest of the suit. That done, he retrieved his weapons from storage - the assault rifle, pistol... and grenade launcher, along with a small satchel of ammunition. All in working order...

"If you can, try to listen in on any base comms. Otherwise I'll be maintaining radio silence unless things go awry," the Turian told Mai, stepping back into the freighter's cockpit.
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2011, 09:57 »

She chewed her lip. 'I guess that I should be able to tap into their comms... maybe' she said. 'They do not look like a sort that would invest in decent encryption, right?'

She let the question hand unanswered, returning to steering.

Few minutes later

The planet looked even more unassuming up close - just a desert of grey dust as far as an eye could see. It kind of looked like the footage from that moon of human homeworld you caught a glimpse of some time ago on the extranet, only without the importance and military bases. You hoped, at least. The distant sun shone on the edge of the horizon - you came in just in time for the pretty sunrise.

Mai put the ship down gently. She was a good pilot, at least as far as the basic manoeuvres go. How would she fare in combat enviroment... you could not say. Thankfully.

Looking drowsy as always, she yawned, closing her eyes.

'I've uploaded the map to your suit' she muttered, her fingers dancing on of the many flickering consoles in the cockpit, apparently fine-tuning the sensors and monitoring suites. 'Anything more I should know?'
« Last Edit: September 29, 2011, 13:59 by Gargulec »
And greater honour is well due to them
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that after all the Persian shall break through.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2011, 17:45 »

"I would suggest locking down the ship and powering down what isn't necessary to keep a low profile. On the off chance the landing site is discovered, I suggest relocating. At any rate, try to keep the ship in one operational piece until my return," the Turian replied. "I've provided you with my comms encryption keys for this mission, if there's anything I need to get across."

That done, he made for the airlock. At least there should be a basic atmosphere present... he was in for a long walk. On the bright side, the dust he'd pick up on the way would make for good makeshift camouflage for the outpost approach.

He'd worry about plotting a route later - first he had to get out of the crater. That alone should get his suit nice and dusty for the road ahead.
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2011, 14:19 »

She nodded, opening the airlock for you, releasing you to... a mostly bland interior of the crater. The doors to the ship closed behind you as you descended from the ramp. The gravity here, much to your surprise, was higher than you would expect it to be, only slightly lower than on an average Palavean-sized world, and the dust beneath your feet was quite solid too, enough to make it quite stable as you climbed from the crater's interior.

It took you few minutes to reach the edge of it, and then a few more to plot a path towards your target. The long part was actually walking there: though still, two kilometers were hardly a great distance. Half an hour later, you were close enough to see the comm tower in the distance, two hundred meters from your position.

There was a bit of garbage strewn around here, and you yourself were hiding inside of a one - a wrecked mining vehicle stripped of all useful parts, but still with enough hull to keep you from being spotted by those in the tower: if they were watching, of course.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2011, 14:48 by Gargulec »
And greater honour is well due to them
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #15 on: October 05, 2011, 11:30 »

Seren thanked the Spirits in his mind for arriving here by low-budget means. A flashy ship likely would've attracted attention, a regular freight hauler on the other hand...

Well, time to earn his paycheck. From his current hiding spot, he spent a minute or two observing the patrol routes of the mechs present on site, checking his observations with the map of predicted patrol routes he'd made based on the aerial observations. The plan at least hadn't changed. Cut comms, sabotage motor pool, extract hostage, mop up. The mechs were an added distraction, but only had to be considered as a safety hazard, rather than an additional target. Bots didn't fall under the category of gang members, after all.

When possible, he'd also sneak a glance up at the comms tower, hoping for signs of activity inside - or a ground-level access point. A door or some such would do nicely.

Once he was relatively sure that the coast was clear of any nearby mechs, the Turian would leave his little shelter and move quickly over to the base of the comms tower, checking around it for a doorway of any sort if he hadn't seen one earlier from the single observation point.
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #16 on: October 10, 2011, 09:42 »

The tower remained, as expected, perfectly still. There was a sign of an activity inside, though: a positioning light blinking red on the top of it. Apparently, their connection to extranet was active right now. As for the entry points, it had none, but a low, singe-store building standing next to it had a new airlock installed - as new as the thick bundle of cables connection one of the walls to the comm array proper. Apparently, there was someone inside.

As for the mechs... well, figuring out their patrol routes was hardly difficult task. A pair of them passed next to the tower every ten minutes, then stood frozen in one place for a minute or so before continuing. You could not tell if the pair was one and the same every time, or if they were separate patrols... not from the distance, anyway.

And then, all of the sudden, the airlock swirled open, releasing a single man outside - guessing by his stature, either human or batarian. It was impossible to tell for certain, given that he was wearing a light full-body suit. For a moment, you tensed, fearing detection, but the man paid no attention the wreck you were hiding in, instead just turning towards the crater and starting a descent to the main base.
And greater honour is well due to them
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that after all the Persian shall break through.

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #17 on: October 10, 2011, 14:46 »

Seren sighed quietly and pulled his rifle from its holster. No arguing about it now, this was hostile territory. He powered up the rifle and turned off the safety, taking a moment to size up the departing person through the sights before turning his attention to the comms tower again. A confined space wasn't the best place for a fight, not with his weapons, but for the time being they didn't seem to be expecting guests.

The Turian waited a little while longer for the gang member to get further away before leaving his cover and making for the tower and its new airlock - and hoping fervently that nobody had thought to lock it lately.

Well, he'd find out in a moment.
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2011, 15:54 »

The leaving mercenary, thankfully, did not bother to lock the airlock behind him: the console next to the door was flashing with inviting green.

The airlock itself was a massive, circular door, apparently added to the building only recently. By the look of it, if locked, it would outlast the building it was protecting.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2011, 15:56 by Gargulec »
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that after all the Persian shall break through.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #19 on: October 10, 2011, 16:37 »

Seren commented mentally on the sloppiness of gang thugs in terms of security, but he wasn't about to complain. Anything that made the job easier for him...

"Well, no sense putting it off any longer," he muttered to himself, keyed in the cycling sequence on the airlock, and stepped in, rifle at the ready. He was a bit tense - first contact tended to be a horrible mess at the best of times - but none the less tried to be ready to engage anything that might be on the other side of the door.
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2011, 08:09 »

The airlock door hissed, extruded forth slightly and rolled to the side, revealing the plain, cable strewn interior. You entered, and it sealed quietly behind you. The automated systems started equalizing pressure and decontamination - it took but a while. Moments later, all the standard procedures were done, and the interior door swung open, letting you in.

'Snorri?' you heard a bored voice, and then a lithe, young female human practically walked at you, eyes set at something on her omnitool so completely that she did not even realize who you were. She was not wearing armour, just a standard, form-fitting sealant sheathe, and as far as you could see, she carried no weapons.

'You're back, goo... ' she muttered, turned of the omnitool and finally looked at you. Expression on her face changed in an instant, from utter boredom to mortal terror.

'Shit!' she yelped and tried to jump back into the room she came from, but fumbled and fell on her back. 'Who the hell are you? she asked, putting her arms in front of herself in a defensive gesture.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2011, 08:20 by Gargulec »
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

Xander Morhaime

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #21 on: October 12, 2011, 12:48 »

"Recovery detail," Seren replied in an emotionless tone of voice, cautiously stepping out of the airlock and into the comms tower interior, keeping his rifle trained on the ganger. "Don't do anything stupid and you won't get hurt. Anyone else in this tower?"

The Turian moved to a corner of the room where he'd have a good view of both the current target and the airlock. The girl had been expecting someone to come back, therefore he should too. Feeling he had the situation relatively in hand for the moment, he moved on to gathering extra intel while he still could and had a viable source of it.

"Four questions for you. Where are you keeping the Asari? Where's the rest of your lot? Any backup communication systems aside from this place? And any other vehicles on site other than that shuttle?"
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #22 on: October 14, 2011, 14:15 »

'Don't shoot me!' she managed to stutter, trembling. The odds of her being combat able were close to nil. She looked at you, as if making sure that you are not bluffing, and then lowered her eyes. 'Please, don't shoot me, I am just here as a medic, Nis... the hostage, she did something stupid and they harmed her and she needed treatment, and my brother works with them so he called me, I am just a doctor, please don't shoot me...' there was a pause, likely her realizing that she is not answering your question and coming dangerously close to getting shot. 'They keep her on the bottom of the main building, in a cell, and most of them are there, only Snorri and...'

Loud footsteps echoed from the corridor leading further in.

'Nikita?' a man exclaimed loudly, and judging by the voice, he was a batarian - and he was coming. 'What the hell is taking you so long, women?!'
« Last Edit: October 15, 2011, 16:19 by Gargulec »
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2011, 05:25 »

Seren allowed himself a brief smile behind his helmet. One thing you could be sure of with Batarians - most would give you a reason to shoot them as soon as they opened their mouths.

Not wanting to get rid of his informant yet, and more importantly not wanting to tip off the Batarian to his presence, the Turian crouched down so as to present a smaller target, switching his aim from the human to the corridor. At the same time, he raised up a hand with a single finger extended to his face - he hoped she'd get the point to keep quiet. The gesture was brief, though, and he quickly returned the hand to grip his rifle. He didn't want to have to take more than one shot.
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.


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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #24 on: October 16, 2011, 08:10 »

'You're playing jokes with me or what?' the batarian snarled, his footsteps ringing closer every second 'answer me!'

Nikita stayed silent, though, curled up and too terrified to speak or cause any sort of troubles.

And then, the batarian emerged from the corridor, directly before you. A moderately tall creature, wearing a shiny combat suit with a sidearm safely holstered, he looked too annoyed to be careful. A cigarette was hanging from the corner of his mouth, leaving a faint trail of smoke where he walked. He stepped in, noticed Nikita on the floor, raised his eyes in surprise, and then noticed you - and did the worst thing possible. Instead of trying to jump back to cover, he reached for his gun, trying to draw it.
And greater honour is well due to them
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #25 on: October 16, 2011, 16:16 »

The Turian had a marked advantage, having his weapon out and trained on the general direction of the corridor by the time the Batarian showed his face. Seren didn't fire right away - the few seconds before the ganger noticed him, he relaxed as best he could, corrected his aim, and gradually pulled back the trigger with an exhale of breath.

The gunshots rang out particularly loud in the confined space, the rifle letting off a short burst of four shots.

12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.


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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #26 on: October 17, 2011, 05:13 »

The women shrieked as four slugs from your rifle lacerated the batarian. He died without word, with surprise forever seared in his all six eyes, his blood spluttering everywhere, drenching Nikita.

'Ohgodgodgodgodgod' she begun to mumble, curling up even tighter - if it was possible. 'Don't hurt me, don't hurt me...'
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #27 on: October 17, 2011, 09:51 »

Seren stood up slowly with a shake of his head. "Well, that's one down without raising alarm," he muttered to himself, ticking off one Batarian off the gang's roster.

"Now, this is a fairly important matter, so try to concentrate, hmm?" the Turian said, turning to the human woman. "What was wrong with the Asari that they needed to bring you in, and is the condition still present?" His own medical expertise was rather limited, after all, so if the hostage needed further medical care, it'd be useful to have a more competent medic around. At least for the time being. He could worry about letting her live or not once he exhausted the supply of targets in the main complex.
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #28 on: October 20, 2011, 12:32 »

'She... she...' Nikita managed to stutter, covering her head with her arms as if it was going to help anything. 'She did something stupid' she said, finally, not looking at you. 'And got beat bloody... a few broken bones and massive bruising... Snorri will be here any minute' she changed the topic all of sudden. 'Will you shoot him too? Please, please, he has not done anything wrong' she implored, apparently on a verge of a major breakdown.
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2011, 10:07 »

"I can't very well leave either of you behind unattended," Seren began, then paused to consider the situation. The element of surprise would only last so long, and the gang still had a marked advantage in numbers. Maybe there'd be some use out of these humans...

"You convince your brother to assist me in retrieving the Asari, though, and I'll help the two of you get off planet," he added, moving around the room so as to not be immediately visible from the airlock.
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #30 on: October 25, 2011, 11:00 »

Hope lightened her face.

'You will?' she asked, as if not believing herself. 'Oh thank you, thank...'

A sharp bleeping of her omnitool, signalizing a call, cut her tirade before it could get annoying.

'Snorri Sturlson' the device announced in an unpleasant, mechanical voice. 
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #31 on: October 26, 2011, 11:50 »

"Better answer that. I'd suggest you put on a "business as usual" approach, though. No telling who's listening in on the other side, hm?" the Turian suggested, stepping over the remains of the Batarian to investigate the rest of the comms tower for systems of tactical importance for the mission - or for guns left unattended, either one worked. He did make a point of taking the Batarian's gun with him, though. Best not to leave the human any chances to play hero.
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2011, 03:45 »

She gulped, nodding. For a second, she tried to calm herself and then accepted the call.

'Hey sis' the omnitool cracked with a voice of a young man. 'Listen, there is a situation here, so don't count on me coming just yet...'

'Okay' her reply was quick, maybe even a bit too quick.

'Eh, is something wrong, Niki?' the voice suddenly grew concerned 'Did that Batarian get to you again? I swear I'll...'

'No, no, everything is perfect!' she muttered, and it was obvious that she was on the edge of yet another outburst of sobbing.

'Listen, I don't know what happened, but I'll be there in a minute! Just hang there' he announced.

'No, Snorri no need!' she almost shouted to the tool, but he already terminated the call. She turned your head at you, waiting for a reaction.
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #33 on: October 29, 2011, 07:42 »

"Well, that's convenient," the Turian commented, leaning against the door frame. "I'll want to know just what he meant by "situation". And this way you can explain the predicament to him and get him to cooperate without anyone else listening in. Anyway, wait here and don't play the hero, and you'll get out alive," he added, briefly checking over his rifle.

Then, to hopefully avoid any nasty surprises like more than one person coming to the "rescue", he went up to the top of the comms building to watch for anyone approaching.
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.


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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #34 on: October 31, 2011, 15:37 »

There was a small balcony on the top of the tower, directly below the comm array itself, just spacious enough to perch yourself on it more or less comfortably. The view was uninteresting as from the ground level, though the patrol routes of the mechs were clearly visible - and a single figure in a bright yellow suit making his way up the crater's slope to the entrance, leaving a trail of footsteps imprinted in the dust.
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2011, 13:04 »

Seren didn't spend much time outside. The position was too exposed for his liking, he had a good view, but also could likely be seen without too much trouble. As soon as he saw the lone figure heading towards the tower, he ducked back inside.

"Best get suited up. There's someone on the way here, to be sure, I expect we'll be on the move soon," he told the doctor.
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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #36 on: November 09, 2011, 12:48 »

The women nodded, opening a locker by the wall, and starting to slowly get herself into a green enviro-suit. There was a holster on it, but no weapon.

The airlock hissed open a few minutes later, as Nikita was getting ready.

'Listen, many-eyed freak!' you've heard before the doors even swung open 'if you have done something to her again, I swear I'll blast you a few new eyesockets!'

And then, the massive disc rolled to the side, and Snorri found himself starring eye to eye with a turian mercenary, his sister getting suited up and a corpse of the batarian.

'On another thought' he sighed, raising his arms 'disregard that. And thank you, whoever you are, he was a real pain in the ass.'

He seemed strangely calm, not making any unnecessary, endangering gestures.
And greater honour is well due to them
when they foresee (and many of them foresee)
that in the end Ephialtes will appear,
that after all the Persian shall break through.

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Re: Ride Across The River IC
« Reply #37 on: November 10, 2011, 14:18 »

Seren kept his rifle at the ready, though at least he didn't point it at the newcomer after the first few moments.

"Yeah, don't thank me yet," he replied with a shake of his head. "I'm here to retrieve one Asari of note, and to ensure the gang responsible for her abduction doesn't cause any more trouble. Now, I'm fully prepared to do this on my own, but... I can't exactly leave loose ends unattended. Specifically, I can't leave your sister, and more importantly you to just sit here and cause Spirits know what trouble. So, my offer... help me recover the Asari and neutralize the gang, and in return I'll help you get off the planet. How's that sound?"
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.
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