You get several in-game minutes on a nuke level to a) outrun the nuke or b) find an invulnerability. This is plenty of time to see most of a level and kill everything in it, provided you've built properly and/or are willing to burn through some of your resources to speed things up and/or don't deal pathetic damage.
Spend less time gawking at things you won't take with you, fiddling with your inventory, un-blacking each tile, using wait tricks to catch wandering demons, etc. If taking a small risk is the nudge over the line between success and failure, you were probably going to die anyway.
Also spend less time complaining about it on the forums and fuming over your loss and re-examine how you died, what mistakes you made, how you could have been better prepared. Learn from it and apply the knowledge to future games, all of which have the potential to throw the same situation at you again and again. DoomRL is a game that rewards flexibility and occasionally punishes playing it the same way all the time (if it's not the silly magical 'right way' of the version, like old-fashioned ammochain).
Welcome to roguelikes, by the way. Be glad it's not a gnome with a wand of death.