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Author Topic: [N!|Ao100|84%|YAVP] Blood! Blood for Armok! God of blood! (Centurial Diamond)  (Read 10358 times)


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Well, I finally had a successful Angel of 100 Vampyre build!  :D  I just have one more Diamond to go and I can retire my DoomRL career as a God Hand.  :)

Notes on this run:

I almost rage-quit on level 2 when I accidentally destroyed a berserk pack.  I guess I can be glad I didn't.  :)

I held off on assembling a chainsword until I could be sure I could get an additional upgrade for it, (someone recently told me how to mod assembled items) which probably risked the run.  I wish I could say the risk paid off, but I found a chainsaw just afterward and ended up throwing the chainsword away after all.  :P

When I found the Hell Staff, I was planning to throw it away once I found a homing phase device, because I'd rather have something more reliable that I know where it's going to take me.  I generally consider regular phase devices (and the Hell Staff) to be too dangerous to use on Nightmare difficulty, but in this case, it turned out to be useful on several occasions, so I kept it until the end.

My tactical armour was destroyed the very next level after I made it by a barrage from Arch-Viles and Barons.  :|  But I found Malek's Armour on the very same level, which I wore until the end, so it all worked out.  :)

Those Cerberus Boots almost killed me!  I found the Cerberus Boots assembly purely by accident while slapping a whole bunch of mods on my boots, so I tried it out, mostly for the novelty of getting a Master Assembly for the first time.  Pretty soon, I found myself unable to escape from a group of Revenants and Arch-Viles and when I was down to my last med-pack, I took off the boots and found I fared much better.  Being able to walk over lava and acid is nice, but a 30% speed-reduction is deadly to a melee build!  :|

Interesting thing about the Acid Spitter:  It gives you 75% acid protection while you're wielding it, which includes protection from attacks from Barons!  (I don't think it's really a spoiler to say that, since their in-game description says they throw balls of acid)  From then on, I kept the Acid Spitter as my primary weapon, taking advantage of Juggler trait to fight with my power-modded double chainsaw in my prepared slot.  I charged into groups of Barons and Bruiser Brothers without fear for the rest of the game.  (Actually, for the last 40 levels or so, my Iro and TaN levels were high enough that I could charge into pretty much *any* group without fear)

For a good part of the mid-game, I worked on clearing every level, but at some point in the 50's or 60's I just decided to make a run for the exit as soon as possible each time.  If I had cleared a few more levels, I probably would have gotten an Experience Cross.  (I was pretty close to level 25!)

For the last half of the game, I was pretty much unstoppable.  If I understand the way the Berserker trait works correctly, I had, on average, a 23% chance of going berserk with each hit of my power-modded double chainsaw, so even if my berserk ever ran out, I could get it back with just a few hits.  And with the protection from being berserk and from the Malek's Armour, I was taking very little damage from anyone.  I could charge headlong into groups of Arch-Viles, Revenants, Mancubi, Arachnotrons...  you name it!  I came out of every skirmish on top.  I'm rather disappointed that I didn't encounter any Cyberdemons, since I'm sure I would've made short work of them.

 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Tormuse, level 24 Arch-Vile Blade Marine,
 completed 100 levels of torture on level 100 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 272002 turns and scored 4971784 points.
 He played for 1 day, 1 hour, 37 minutes and 9 seconds.
 He opposed the Nightmare!

 He killed 5259 out of 6221 hellspawn. (84%)
 He was an Angel of 100!

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 0
  Levels visited   : 0
  Levels completed : 0

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Experience Medal
  Dervis' Medallion
  UAC Star (gold cluster)
  Centurial Gold Badge
  Centurial Diamond Badge
  Centurial Platinum Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 77/110   Experience 880914/24
  ToHit Ranged +0  ToHit Melee +10  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +15

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Marine

    Ironman          (Level 5)
    Finesse          (Level 3)
    Tough as nails   (Level 3)
    Reloader         (Level 2)
    Brute            (Level 5)
    Juggler          (Level 1)
    Berserker        (Level 1)
    Whizkid          (Level 2)
    Badass           (Level 1)
    Vampyre          (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   Malek's Armor [3/3] (70%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   Acid Spitter (10d10) [10/10] {a}
    [c] [ Boots      ]   modified plasteel boots [2/2] (99%) (A)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   modified double chainsaw (8d7) (P)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a]   modified tactical shotgun (9d3) [6/6] (P1)
    [b]   modified micro launcher (5d5) [1/1] (A1)
    [c]   modified gatling gun (1d7)x6 [52/52] (A1)
    [d]   modified hyperblaster (2d4)x3 [40/40] (A1)
    [e]   Shielded Armor [2]
    [f]   10mm ammo (x100)
    [g]   shotgun shell (x47)
    [h]   rocket (x9)
    [i]   rocket (x10)
    [j]   power cell (x50)
    [k]   large med-pack
    [l]   large med-pack
    [m]   large med-pack
    [n]   large med-pack
    [o]   homing phase device
    [p]   homing phase device
    [q]   homing phase device
    [r]   thermonuclear bomb
    [s]   Hell Staff
    [t]   shell box (x100)
    [u]   shell box (x100)

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    Acid       - internal 0%    torso 95%   feet 95% 
    Fire       - internal 0%    torso 30%   feet 25% 
    Plasma     - internal 0%    torso 30%   feet 0%   

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    348 former humans
    380 former sergeants
    400 former captains
    211 imps
    58 demons
    1680 lost souls
    117 cacodemons
    464 barons of hell
    156 hell knights
    141 arachnotrons
    23 former commandos
    47 pain elementals
    301 arch-viles
    314 mancubi
    226 revenants
    44 nightmare imps
    84 nightmare cacodemons
    160 nightmare demons
    44 nightmare arachnotrons
    3 nightmare arch-viles
    41 bruiser brothers
    12 shamblers
    5 lava elemental

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  On level 10 he assembled a chainsword!
  He nuked level 12!
  On level 14 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
  On level 16 he assembled a gatling gun!
  On level 19 he assembled a micro launcher!
  He nuked level 24!
  On level 26 he found the Hell Staff!
  On level 27 he assembled a double chainsaw!
  On level 27 he assembled a tactical armor!
  On level 28 he found the Malek's Armor!
  On level 29 he assembled a hyperblaster!
  On level 31 he assembled a cerberus boots!
  On level 34 he stumbled into complex full of arch-viles!
  On level 37 he found the Shielded Armor!
  On level 38 he found the Anti-Freak Jackal!
  On level 39 he ran for his life from lava!
  On level 44 he encountered an armed nuke!
  On level 45 he found the Medical Powerarmor!
  On level 47 he found the Grammaton Cleric Beretta!
  He nuked level 48!
  On level 50 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
  On level 51 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  On level 51 he found the Acid Spitter!
  On level 54 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  He left level 54 as soon as possible.
  On level 55 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
  On level 61 he stumbled into a nightmare arachnotron cave!
  He left level 64 as soon as possible.
  On level 69 he stumbled into complex full of revenants!
  On level 70 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
  He nuked level 73!
  He nuked level 74!
  He left level 76 as soon as possible.
  On level 77 he ran for his life from lava!
  On level 78 he encountered an armed nuke!
  On level 78 he found the Jackhammer!
  He nuked level 81!
  On level 86 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
  He nuked level 87!
  He nuked level 88!
  He sounded the alarm on level 90!
  On level 90 he found the Hellwave Pack!
  On level 93 he stumbled into complex full of mancubi!
  Level 93 blasted him with unholy atmosphere!
  On level 93 he found the Revenant's Launcher!
  On level 95 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
  On level 96 he stumbled into a nightmare cacodemon cave!
  He left level 96 as soon as possible.
  On level 97 he stumbled into a nightmare demon cave!
  Level 98 was a hard nut to crack!
  He left level 100 as soon as possible.
  On level 100 he finally completed 100 levels of torture.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 You feel yanked away!
 There are stairs leading downward here.
 Just one more! Just one more! Will you die here? Press <Enter>... 
 You enter Phobos Hell, level 100.
 You start running!
 There is a small med-pack lying here.
 There is a Tracking Map lying here.
 You download tracking data to your PDA. You are hit! You are engulfed in
 flames! You are engulfed in flames!
 You dodge! The missile hits the arch-vile. You dodge!
 You dodge!
 You dodge! You dodge!
 You dodge! Boom!
 There are stairs leading downward here.
 You did it! You completed 100 levels of DoomRL! You're the champion! Press

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 460 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 394 of those were killed.
 27 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
 And 16 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 23 souls destroyed the Cyberdemon...
 4 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 19 killed the bastard and survived.

Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
Check out my Youtube channel for videos of me playing DRL!  :)


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OMG, Tormuse sits on his caboose and pwns DoomRL like a moose sitting on a goose.

(I'm sorry, I just had to make that joke.)

But seriously, so many diamonds with 460 recorded attempts on this file?  You must have learnt your material well!  Also, why stop at God Hand?  You should level up your kill experience to Cyberdemon too just to make things you know, complete.

* thelaptop stands in awe at the big heap of shinies

A pity I have little time these days to play much DoomRL, let alone pwn it the way you have been doing.
I computed, therefore I was.

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I just have one more Diamond to go and I can retire my DoomRL career as a God Hand.  :)
Well God Hand is probably the most impressive thing ever, but an Arch-vile God Hand isn't as revered as an Apostle God Hand, not to mention you probably still have some medals to collect. There are also a handful of never-gained Platinums and Diamonds you could aim for. Of course, if you're getting a little bored of playing DoomRL then there's always playing some of the mods, or making your own mods, or joining the beta-testing team, or anything like that.

I'd be ecstatic if you took the time to record these with Roguelike Studio, or wrote down what you consider good strategy for getting any of these badges. And before you say "well I got lucky" I'm pretty sure everyone here knows that you need to get lucky in order to win N! games. But you also need to be pretty damn good in order to make that luck mean anything. Surely you're a better writer for the badges guide than I am right now.
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OMG, Tormuse sits on his caboose and pwns DoomRL like a moose sitting on a goose.

Poor goose!  :P

But seriously, so many diamonds with 460 recorded attempts on this file?  You must have learnt your material well!

Well, there are also a whole bunch of attempts in previous versions...  I just looked back at my old mortems and I made 658 attempts before achieving my first Diamond, and it was an easy one, (back then) Longinus Diamond.  I did most of my learning back then.  :)

Also, why stop at God Hand?  You should level up your kill experience to Cyberdemon too just to make things you know, complete.

Heh, yeah, I'll probably play about 80 ITYTD games just to level up my Cyberdemon kills.  :)

Well God Hand is probably the most impressive thing ever, but an Arch-vile God Hand isn't as revered as an Apostle God Hand, not to mention you probably still have some medals to collect.

Apostle God Hand?  How do I get that?  There's a reference to "Apostle Insignia" on the wiki, but it doesn't really say how to get it.

I'd be ecstatic if you took the time to record these with Roguelike Studio, or wrote down what you consider good strategy for getting any of these badges. And before you say "well I got lucky" I'm pretty sure everyone here knows that you need to get lucky in order to win N! games. But you also need to be pretty damn good in order to make that luck mean anything. Surely you're a better writer for the badges guide than I am right now.

I downloaded and tried out Roguelike Studio recently when the Speedrun compo started and it gave me trouble when I tried to record with it.  There's a delay of about a second between each keypress and anything happening on the screen which makes the game unplayable.  :(  I think my computer is just too old; one of the reasons I play Roguelikes is that modern games don't work for me.  :)

And sure, I can write up some hints and tips for badge-huinters.  Is there a thread for that, or should I put it here?
« Last Edit: October 12, 2011, 14:25 by Tormuse »
Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
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Game Hunter

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And sure, I can write up some hints and tips for badge-hunters.  Is there a thread for that, or should I put it here?
If you want to work with what already exists, you can pick up a copy of my badges guide and edit it as much as you want: I'm giving full control to whomever is ambitious enough to work on it. Note that the last update was only good for, so I reckon there's probably a lot that needs updating. The Plat/Diamond sections were only good up to a point, and I imagine that's where you would want to spend most of your time changing things around.

Other than that, if you'd like to get started on some strategy sections over at the wiki, send me a PM or something (best bet is heading over to #chaosforge) and we'll discuss the general procedures of doing it (since there's barely anything there, I'd rather explain how it should probably be organized). Really, writing up any strategy pages on the wiki at ALL will be of great help, doesn't really matter what the subject is.

If you're not up to either of those suppose you could just write them in a Discussion forum topic. They won't be very cemented there, though.
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Well, I finally had a successful Angel of 100 Vampyre build!  :D  I just have one more Diamond to go and I can retire my DoomRL career as a God Hand.  :)
I swear, when I read this line, I opened my eyes widely and said "what theeeeeeee".
Yes, really, I did that literally. :D
[18|7|3|0|0|0] [MED:13/43] [SPE:36/67] [ASM:11/40]

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I downloaded and tried out Roguelike Studio recently when the Speedrun compo started and it gave me trouble when I tried to record with it.  There's a delay of about a second between each keypress and anything happening on the screen which makes the game unplayable.  :(  I think my computer is just too old; one of the reasons I play Roguelikes is that modern games don't work for me.  :)
You know this is a good thing to feed back to this thread to help improve the tool.

Don't just discount your machine like that, there might really be some performance issues that are not apparent when running on a more modern piece of hardware.

And yes, poor goose.
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@Game Hunter, I've looked over the badges guide and yes, there are a lot of additions and changes I'd like to make to it.  (For example, one thing that jumped out at me was your recommendation to use the nuclear BFG to nuke Cybie for the Demonic Diamond badge; that counts as weapon usage and would invalidate the badge!  I would hate for someone to get all the way to the end using only their fists just to lose the badge at the last second)  I'm not sure when I'll get around to making the changes; as I've indicated in other threads, I have other priorities in my life that I really should be focusing on right now and I've spent far too much time playing this game lately.  Coordinating about the strategy sections on the wiki is also a good idea, but again, I don't feel that I should be taking on other projects when I have things like employment to worry about.  If I do get around to it, I will definitely let you know, but don't get your hopes up about it.  I'm sorry I can't give a more favourable response.

@Parasait, why's that?  Because I'm approaching God Hand rank, or because I'm thinking of retiring?  :)
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@Parasait, why's that?  Because I'm approaching God Hand rank, or because I'm thinking of retiring?  :)
Heh, the former. Don't retire now though, keep rockin'! :D
[18|7|3|0|0|0] [MED:13/43] [SPE:36/67] [ASM:11/40]

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(For example, one thing that jumped out at me was your recommendation to use the nuclear BFG to nuke Cybie for the Demonic Diamond badge; that counts as weapon usage and would invalidate the badge!  I would hate for someone to get all the way to the end using only their fists just to lose the badge at the last second)
Whenever an enemy dies, the game checks to see what you're holding in order to determine what weapon was used to kill it. So long as you have "nothing" in that weapon slot, it'll count as killing with your fists. (If you have anything to refute this, I would be interested in seeing it.)

I'm not sure when I'll get around to making the changes; as I've indicated in other threads, I have other priorities in my life that I really should be focusing on right now and I've spent far too much time playing this game lately.  Coordinating about the strategy sections on the wiki is also a good idea, but again, I don't feel that I should be taking on other projects when I have things like employment to worry about.  If I do get around to it, I will definitely let you know, but don't get your hopes up about it.  I'm sorry I can't give a more favourable response.
It's no biggie, but it's always a shame when another veteran gamer leaves without providing some insight as to why they could play so well. Happens too often around here, which makes the turnover rate on veterans quite high. It also makes it harder for newer players to get better, since they have less advice to choose from. One day I'd like to get the strategy part of the Wiki solidified, so that everyone feels comfortable providing their own thoughts, but it'll take a lot of effort and I'm needed elsewhere at the moment. (Not to mention I haven't been playing a lot lately, so my opinions are a little skewed toward previous versions.)
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Heh, the former. Don't retire now though, keep rockin'! :D

We'll see.  :)  I'm debating whether to get one of the "easier" Diamonds for my fifteenth like Destroyer just to get it over with, or if I should try for something more spectacular like one of the never achieved ones, like Marksman, Inquisitor, or Everyman.  I have ideas for builds for all three of those, but nothing I've pulled off yet.

Whenever an enemy dies, the game checks to see what you're holding in order to determine what weapon was used to kill it. So long as you have "nothing" in that weapon slot, it'll count as killing with your fists. (If you have anything to refute this, I would be interested in seeing it.)

All I have is this mortem from early on in this version:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I was trying to get Sunrise Iron Fist as Conqueror.  When I didn't get the SIF badge, I assumed it was because I nuked JC with a Nuclear Plasma Rifle.  It was the only instance in the game that I wielded a weapon.  (aside from the chainsaw, which I quickly unwielded, and my starting pistol, which I also quickly unwielded before fighting anything)  On further reflection, it could be that I didn't get SIF because I died with the nuke.  Perhaps it doesn't count as a victory if you nuke JC the same as if you nuke the Cyberdemon?

Incidentally, is it really only if something dies while you have a weapon in your hand?  Does that mean you can, for example, break down The Wall with a rocket launcher and still get SIF?  ...or hit Cybie with a few BFG blasts and then finish him off with your fists and still get SIF?
« Last Edit: October 13, 2011, 20:31 by Tormuse »
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Incidentally, is it really only if something dies while you have a weapon in your hand?  Does that mean you can, for example, break down The Wall with a rocket launcher and still get SIF?  ...or hit Cybie with a few BFG blasts and then finish him off with your fists and still get SIF?

This was true in past versions, yes.
I haven't confirmed it for a while now.
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Heh, yeah, I'll probably play about 80 ITYTD games just to level up my Cyberdemon kills.  :)
I recommend M AoPc speedruns. If I had to guess I would say I got about 6-10 Cyberdemons per hour that way.

Apostle God Hand?  How do I get that?  There's a reference to "Apostle Insignia" on the wiki, but it doesn't really say how to get it.
Unfortunately sharing information is strictly forbidden, but I'll tell you what I can without getting banned. The short answer is, don't waste your time even thinking about it. The amount of luck you need just to get the game to generate an Apostle makes the Pacifism diamond look like a purely skill based challenge. Granted this was with, but I don't see any reason why the condition would have changed. Looking back, I can't say I'm happy to have met an Apostle, because that's when I realized I was never going to be able to pull it off two more times. If you are dead set one meeting one, all I can say is just keep playing. It might take a year or two, but if the stars align just right, you may someday get the RNG's blessing and actually have a chance at seeing one. I wish I could say I was just exaggerating.
[24|23|20|18|13] v.
[17|10|8|5|2] v.
[15|11|10|6|3] v.
[18|17|14|10|6] v.0.9.9

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Tormuse, if you are feeling bored I challenge you to achieve the following (for fun of course). Make a MMB technician and make a Fireshield Duelist Armor in the same game. That goal should keep you occupied as you build up Cybie kills.
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(6:50:23 AM) xander_morhaime: Briefly.

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I was trying to get Sunrise Iron Fist as Conqueror.  When I didn't get the SIF badge, I assumed it was because I nuked JC with a Nuclear Plasma Rifle. ... Perhaps it doesn't count as a victory if you nuke JC the same as if you nuke the Cyberdemon?
That is exactly the case. I included medals to that page just now as to be more accurate, but we've known that this is the case for some time now. This isn't an oversight of the game, it's executed as intended. (Had you been invulnerable at the time of nuke, however, it should have counted.)

Incidentally, is it really only if something dies while you have a weapon in your hand?  Does that mean you can, for example, break down The Wall with a rocket launcher and still get SIF?  ...or hit Cybie with a few BFG blasts and then finish him off with your fists and still get SIF?
Yes. Of course, this also works in reverse: if you happen to be holding a rocket launcher for wall-busting purposes and a demon kills itself in lava, that kill will be counted toward rocket launchers. I've outlined the general strategy on the Strategy:Fists page, though certainly your Demonic Diamond victory know-how can help that page out.

However you want to write things up, I can take care of the "posting on the Wiki" part if you want to just send me a text file with your thoughts on nearly any DoomRL subject.
I'm just a dude playing a dude disguised as another dude.

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