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Author Topic: [U|AoSh|99%|YAFW] Veteran Platinum - Thank you Malek, for helping my endgame  (Read 2721 times)


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 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Rahul, level 14 Arch-Vile Colonel Marine,
 nuked the Cyberdemon. on level 26 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 111717 turns and scored 330368 points.
 He played for 2 hours, 42 minutes and 37 seconds.
 He was a man of Ultra-Violence!

 He killed 1256 out of 1268 hellspawn. (99%)
 He was a real killing machine...
 He was an Angel of Shotgunnery!

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 9
  Levels visited   : 5
  Levels completed : 5

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Fallout Gold Cross
  UAC Star (silver cluster)
  Hell Champion Medal
  Shottyman Gold Badge
  Veteran Platinum Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 87/110   Experience 90088/14
  ToHit Ranged +0  ToHit Melee +0  ToDmg Ranged +1  ToDmg Melee +1

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

  Class : Marine

    Ironman          (Level 5)
    Tough as nails   (Level 3)
    Son of a bitch   (Level 1)
    Reloader         (Level 2)
    Badass           (Level 1)
    Shottyman        (Level 1)
    Army of the Dead (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   Malek's Armor [3/3] (99%)
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   modified double shotgun (8d3)x3 [0/2] (T1)
    [c] [ Boots      ]   modified plasteel boots [2/2] (100%) (A)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   shell box (x90)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a]   tactical shotgun (8d3) [6/6]
    [b]   Berserker Armor [0]
    [d]   shotgun shell (x2)
    [e]   large med-pack
    [f]   large med-pack
    [g]   large med-pack
    [h]   large med-pack
    [i]   large med-pack
    [j]   phase device
    [k]   envirosuit pack
    [l]   envirosuit pack
    [m]   envirosuit pack
    [n]   thermonuclear bomb
    [o]   lava element
    [p]   Arena Master's Staff
    [q]   modified acid-proof boots [0/0] (200%) (B)
    [r]   shell box (x100)
    [s]   shell box (x100)
    [t]   shell box (x100)

-- Resistances -----------------------------------------------

    Acid       - internal 0%    torso 30%   feet 50% 
    Fire       - internal 0%    torso 30%   feet 25% 
    Plasma     - internal 0%    torso 30%   feet 0%   

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    87 former humans
    76 former sergeants
    80 former captains
    116 imps
    56 demons
    579 lost souls
    20 cacodemons
    66 barons of hell
    1 Cyberdemon
    27 hell knights
    23 arachnotrons
    1 John Carmack
    13 former commandos
    36 pain elementals
    27 arch-viles
    24 mancubi
    20 revenants
    2 bruiser brothers
    1 lava elemental
    1 Arena Master

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  He started his journey on the surface of Phobos.
  On level 3 he entered Hell's Arena.
  He left the Arena as a champion!
  On level 5 he stormed the Chained Court.
  On level 5 he found the Arena Master's Staff!
  He defeated the Hell Arena Master!
  On level 5 he assembled a tactical armor!
  He left level 10 as soon as possible.
  On level 12 he witnessed the Wall.
  He nuked level 12!
  He massacred the evil behind the Wall!
  On level 13 he assembled a tactical shotgun!
  On level 13 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
  On level 14 he encountered an armed nuke!
  On level 15 he encountered the Phobos Hellgate.
  On level 17 he found the Malek's Armor!
  On level 23 he entered the Lava Pits.
  He managed to clear the Lava Pits completely!
  On level 24 he found the Berserker Armor!
  Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
  He nuked level 25!
  He defeated the Cyberdemon and found the TRUE EVIL!
  Then finally in hell itself, he killed the final EVIL.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 You see : John Carmack (mortally wounded) [m]ore | pool of blood
 The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies.
 The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies. The lost soul
 dies. The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : John Carmack (mortally wounded) [m]ore | pool of blood
 Carmack raises his hands and summons hellspawn!
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : John Carmack (almost dead) [m]ore | pool of blood
 The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies.
 The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies. The lost soul
 dies. The lost soul dies. The lost soul dies.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : John Carmack (almost dead) [m]ore | pool of blood
 John Carmack dies. You feel relatively safe now. Congratulations! You
 defeated John Carmack! Press <Enter>...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 1194 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 1006 of those were killed.
 6 of those were killed by something unknown.
 105 didn't read the thermonuclear bomb manual.
 And 44 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 33 souls destroyed the Cyberdemon...
 4 sacrificed itself for the good of mankind.
 26 killed the bastard and survived.
 3 showed that it can outsmart hell itself.


I decided my class with a die roll. Going Marine, the only decision was which order to take Iro/TaN.

The Chained Court is very tough in AoSh with weakened berserk.  I knocked some of the Barons into the lava, but couldn't get the AM into a good position.  I ended up using 2 large medpacks and 3 or 4 small ones. Two berserks were taken at the start (wore off right after killing the AM, at 13% health) and one before the final enemy (a Baron).

I skipped level 10 as it was an Arachnotron Cave, and I didn't feel anything good would come of it (still took a fair bit of damage while running to the exit).  However, it appears that that was the level Hell's Armory was on.  Whoops.  Also, level 9 was my previous best in 0.994, with 11, 12, and 19 in previous versions.

I missed at least one enemy on level 14 with the armed nuke, probably an imp.  that made me feel better about skipping 10.

Hellgate did not go so well either - I had a shockwave pack, and tried to release a Vile but failed.  I ended up moving northwest after the walls came down, past the Vile, into a little alcove where I had some cover.

I had two very close calls: ending up at 1% after a mancubus / vile surprise party; moving onto an invulnerability next to a lava barrel while running from VVRRR and getting the next action to pick it up (I had 150% health and Malek's at that point, so I think I was safe anyway, but it sure made the level easier).  One other Hell level I only cleared half of (a Maze, Hell 7 I think as the Mortuary was there), after dealing with a chest of Barons and some vile packs I thought it was getting out of hand.  judging by the kill count, there can't have been much left so I guess I should have stayed.

a Pain Elemental Cave (Hell 8, I think) was a bit fun - I started in view of 5 or 6 of them, so they were breeding very fast.  I moved onto a supercharge, then accidentally moved off without picking it up - took many turns before I could keep that space free of souls.  Each blast of the double shotgun was clearing 20-30 of them, very satisfying.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to go for the full win and risk Shottyman Gold, but finding invulnerability on Hell 9 gave me a safe option, with my homing phase.  with the Marine bonus, that actually lasted as I walked halfway across Phobos Arena to the stairs, and almost to the 'i' in HF, so I wouldn't even have needed the lava element.  JC was being silly, as discussed elsewhere.  Backing away from him to recharge Malek's wasn't that great of an idea, he and the lost souls kept on hitting me and it took a very long time to get him back in view.  I also completely forgot to use my envirosuits.

I had a lot of shell packs (unloaded one and a half), but usually used the shottyman reload instead.  still, no reason not to keep one there for heavy firing - especially with the double, that was very useful in a few places.

I really wanted to make fireproof acid-proof boots :). but no tech mods appeared other than the two for my shotguns.

One really scary moment (in a literal sense, it wasn't actually dangerous in-game): an arch-vile rocketjumping (with Revenant assistance) to appear right next to me.  He died from the blast, but it was really shocking.
Logged Arch-Vile Br. General [25/25/17/5/1] Hell Baron Major [ 21 16 12 4 1 0 ]


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Malek's armor has been saving alot of runs lately...
v.997 [16/5/2/0/0]
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