Version: DoomRL win
Platform: Windows XP
Bug description: Activated thermie at the Cybie level, but got killed before the countdown ran out. The bomb did go off and I assume that a partial win should be achieved. However no win message and no mortem was generated, instead the program took the mortem generated in previous game (so I learned that I was killed by arachnotron on L22), and the final score for that game wasn't written in the HighScores.
I did some testing by removing the mortem.txt file from the folder and repeated the process. This time the game crashed, and I got the following error message:
EInOutError: File not found (at $0045A8B6 or something...)
line 138 of vviewer.pas
line 268 of dfhof.pas
line 285 of doombase.pas
line 21 of doomrl.pas
Save game was created successfully, and when loading it I reappeared in Cybie level with -287% health (variable), and got killed by Cybie by a single shot. Normal mortem.txt "Killed by Cyberdemon" was generated, and HighScores showed "Defeated by CD" as well.
Then I tried to simulate the crash with missing mortem file, loaded the crashed save (again with some -265% health), healed myself to full health, and then impaled the Cybie on my shiney LS - this generated a standard win mortem.txt (Marine defeated the CD), but in the HighScores table, the record was shown as "won by sacrifice". This partial win wasn't recorded in Player info, though.
Note: I was playing this on AoB challenge with some heavy savescumming. I also tried to simulate the problem (activate thermie, get killed before it goes off) on a non-Cybie level, but this got me a standard "nuked himself" death, and no crashes.
I'll try to test this futher to see if this bug applies to JC level as well.