The really strong enemies: without Fireangel, either charge in (running on), try to lure/wait around corners to minimize fire, or just ignore them and go elsewhere. Fire resistance helps a lot. especially with the new Viles - fireproof red armour can be great.
You can't mod the cybernetic armour anymore unless you're a technician. I've liked the nanofiber cybernetic before, but I'd say Hellrunner and / or agility-tactical boots is essential as you get VERY slow. You can't double-bulk your chainsaw even with Whizkid, melee weapons are a bit more like armour/boots (only one of each except assemblies)
I'm not sure how Spider's Lair will be on AoB - arachnotrons are pushovers in melee, but they won't start out in melee range, and even camping one teleporter leaves another with good sight of you. They also won't trigger berserker from hitting you, as far as I can tell. On the other hand, TaN is quite effective against them. On that note, I think Ironman with the Marine bonus can make it hard for even the mancubi to trigger berserker, which is how I lost somebody in the Vaults. Mortuary should be fine for you, especially with all those skulls, but do keep a homing phase as it's easy to get into trouble.
Finesse is pretty good for you, I'd take some of that. Whizkid is probably not worth the effort as by the time you can make use of it on your weapon you should already have the Longinus Spear or Azrael's Scythe. If you do take whizkid and can make modded fireproof red armour or cerberus green/exotic armour, it would be quite nice but I still think you shouldn't bother.