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Author Topic: New Traits  (Read 73801 times)


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #75 on: March 28, 2007, 17:32 »

ummm since when has everyone had the power to smash the AoD? ive tried to kill him with a scummed save and even at full health and highest possible char level (most traits) at that point i still got my ass whupped with 1 hit! and that was on NTR diff, on AoB, so how easy is it to get? (hmm, sudden thought, will a nuke work, if u enter invulnerable?) and also, the req.s are a suggestion, but now i think just 2 brute, so both the pistol path and melee path unlock 2 traits... and how about 3 levels, each adding 5%, to a total of 15% insta-kill chance? with this, the mortuary wouldnt be suicide! (berserking with many paks, lots of armor, and a chainsaw, and Reaperman, Berserker, and Brute traits!) hell, Nightmare would be survivable, barely!


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #76 on: March 29, 2007, 05:16 »

ummm since when has everyone had the power to smash the AoD?

I've killed him in both non AoB and AoB games, and it wasn't that hard. Do you have chainsaw and berserker(the more the better)? Because if you aren't berserking the second you see him, you're doing something wrong, or just had horrible luck with berserker. Do you have levels in IM?

ive tried to kill him with a scummed save and even at full health and highest possible char level (most traits) at that point i still got my ass whupped with 1 hit! and that was on NTR diff, on AoB, so how easy is it to get? (hmm, sudden thought, will a nuke work, if u enter invulnerable?)

Don't know as I haven't tried, but I'm not sure you'd get the spear then.

and also, the req.s are a suggestion, but now i think just 2 brute, so both the pistol path and melee path unlock 2 traits... and how about 3 levels, each adding 5%, to a total of 15% insta-kill chance? with this, the mortuary wouldnt be suicide! (berserking with many paks, lots of armor, and a chainsaw, and Reaperman, Berserker, and Brute traits!) hell, Nightmare would be survivable, barely!

The Mortuary isn't a suicide even now with a melee character.

The problem I see with this is that compared to berserking all the time, having a 15% chance to insta-kill is pretty worthless. The reason being that hitting with the spear while berserking will kill pretty much anything in a single hit, or at most two hits, and berserking makes you also faster in both attacking and moving and gives you excellent damage resistance on top of that, so I'd pretty much rather be able to berserk all the time than have a 100% insta-kill ability (though I would take a 100% insta-kill trait to make even the pre-spear game a cake walk).

And the point of nightmare is that it isn't even remotely fair.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #77 on: March 29, 2007, 20:57 »

umm i get the point to nightmare...

i already tried nuking UC, and yep, blew up spear, WAAAAAAA....


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #78 on: April 06, 2007, 04:56 »

Demolition man:

When you are caught in an explosion caused by a rocket you fired or a barrel you set off, you take less damage from it. At least one point of damage is caused regardless.

Maybe this could apply to nukes too.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #79 on: April 06, 2007, 10:06 »

I really like Hellwalker and Fireball, I think they'd work well. :-)

With Hellwalker, I think it would be better to make it a one-level skill that completely eliminates acid/lava damage. Otherwise no one would bother using it, but with the fairly negigable effects of acid and lava on gameplay this wouldn't be overpowered.

For Fireball, I love the effect but I would rather have it changed to "demolition specialist" and available from the start. That way, the issue of giving you character superpowers wouldn't have to be raised.

My own ideas for traits:

Custom weaponry - Requires 2 reloader.
Your superiors told you not to modify your weapons. Look where that got everyone else. For each level of this trait, your clip size on most weapons increases. In addition, the number of bullets fired per round with Chaingun and Plasma Rifle increases by one per level.

(For actual clip size increases, I would say per level 1 for pistols, 5 for chainguns, 5 for plasma rifles, and 10 for the BFG)

Man of the Blade- Basic Trait.
You are trained in the art of bladed combat. You live by the blade, and now your enemies will die by it. For each level of this trait, damage from combat knives increase by 20%. In addition, at level one knives have an increased chance of causing bleeding, knives can be dual wielded at level 2, and at level 3 knives stack and can be thrown short distances (About the range of a shotgun)

I think this would be a fun trait, especially since it would allow for an actual malicious knives challenge to be added (As was being discussed previously.)
« Last Edit: April 06, 2007, 10:17 by Zeb »


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #80 on: April 07, 2007, 09:17 »

Custom weaponry - Requires 2 reloader.
Your superiors told you not to modify your weapons. Look where that got everyone else. For each level of this trait, your clip size on most weapons increases. In addition, the number of bullets fired per round with Chaingun and Plasma Rifle increases by one per level.

(For actual clip size increases, I would say per level 1 for pistols, 5 for chainguns, 5 for plasma rifles, and 10 for the BFG)

The next version will have weapon mods and some of this traits effects are already covered by another new trait, which you'll see in the next version (or the current beta if you're a supporter).


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #81 on: April 08, 2007, 12:52 »

Oh, cool.

I'm still fairly new to DoomRL but I'll probably donate eventually. Can you donate by mail or just by PayPal?

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: New Traits
« Reply #82 on: April 08, 2007, 12:56 »

PayPal only unfortunately. It's the only reasonable and secure way for money transfer to Poland. You can ask anyone with a electronic credit card to do it for you though.
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #83 on: April 10, 2007, 20:56 »

A little late to this discussion, but near the beginning everyone poo-poo'd on the idea of regeneration. I offer this suggestion: regeneration does not have to take one to 100%. Say you give the trait three levels. At the first level, you stop regenerating at 30%, then 40%, then 50%. Even make it excruciatingly slow to boot.

Just a quick thought.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #84 on: April 10, 2007, 22:17 »

That would still allow you to begin every new level at 30,40,or 50 percent.  Seems like everyone would take 3 regen and then hang around in cleared levels/safe spots forever until they hit however much health.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #85 on: April 11, 2007, 00:42 »

The point isn't the specific values, it's that it could be limited. I'm not really very good at the game yet, but it doesn't seem to me that 3 traits plus 2-3 in prereqs is non-trivial. Not to mention that these are kind of an insurance policy and don't really help during actual combat.

Would it really be game-breaking if you were guaranteed 30% health after each level?


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #86 on: April 11, 2007, 01:07 »

I'm not a big fan of regen in any roguelike. Games that use it usually have hunger and/or monster spawning to discourage indefinite lurking for full health. Some have more global effects to encourage activity, e.g. corruption radiation in ADOM. DoomRL doesn't implement any of these, and I think the game can do without them. Two possble ways to balance regen in DoomRL: (1) only allow the player to regenerate for a limited number of turns after the last hit taken, or (2) disable regen if there are no baddies left on the current level. Both sound kind of artificial to me, though.
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Re: New Traits
« Reply #87 on: April 11, 2007, 01:27 »

Good points. I could see how regen only working while the level is still populated can be written into plausibility, though. Doomguy is driven onward to hunt teh evils for as long as he can sense the demonic aura. Then, y'know, he gets bored because there's nothing left to kill.


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #88 on: April 11, 2007, 02:45 »

That would just lead to Doomguy using sound to isolate a demon, cacodemon, or human commando/some other not-so-tough enemy, scouring the level for the rest of the enemies, using regen as much as possible and then going ahead and killing the last enemy in as pain-free a fashion as possible.

Regenning only for a short while after the last hit... well, it's better, but it seems unless the cap on regen is rather low this could still potentially be abused.  I forsee many former foos being used for this purpose...  And if the cap is too low, what's the point of getting the trait?
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 02:57 by BDR »


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Re: New Traits
« Reply #89 on: April 12, 2007, 19:19 »

I like the 30/40/50 idea, it means that you lose perhaps HR or TaN or something, so you enter the level with slightly more than minimal health, but less ways of perserving that health. 3 levels of regen would mean that you have 3 less levels in other things, and thus it's not that much more of an advantage, and also, new idea, you get the health back once you go down the down stairs, as opposed to sitting around waiting for it to regen by holding the . key.
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