I finally decided to see what DoomRL would be like with music. So I downloaded all the mp3s, setup the config files, but when I try to run doomrl (i386 or x64) it fails and I get an entry in my error.log that looks like this:
Since it appeared that mp3s weren't going to work, I decided to try converting them all to ogg files. Surprise! DoomRL now runs with music for the first time in years. Given that it wasn't a quick fix, I wrote a shell script that downloads the mp3s, converts them to oggs, then makes the correct config file changes. The only real difference was that instead of using '0 - intro.mid' for the starting music it grabs the Doom II intro music instead. Here are the contents of get-ogg-for-doomrl.sh:
# You'll need grep, sed, awk, wget and sox with mp3/ogg support
# You can get much higher quality Doom MP3 tracks from
# http://www.sirgalahad.org/paul/doom/
echo "Music = {
start = \"ogg/d2title.ogg\",
interlude = \"ogg/d1inter.ogg\",
bunny = \"ogg/d1end.ogg\",
intro = \"ogg/e1m1.ogg\",
hellgate = \"ogg/e1m8-e3m4-e4m1.ogg\",
level2 = \"ogg/e1m2.ogg\",
level3 = \"ogg/e1m3.ogg\",
level4 = \"ogg/e1m7-e2m5-e4m8.ogg\",
level5 = \"ogg/e1m5-e4m4.ogg\",
level6 = \"ogg/e1m6-e3m6.ogg\",
level7 = \"ogg/e1m4.ogg\",
level8 = \"ogg/e1m9-e3m9-e4m9.ogg\",
level9 = \"ogg/e1m1.ogg\",
level10 = \"ogg/e1m2.ogg\",
level11 = \"ogg/e1m3.ogg\",
level12 = \"ogg/e1m4.ogg\",
level13 = \"ogg/e1m5-e4m4.ogg\",
level14 = \"ogg/e1m6-e3m6.ogg\",
level15 = \"ogg/e2m2.ogg\",
level16 = \"ogg/e2m4-e4m6.ogg\",
level17 = \"ogg/e2m6-e4m7.ogg\",
level18 = \"ogg/e2m7-e3m7-e4m5.ogg\",
level19 = \"ogg/e2m9-e3m1.ogg\",
level20 = \"ogg/e3m2-e4m2.ogg\",
level21 = \"ogg/e3m8.ogg\",
level22 = \"ogg/e2m2.ogg\",
level23 = \"ogg/e2m4-e4m6.ogg\",
level24 = \"ogg/e2m6-e4m7.ogg\",
the_chained_court = \"ogg/e1m4.ogg\",
halls_of_carnage = \"ogg/e1m9-e3m9-e4m9.ogg\",
hells_armory = \"ogg/e1m3.ogg\",
hells_arena = \"ogg/e3m2-e4m2.ogg\",
spiders_lair = \"ogg/e2m7-e3m7-e4m5.ogg\",
city_of_skulls = \"ogg/e1m5-e4m4.ogg\",
the_wall = \"ogg/e2m4-e4m6.ogg\",
unholy_cathedral = \"ogg/e2m6-e4m7.ogg\",
the_mortuary = \"ogg/e3m8.ogg\",
the_vaults = \"ogg/e3m5.ogg\",
the_lava_pits = \"ogg/e3m8.ogg\",
tower_of_babel = \"ogg/e2m8.ogg\",
hell_fortress = \"ogg/e1m8-e3m4-e4m1.ogg\",
dis = \"ogg/e3m8.ogg\",
victory = \"ogg/d1readme.ogg\",
}" > musicogg.lua
mkdir ogg
for ANMP3 in $(grep "= \"" musicogg.lua | sed -e 's/.*ogg\///' -e 's/\",//' | awk '!x[$0]++')
MP3NAME=$(echo $ANMP3 | sed 's/ogg/mp3/')
wget -P ogg "$URLSTEM$MP3NAME"
echo "Converting: $MP3NAME"
sox ogg/$MP3NAME -t vorbis ogg/$ANMP3
rm ogg/$MP3NAME
sed -i 's/dofile \"music.*$/dofile \"musicogg.lua\"/' config.lua
Just download it and run it from your DoomRL directory then assuming I didn't screw up (it worked for me) music should play fine. Still no idea why the mp3s weren't working.