Meh, I've kind of been having a bad year... :|
I've been struggling to find employment, finally fell back on a job at Wal-Mart, and now, they're cutting back my hours, when I was barely getting enough as it is.
A relationship that I was really hopeful about crashed and burned and now it seems like we can't even be friends and I'm seriously considering telling her we have to break off contact permanently. (We've been in contact 8 years)
Most of my friends that I previously relied on stopped returning my calls and became distant for mysterious reasons.
I decided to go back to college and didn't get my first choice of program I wanted to enter.
I've been struggling with depression and anxiety and generally feeling burned out.
So, all in all, I've been having a pretty shitty time for a while. I'm still hopeful that it can get better, though. :)