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Author Topic: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.  (Read 188189 times)


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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #435 on: August 22, 2012, 12:41 »

what's so not-straight in her last answer

Well, everything, really. It's not an answer to the question Lazerus asked, it's diverting attention away from the question by focusing on something else Lazerus said and then turning the situation around again, thereby laying the initiative back at Lizardface. That's exactly the reason why he gets fed up: the Seer doesn't answer questions, she dances around them and has others give the answers for her.

This is Lazerus' train of thought, and regardless of what others think or feel, it feels totally natural and valid to me. I kinda like it, really.

On the other hand, I thought you were actually consciously playing the character like this. Both Lazerus and I could be wrong, but luckily that's no reason to stop and change course :)
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #436 on: August 22, 2012, 13:12 »

Well, everything, really. It's not an answer to the question Lazerus asked
So what answer would you give to question like that? An example, please. Because I can't imagine. Laz based the question on the "must do" of hers and thinking she's bluffing - which makes it totally wrong, if there is no "must do" nor bluff, so she corrected that. It's like... "So why do you like potatoes?" - "I don't." ( - "How can you not know why do you like potatoes?")
It's Laz, who's "dancing around questions", not asking straight, making an assumptions and trying to read between the lines while there's nothing to read. She just gave you some strange nicknames, anything else seems pretty clear to me. She said she can help a few times before already - just ask - but there is no straight question like "where can we find this guy?" etc. She's not gonna read your mind to impose with her help, if that's what's you're expecting.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 13:14 by Sylith »


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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #437 on: August 22, 2012, 13:24 »

The only answer I'm expecting is something along the lines of "Van Bohr sent you to me / I know you are Acolytes". If she can't or won't say, Lazerus definitely won't be the first to flash his badge. It's like going to a Snoop Dogg gig and putting on a KKK mask halfway during the second song: very bad for the teeth.

Like I said, the Seer hinted at these things previously - or so Lazerus seems to think, and thus he tries to coax her into actually saying what she knows. If she does nothing more than hint, she's nothing more than just another fortune-teller to Lazerus, all words and no message. Be advised that although the new arrivals may have to prove themselves to the Seer and other villagers, the same of course also works the other way around.

And I have no problems with this either; Lazerus will simply think he has misread/misunderstood, but feel he's done the right thing by not giving in.
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #438 on: August 22, 2012, 13:42 »

Ok, got it, but I'm not gonna tell you what to do to get the answer you want (although I already did this, and she did this, and whatever). Laz's motives are not what I'm about and it is not the thing that helps me in any way.
I started this, because I see completely no sense in last conversation which is like:
"Why do you like it?"
"I don't."
"If you don't know why do you like it, we have nothing to talk about."

I just wanted to know if you meant this, thinking it might be some kind of mistake - yours, which you might want to change - or mine, which obviously affects the Seer's response.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2012, 13:43 by Sylith »


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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #439 on: August 23, 2012, 02:14 »

In response to your last post, I've gone through the IC thread again, and picked out all the (important) lines that compose what could have been a coherent conversation, if not for all the other players indecently blabbing straight through it :)

This is what I found:

Seer: But you surely want something from me. Looking for someone, right?...And one would think that The Bald Man does not hire people whose main trait is arrogance.

Lazerus: Just what do you think you know about us?

Seer: I know more than you can think I do, though you need not to fear... Unless I will have to keep speaking so loudly about it

Lazerus: We were told to see you

Seer: [no response]

Lazerus: So tell us... You clearly know more about us than we would expect from any random encounter.

Seer: [no response]

Lazerus: Would you then start by enlightening us on what you appear to know about us?

Seer: [no response]

Lazerus: Lady, I understand and respect your position, as I assume you do ours, and thus see the importance of my question. Please do not withhold your enlightenment any longer.

Seer: What if I told you there are more things and powers in this world, than you ever imagined?...What if I told you I can read your mind or see you in many more ways you could ever think about?...Or maybe I am just a spy, able to find any information I would like to?...What would you prefer to believe?

Lazerus: So why not stop messing about and either drop your bluff or tell us what you know you must?

The Seer sets thing off with a hint, upon which Lazerus asks a straightforward question. At first he gets more hints in response, then nothing for a while, then hints again. To Lazerus, this just sounds like she's trying her best not to give any answers, either because she doesn't know - which I/he highly doubt(s) - or because she's so used to having people dance to her tune because of her gift, that she won't stop doing so - which Lazerus strongly resents - just because it's PCs asking the question.

I don't think your potato-metaphor, so to speak, fits the conversation Laz and the Seer were having so far. I also don't think the Seer did give Lazerus an answer. If I missed it, please point it out to me, because as a player I really am completely clueless in this regard. I fear most the discussion we've been having is based on a number of relatively small misunderstanding, both IC and OOC, and I truly wish there'd be an easy way of avoiding this.

BTW, I'll say this again: I as a player have no problems whatsoever with the Seer behaving the way I understood her to behave, I think it makes for a more interesting character even. It would be a shame if both you and I are aiming for more-or-less the same thing, and somehow failing miserably due to things that are lost in translation.
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #440 on: August 23, 2012, 03:47 »

You did not understand me, did you? As I said, I don't care about before and I don't care about your thoughts as a player or Laz's motives. All I care is last 3 lines, because your last response is like "if you don't know why you like potatoes, then you don't know everything!" when someone just said he hates potatoes - totally out of context.

But, let me explain if you need it - if someone interrupted or she had more important things to care or talk about, like a gem or Lijah falling, it happened. Not gonna change it, and if you didn't notice, that was some time ago, because she wanted to feed you first and then talk. Yes, the most of "not answering" was "eat first, we'll talk later".
Secundo, conversation is not only you, but also other players and I think I already said before that I'm not gonna act like other's posts happen in some different dimension. Notice she didn't answer at some point because MkLear was losing consciousness and that was a little more important at the moment. Or someone interrupted referring to something before-the-Laz's-question, so she wanted to finish one matter before starting another - is that unusual?

Not to mention that you should not confuse my absence to the Seer's lack of response and that is what you did in your last example. Seriously, Lucky, do you want me now to post every 15 minutes without you posting anything, suggesting Laz is ignoring the Seer? I'd rather accept that someone has no time to post and so should you.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 03:56 by Sylith »


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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #441 on: August 23, 2012, 05:14 »

You did not understand me, did you?

That's what I said, and sadly, I still don't. And I fear the same goes the other way around.

I could fire off another number of replies to point out where things don't make sense to me, or where you are simply wrong, but since discussing it is clearly going nowhere, I'm going to stop trying to as well. I've given you my/Lazerus' outlook on the story, which I'm sticking to since I haven't heard anything that should convince to do otherwise yet. If you sincerely don't care about those, there's little else to say anyhow.

I'll be happy to continue the game without this understanding.
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #442 on: August 23, 2012, 05:37 »

I've given you my/Lazerus' outlook on the story
And that is the point.
All I wanted is to know if you really meant Laz to say something like this, not just made a simple mistake because of, lets say, lack of sleep - because it feels really out of context to me. ;)

I'm not here to ask you about your or Laz's thoughts, because it does not help me in any way. Why would it? My knowledge is not my character's knowledge. Yeah, it might be nice to know, but in fact it's just useless - it can't affect IC. And this is why I "do not care" - I didn't mean to offend you, just point out it's not what I'm asking about.

But if you really meant this, then it's EOT, all I wanted to know.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2012, 05:38 by Sylith »


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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #443 on: August 23, 2012, 08:31 »

Thanks, that clears things up a bit. I did indeed make deliberate choices based on the information as I've interpreted it, and whether or not Lazerus is right is fine by me either way.

As a player, I would rather understand you/your character better - which I do to some extent, thanks to this discussion - as I would like you as a player to do too in respect to me/Lazerus. I hope things have been cleared up for you a bit, too. The fact that it feels out of context to you while it makes perfect sense to me, does give me the idea that we can still win a lot of ground there, which might make things run a little more smoothly.

So let's just continue the IC in the knowledge that it'll probably take a while for the Seer and Lazerus to understand each other and see what that brings to the story. From the point of view of the game itself, it makes no difference whether we're enemies/friends/lovers/whatever.

Oh and PS: what does the T in EOT stand for?
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #444 on: August 23, 2012, 08:55 »

End Of Transmission, I believe.

Also, I was following this conversation only on the surface to avoid finding out what exactly is going on IC, but as long as it isn't blocking game progress too much, misunderstandings among characters springing from those of players are great. I've been doing my best to cause internal conflicts from the start, and this will make it that much easier =)
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #445 on: August 24, 2012, 05:45 »

For the record: I saw the Seer's last reply IC, but am as of yet in doubt as to what Laz would answer, or how he'd react. Moreover, I'd also like to give HD or Xilla a chance to contribute - although it seems Es has been otherwise occupied for a couple of days.

Glad to have the IC thread going again though, and only slightly embarrassed that it took such a long discussion OOC to get there. At least by having Van Bohr's name out in the open, Lazerus' first (unspoken) questions are answered, and he can make up his mind as to which way to turn next.

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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #446 on: August 27, 2012, 07:06 » how do you play this?
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #447 on: August 27, 2012, 07:39 »



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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #448 on: August 27, 2012, 20:37 »

Well most the RPs I've designed and played are basically like stories and you write the narritive-basically do your own thing. D:
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Re: [OOC Thread] The Lesser of Two Heresies.
« Reply #449 on: August 27, 2012, 23:50 »

You play it with magic. A magic that is called "narration" and "staying in character".
The only exclusion is when things prove to be too hot to handle, where Strife begins. There you equip your trusty set of dices and deal with over9000 overcomplex combat mechanics and stuff.
But other than that, you play it on pure magic.
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