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Author Topic: Let's go shoe shopping!  (Read 5297 times)


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Let's go shoe shopping!
« on: June 02, 2012, 03:19 »

I've realized that I wear tactical boots almost all the time - unless I'm wearing phaseshift or antigrav boots that is. If I'm lucky enough to find the environboots, I keep them as a convenience, but forget about them most of the time.

It seems to me there is almost always a way to get across lava. If there isn't, you can make it yourself using a rocketlauncher. If there is absolutely no way I can get where I need to go without spending too much time in lava, I use an envirosuit.

I haven't discovered the schematics for cerberus boots yet, and I see in the mortems people are assembling them often, but is that really necessary? I just passed Ao100 wearing tactical boots or nothing the whole time and I probably lost only about 50 HP during the whole game to hurtfloors.

Am I doing something wrong, or maybe it's just my playing style? What is your preference when it comes to boots?
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 03:21 by Klear »
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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2012, 03:27 »

Sorry to chime in like echo #1, but yeah, tac boots all the way.

As Klear said, wallbusting with your missile launcher (which you damn well should have on a game where you can get to the Wall) is essential, but you can find enough rockets with ease.

In regards to other boots...I had a small love affair with plasteel for a while, but that was on runs where I was spending A mods on speedloaders. Plasteel is OK...but dump them tacs on me any day. Antigrav is nice, but I feel that the building required to get it is...dodgy at best, unless you get mod lucky that is. (Don't get me wrong though...they are epic if you can get 'em!)


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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2012, 05:04 »

I only assembled the antigrav boots once (I only found the schematics recently and since then didn't have luck with relevant mods) and I was like "Holy shit! I'm outrunning Lost Souls!

In any case, I was so used to making tactical boots that I made the antigravs from steel boots as well (and didn't even regret it).
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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2012, 09:20 »

Depends.Sometimes(MBm for example) i want knockback resistance, +5% additional ms(tac vs A-plasteel) won't help much when you are thrown like a doll from one direction to another.That means plasteel.(AT ideally, which give -75% knockback)
Otherwise i usually go with tactical too.And A-tactical are great too.+25% ms?Yes, please.Though usually i don't want until WK2 to assemble my first tac boots.
Antigrav are...well they are good.Sometimes more than just good.The most benefit of them comes when you can also take HR3 and wear non-heavy armor.Without HR3 it doesn't look as awesome.
I liked cerberus before, now no so much.It's ok to have them just in case.Or if you have napalm launcher.Lava boots are a waste of onyx armor pack, and environmental are just strange - you reached WK1, just take WK2 and assemble cerberus.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2012, 15:40 by AlterAsc »
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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2012, 10:06 »

I love enviroboots just because standing on a lake of lava and raining hate at the chumps that can't get at me is funny. The Lava Caves are a freaking turkey shoot if you have boot-based lava immunity.

But unless I'm firewalking, I stick with tacboots, yeah.
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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2012, 12:32 »

I tend not to do tac boots anymore, though they are still good post-nerf. My first pair of boots will usually be A-modded Steel, assuming drops cooperate and the CC+ wasn't an absolute disaster. Later on, I try to upgrade to "army boots" (Protective+A mod) or "blue army boots" (Plasteel+A mod). Why? I like the extra knockback resistance, and because I like to have a clear path to Antigrav boots if I have the incredibly good fortune to find a nano mod.

As far as interesting interactions are concerned:
*Acid-proof boots are absolutely hilarious for flood levels and/or if you have the Acid Spitter. However, they will NEVER offer fire resist, no matter how many P-mods you jam onto them. Dunno about assemblies.
*AT Phaseshift boots are hella good. Just a T-mod pretty much negates the knockback penalty.
*Not a big fan of Gothic Boots- they're just too heavy. That said, somebody might have some interesting assemblies to build around them.
*Enviroboots/ Cerberus boots don't really shine unless you have the Lava Armor. I had an Ao100 game with Cerb Boots, the Lava Armor, and a Nanomachine Rocket Launcher. 'Nuff said.
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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #6 on: June 03, 2012, 03:54 »

Ironically enough, I've just assembled my first lava boots - I'm playing angel of masochism with shottyhead and I've found an onyx pack just before halls of carnage - I really wanted all the shells that can be found there, but I wouldn't like to go through the lava. Problem solved.

Also, I suppose it's useful when going for Lava Silver Badge (Clear out the Lava Pits on AoI)
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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2012, 09:35 »

According to my player.wad, I've assembled tactical boots... 33 times. That's actually lower than I expected.

I usually have my eyes on the endgame, so if WK2 is part of my build I always wait until I have it before I assemble the tac boots so I can add the extra A mod. Fun fact: You can also A-mod antigrav boots, despite the +50% movespeed cap when assembling them. They become +60% after, which is fairly insane.

I've never made cerberus boots - I rarely have so many power mods lying around that I can stick two on my footwear. I made environmental acid-proof boots once. It actually lowers their acid resistance. I've made lava boots often, though; I don't see them as a waste of an onyx mod. My feeling is that if my armour is getting destroyed that's my own fault, but if I can walk in lava with impunity that's a potentially huge tactical advantage.


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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2012, 09:39 »

Since modding isn't a big part of my playing style, I usually make tactical boots and then make another A-modded pair once I get WK2. Wasteful, but it works for me and I usually don't know what to do with all the mods I find anyway.
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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #9 on: June 05, 2012, 18:08 »

Pretty much all I make for boots are Tac Boots, and Antigravs. Movespeed is so incredibly important that you're crippling yourself if you pass up any opportunity to get the highest movespeed you can. I don't really use boots for anti-knockback since I rarely get hit, and I have a rocket launcher to blow up walls to bypass hurtfloors and phases/enviropacks/invulns if that fails, so I don't need the resistances that they give.

My preferences for boots that I'll usually use is as follows, by rank:

Tier 1: A-Mod Grav Phaseshifts
Tier 2: Grav Phaseshifts
          A-Mod Grav Plasteels
Tier 3: A-Mod Tac Boots
Tier 4: Enviroboots
          Tac Boots


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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #10 on: June 05, 2012, 18:28 »

Do phaseshifts make better antigrav boots than other boots without a movespeed cost? According to the wiki you should end up with +50% move speed either way.


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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #11 on: June 06, 2012, 01:29 »

In case you get phaseshift armor, you have a +60% Enviroboots, and you can also put some extra protection on the armor if needed.
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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #12 on: June 06, 2012, 09:29 »

+50% is the cap.Or at least it supposed to be.So A-modding is useless.T or P.
The best antigrav are either T-plasteel(for knockback res), or P-plasteel for protection.
Phaseshift don't give any advantages(unless for some reason you want more knockback).
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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #13 on: June 06, 2012, 15:10 »

+50% is the cap when you're straight-up making the anti-grav boots, but you can still mod them with an agility mod if you have WK2, making them 60%.
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Re: Let's go shoe shopping!
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2012, 20:41 »

I prefer the phaseshifts because knockback isn't an issue for me, and that way I have the chance to get a phaseshift armor so I can float over the lava and acid.
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