Ok, now i'm not as much tired as I was some hours ago so I can describe my run.
First of all i want to speak about MMB - yea it's really asspain, but until u get it. For example - when i came to Lava Pits i had no envirosuits, but MMB+protective boots were enough.
Second thing i want to say - is amount of time spent on it. Only ~100 runs were "successful" - it means that they stopped on the wall cuz of the lack of phase devices, or after anomaly cuz of lack of P-mods for piercing knives. I never used chainswords(idk why i assembled them - maybe just for lulz xD). Grappling boots was a very big help at Mortuary. Else i can say that i would never try City of souls for melee again.
It this run phase device ported me to the backpack at the wall so i could complete it without any problems - giftdropping helps much. Also big problem was restriction of chainsaw at court - 4d6+6 is much better than 2d5+6, but i wanted Gargulec+Conqueror+Malicious Cross. Hell's Armory gave me 2nd piercing blade(after 100+ runs i understood how to make 3d6-blade, not 2d6) and game became much easier. My inventory was full of red armors(as much as i found), 2HR+tactical boots allows u to use any armor without big losses in your speed. Wanted to try my own tactics for Mortuary(which i already tested in AoMC-UV run)-to use Azrael-AltFire 5 times, but decided that 25HP is a big loss for melee run. As i see - nothing to say else about this run... but i have to do a break with DoomRL )). It have taken about 4-5 days to do THIS, and сonsidering the fact that I have exams in univercity - i should forget about DoomRL for about 2 weeks. But i would get back again then ))