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Author Topic: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell  (Read 34425 times)


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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2012, 07:13 »

More like absence of a suitable payment method. I have 15$ to spare, but, believe it or not, no way to actually get it there. Plus the shipping will most probably cost me another 10$.

And even if those problems didn't exist, I honestly think it's pointless to buy a physical rulebook unless you are going to hold some real-life sessions of that RPG. Considering that the amount of people around me who are into RPG is next to zero, that probably won't happen.
That sucks, bro. I have a entire group of friends who are into that kind of thing. You could probably find a group through Meet Up or some similar service. BTW, check your inbox ;-)


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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2012, 07:20 »


Now I shall probably wait for other possible players(*looks at Klear*) to come up with their characters. Don't wanna accidently steal someone's character, right?
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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2012, 07:30 »

First come, first serve... ;-)


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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2012, 09:25 »

I've got an image of some unscrupulous hacker/techno junkie... and maybe even regular junkie. His defining character trait should be a high-tech visor or something like that. You say a visor isn't a character trait? Well, it is for this guy... (I'm not sure how that works myself, but it feels right) And he'll definitely shun magic, if it is at all possible to survive in this world like that.

But anyway, I've still been too busy to read up on shadowrun, so I might change my mind, and I'm definitely going to flesh the character out much better than this, once I see what's possible and get a feel for the background.
Arch-Vile Mjr General [24/19/18/8/2] (

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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #19 on: October 03, 2012, 10:15 »

I've got an image of some unscrupulous hacker/techno junkie... and maybe even regular junkie. His defining character trait should be a high-tech visor or something like that. You say a visor isn't a character trait? Well, it is for this guy... (I'm not sure how that works myself, but it feels right) And he'll definitely shun magic, if it is at all possible to survive in this world like that.

But anyway, I've still been too busy to read up on shadowrun, so I might change my mind, and I'm definitely going to flesh the character out much better than this, once I see what's possible and get a feel for the background.
Excellent... Hatered for magic is quite common in the world of Shadowrun. Here is the beauty: you can't function without it entirely. You will once in a while need a mage to strip a facility of its magic defenses which are as formidable as technological ones. You will have much inner-conflict which is awesome. You could also go for cybereyes and make them all glowey and stuff!


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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #20 on: October 03, 2012, 13:42 »

OK, I've read the quickstart guide and most of the history for reality-impaired in the corebook, but I think I need to take a break and play Deus Ex: Invisible War for a couple of hours...

Edit: OK, a couple of questions. I can probably find the answers in the rulebooks in time, but anyway:

1) When you fully enter the virtual world, does your body remain at the entry point (or wherever you were before) or does it get virtualized somehow as well?

2) Is there a way for people to get transferred to the virtual realm permanently, or is the living body a limitation you have to live with? If possible, is this technology available to public, or largely unaobtainable, but possible?

3) What kinds of drugs could I be hooked on? How about virtual world addiction?

I'll ask more what I think of more.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2012, 15:04 by Klear »
Arch-Vile Mjr General [24/19/18/8/2] (

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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #21 on: October 04, 2012, 04:49 »

And he'll definitely shun magic, if it is at all possible to survive in this world like that.
. . . . .
My character is SOO going to be a majycks user. Although that would kinda bring up a question how the hell would yours agree to work in one team with me, but okay, whatever.
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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #22 on: October 04, 2012, 09:08 »

I will shun magic, not kill mages on sight. We don't have to be good friends to be working together.

That shouldn't be a problem though - I'm planning on making my character quite insufferable, so the real question may eventually be "why would anybody want to work with him". I guess if I was the only hacker in the group, that would explain it nicely.

BTW, main reason why I want the char to dislike magic is so I don't have to read the rules for magic. Whatever I'll need to know, I can learn IC.

Like I said though, it's not set in stone, nor on a character sheet.


IC is in character, but it also means Intrusion Countermeasures in shadowrun... hope that won't pose any problems. Maybe it would be best to refer to the countermaesures as ICE. It's read like that anyway.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2012, 09:10 by Klear »
Arch-Vile Mjr General [24/19/18/8/2] (

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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #23 on: October 05, 2012, 02:59 »

Will answer tonight, after work!


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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2012, 09:13 »

1.) The meatsack stays in physical world. It can get damaged by feedback from the matrix, though.
2.) Yes, they are basically matrix ghost. The only way to achieve this is by dying while on-line, the next closest thing are Technomancers.
3.) Psyche is you drug of choice probably... Increases Logic and intuition, yet has little side-effect!

And I would like to add that ignorance is bliss until you're facing an force 5 Fire Elemental :-P


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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2012, 13:20 »

2.) Yes, they are basically matrix ghost. The only way to achieve this is by dying while on-line, the next closest thing are Technomancers.

Hmm.. that sounds like too much of a bad thing. I was hoping to make striving for this would make a nice motivation for my char, but if it is this "easy", I'm sure it's not something I should really want. Thoughts?
Arch-Vile Mjr General [24/19/18/8/2] (

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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #26 on: October 06, 2012, 00:08 »

A character which is merely a ghost in the matrix is not very fun to roleplay with!

As far as I know, Technomancers are quite rare and quite mysterious guys with quite nifty and quite unobtainable powers(in particular, being able to interact with the Matrix with nothing but thought). You could try reaching theese heights - it sounds impossible enough for normal man to achieve, and powerful enough to struggle for.

But of course, that's just me.

Also, if you have to just die while on-line to become a matrix ghost, isn't the matrix damn full of them?
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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #27 on: October 06, 2012, 02:48 »

A character which is merely a ghost in the matrix is not very fun to roleplay with!

As far as I know, Technomancers are quite rare and quite mysterious guys with quite nifty and quite unobtainable powers(in particular, being able to interact with the Matrix with nothing but thought). You could try reaching theese heights - it sounds impossible enough for normal man to achieve, and powerful enough to struggle for.

But of course, that's just me.

Also, if you have to just die while on-line to become a matrix ghost, isn't the matrix damn full of them?
It also takes a certain power of will to keep yourself together in the Matrix as a ghost, so the tend to be even rarer than Technomanchers. Klear could start as a Technomancer though. King of the web :-P


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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #28 on: October 06, 2012, 04:15 »

Technomancers are magic though, right?

I'll just write down my half-baked character idea:

He considers intelligence the only important trait, holding it (and especially his own) in an unreasonably high regard. Physicality is a limiting factor, meat is an unfortunate and outdated thing which should be phased out in the evolutionary leaps mankind is making. He has some anarchic tendencies in theory and loves to gives speeches about equality - something that can be in his opinion reached only through abandoning the arbitrary differences of flesh. Of course, what he really wants is a world where intelligence and ability to hack your way through life are most important, which would in theory put him among the most powerful. In shot - he doesn't really believe in equality for everyone, more like equality for himself.

As such, he doesn't have a problem with other metahuman races, though he tends to look down upon them (and, in fact, everybody). His dislike of magic comes from the notion that magic is an innate ability some people are born with, which he views as an unfair advantage, which shouldn't be. Moreover, magic is linked to physical bodies. His utopian ideals would have to do without it, and good riddance.

Other than that, he likes to boast his abilities, which he sees as the most important in the group. Hates being exposed to physical danger - something that is in direct opposition to his goal of living forever. He is cowardly, hates working outdoors and needs psyche to get through the working day.
Arch-Vile Mjr General [24/19/18/8/2] (

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Re: Shadowrun Recruitment: Highway to Hell
« Reply #29 on: October 08, 2012, 01:11 »

Technomancers are in no way, shape or form magic. Atleast no more so than being a Elf is an effect of magic. They are more like a symbiote of the Matrix.

I like your character idea! Since you are going for an Equalist of some sorts, indeed Technomancer is not the best idea since that is inherent. A hacker is a good possibility, though!
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