Sit around a while while I tell you how this guy who still plays doom2 found out about this weird looking game....
I was pasting something in pastebin, when I randomly clicked on an untitled paste containing stats or something from a game called DoomRL.
So I googled DoomRL, and found the website, found your q-net channel, etc, installed the game to see what the hell DoomRL was.
First look : Totally not my kind of game, kinda looked like diablo with doom paint over it, plus turn-based gameplay.
After 30 minutes of play : I actually might play this again.
It's got a slightly slower pace than the diablo-style RPG's I know (slower than a dead slug, when compared to the franchise it's modeled after xD), but I can see how someone might get addicted to this kind of turn-based game (What do you even call this? Turn-based/survival-horror/top-down/strategy/shooter ??). There's experience and levels and so on and so forth like any modern RPG game, but the way it's presented feels different from anything I've ever played. The gameplay seems simple enough, controls easy enough to figure out for a guy who's played a buttload of RPG's, though I don't think I've figured out the main plot-line just yet, so far I've just ran around killing things one mouse-click at a time. (Is the only goal to kill monsters and find the stairs as fast as possible?)
All in all, you earned a 9.9/10 (nobody's perfect D: )
How many of you, if any at all, still play doom2? Did any of you think doom was dead?(if so, SCREW YOU MAN)
My name's the same in all the video-game communities I play in, It'd be nice to see familiar faces!
P.S. instant half-chub when I heard all my favorite videogame songs remastered in high-quality.