Other Roguelikes > Berserk!

Request for Help : Monsters Needed!

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Ok! :P
And I've never heard of a 1980 drama called Berzerk! - any details?

Something massive with a stomp attack = slows player down when nearby.
Using Adrals template (I assume Dexterity's more of a hit rate/attack speed?) I'd say,

Name: Behemoth

Strength: superb
Dexterity: good
Speed: poor

Attack type: melee

Special abilities: ^, and possibly an "ability" preventing knocking the player back (simulating a downward smash or bite attack)

Behaviour: simple track-the-dot - goes right for you. He's too slow for games and too strong to hold back. Obviously, terrain won't be a problem.


Name: Shrieker

Strength: fair
Dexterity: great
Speed: great

Attack: melee

Special abilities: invisible more than a tile away, but shrieks are heard. Possibly has an unnerving effect (no ranged attacks, high miss rate) when not berserking. Regeneration?

Behaviour: violent straight-forward attack, suddenly retreats after a few hits and attacks from another direction. If made weaker it could attack in bands, for a very confusing effect considering you wouldn't know when you're done with them.


Name: Swolen

Strength: good
Dexterity: fair
Speed: poor

Attack type: melee

Special abilities: cannon fodder! Stronger and slower than beasts. Maybe stench for a slight energy drain when near.

Behaviour: simple.


Name: Sporewhore

Inspired by the Starcraft Queen and a casual Succubus, I'm not sure what to make of it, only that it will have "minions" attacking and retreating, yeah, like a SC Carrier :) . Seems more like a DC-comics villain name than a good monster race, though, so maybe it should be a sarcastic boss' nick.


I suggest only Kornel looks at this one, in case it's included.
I also suggest it is edited out by him if that might happen.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Name: Unearthly Veil

Strength: see below
Dexterity: Legendary
Speed: see below

Think of it as a swirling mass of ghost-like lights, all of the purest white.
Despite this it has a corporeal core, and is affected by solid blows, though mistaking the aura for it's body for it may lead to thinking otherwise.
It burns with intense heat, however, and reaching that core is another matter, as there damage per round is very high. Ranged weapons are likely to burn before they hit the center, and fire's simply pointless to use against it.
Monsters immune to heat are shielded, therefore, within it's outer form, and often travle with it - the blinding effect of the UV causing many to mistake additional blows for scything flames within the light.
Since much "movement" is lost on the spinning effect of the lights, movment rate is relatively low, but they spin very fast, and have a very misguiding dodge rate ;)

Attack type: special burn effect depending on distance. Auto-hit.

Special abilities: aside from those described above, the UV masks terrain and creatures gradually as it nears the core - the color becomes whiter but recognizable by look and 'l'ook, but after a certain line, just white.

Behaviour: very "regal" and uncasual, possibly never really moving towards the char except to keep him inside some of the burn radius.


--- Quote from: TFoN on January 05, 2007, 15:46 ---I assume Dexterity's more of a hit rate/attack speed?

--- End quote ---

Yep, should have cleared that one out, my fault. I was thinking along the lines of:

* Strength being the damage potential of the monster
* Dexterity being the hit ratio/hit speed
* Speed being the movement speed per se

The other things I think they are pretty self-explanatory, but ask out if you don't know what's something supposed to be :).

Another one for the pack:

--- Quote from: Template ------Monster template---
Name: Reaper

Strength: Great
Dexterity: Good
Speed: Poor

Attack type: Melee, but special.

Special Abilities: Attacks with a demonic scythe. Reaches up to 2 squares from his current position, so it's a kind of "ranged melee" attack. The attack has a chance of lowering your berserk rage, as it infounds you with hellish fear.

Behaviour: Slowly comes for you, trying to get lesser demons before you so you can't attack him in sight. When in range, gets out of the barrier and cuts you with his scythe.

Description: Just like the Death everyone expects: black robe, skeletal, and with a large scythe.
--- End quote ---

I would add the endurance to your template. That way you can create weak but durable monsters.


--- Quote from: Supernaut on January 05, 2007, 17:07 ---I would add the endurance to your template. That way you can create weak but durable monsters.

--- End quote ---

It's a nice idea, although maybe Kornel wants to specify how much hit points should a monster have based on balance. If he thinks we're better adding Endurance too, I'll edit my previous posts :)

Here're a few more:

Name: Warlord (I'm sure there's a better name possible)

Strength: great
Dexterity: good
Speed: fair

Attack type: melee

Special abilities: sends nearby creatures into a raging state, with higher attack/damage/damage reduction but a lower dodge rate.

Behaviour: mostly charges, to keep the the char within the monster-rage effective area.


Name: Deathknight (there HAS to be better name for this one)

Strength: great
Dexterity: fair
Speed: mediocre

Attack type: melee/ranged

Special abilities: corrosive aura causes rapid decomposition of nearby matter, destroying terrain and creating a poison-fog effect which rises from corpses and to a lesser degree from vegetation.

Behaviour: prefers corpses in its wake to make the best of its aura, but other than that goes straight for the char.


Name: Deweller past the Void

Strength: mediocre
Dexterity: great
Speed: superb

Attack type: none

Special ability: attack teleports char and DptV randomly (but to the same location), causing distortion damage and massive energy drain to the char.

Behaviour: direct attack.


Name: Whiteworm [swarm]

Strength: mediocre
Dexterity: great (swarms are hard to hit/evade. Otherwise, it should be lower)
Speed: poor

Attack type: melee

Special abilities: consumes corpses and multiplies

Behaviour: goes for corpses rather than the char, but will not retreat. Description assumes a swarm of rat-sized creatures.


Name: Blackworm

Strength: good
Dexterity: good
Speed: mediocre

Attack type: melee, and see below

Special abilities: consumes living monsters; it then animates it into a skeleton (see below) and gains charges for two abilities - it can animate dead (2-3 corpses per charge) into skeletons, with lower stats but with higher damage and knockback reduction, and it can, with a seperate counter, launch acid/poison projectiles. It will not consume monsters more powerful than it, and can only animate one of those per charge.

Behaviour: keeps away and uses abilities. Will fight only as last resort.


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