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Author Topic: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!  (Read 40966 times)


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #30 on: January 30, 2007, 13:44 »

Ah, I thought about this one a while back: Phase Hounds should be renamed. They're currently almost the same as Blink Dogs, but not quite, so they might come across as rip-offs :)

Name: Garsh'maggnratht

Description: huge bastard. Barbed tentacles everywhere. Central, round mouth has many rows of disturbingly bleached teeth. No eyes and no feet - so how the hell is it moving right towards you like a stampeding, rabid hippo?
Did I mention it has a blue, human tongue?

Strength: poor (attacks don't seem very well cooridanted or at full power, but if you'd look like that, you wouldn't worry about sure-hits either)
Dexterity: superb
Speed: superb

Attack type: multiple melee attacks

Special abilities: after a certain amount of consecutive hits and/or turns spent near an unmoving character, it takes a bite. Who knows what that might do.

Behaviour: psychopathic. It is believed that these monsters are the gift of body for those murdering mortals that manage to cause more havoc in life than most demons cause in an eternity. As such, the bleeched teeth symbolize a wholeness of action followed by a thorough coverup, and the blue tongue symbolizes guile and vanity of a royal degree - while its form stands as a constant reminder of the demon's true position as a once-mortal.
They've changed very little (well, talk about positive reinforcement), and will still butcher whatever they see fit, however they fancy at that very moment.


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2007, 11:07 »

Could yall' please give some feedback on the quality of my monsters? I'd hate to be the only one enjoying this so much ;)

Name: Shrapnel Toad

Description: a vaguely humanoid grey-green, black-streaked toad-like creature with large black eyes and eerie red pinpoint pupils. It has a slightly sloped posture, with forearms larger and more powerful-looking than its legs, though they do not touch ground like an ape's. Its head is quite massive compared with the rest of the body, and is snake-like in its ability to open much wider than is apparent. It has 3 horned ridges (with horns of overall receding size) on its back, the first starting on the left side of the center of the head and ending somewhat beneath the shoulder, the second starting at the center of the neck and continuing down the spine all the way to the lower back, and the third starting on the right, just above of the waist, ending near the back of the right knee as small and unobtrusive bumps. All horns are a sickly off-white in colour. It also has a muscular tail, of a darker hue than the rest of the body, and with thick black spots rather than streaks.

Strength: great
Dexterity: good
Speed: fair

Attack type: melee

Special abilities: swallows corpses (or animated skeletons) and after a brief period of digesting (or almost immediately, if it was a skeleton), it violently exudes bone shards out to a short, lethal and awfully stenchful cone.

Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #32 on: February 03, 2007, 04:43 »

I check this topic for adding new monsters ^_^.

BTW, I'll give a taste of things to come, by showing the scheme for further monsters. From now on please think about which group the monster will belong too. On the top there will be three monster groups. I need inspiration only for the last group tough:

1. Uniques
2. Named Demons
3. Standard Monsters

What 1 and 2 will be, I'll leave a mystery now :). As for the third group, this one will depend on the battleground. Think Magic: The Gathering style bestiary ^_^. There are a few monster classes that I play around on adding, here's the list:

Standard class: these will appear on all non-themed battlefields, like the plains, roads, and cities
City class: I'm not sure about those, but these would be unique to cities. Some ideas include ratwere's or former townsmen :P
Forest class: a few of those were experimentaly added already
Swamp class: I'm still thinking about those
Fire class: for lava pits, ash fields, and volcano locations (yeah, I plan some of those xD
Water class: as an additional class for maps with water (either swamps, rivers, or maybe even a shore?)
Snow class: this one will be hard to introduce without the concept of time, but Berserk PS2 had them, and I like the idea (also a tribute to Frozen Depths ^_^)
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #33 on: February 05, 2007, 15:29 »

Never really played Magic, so you'll have to be a little more informative there :)

I'll work with all this in mind. Here're my takes on it so far:

City: should be seperate from what currently seems more like a village!
Either way, I suggest playing on the crowded, agoraphobic feel of a synthetic microcosm, and on the dark sense of abandonment - shadow beasts, possessed animals like fiendish cats and crows, and animated tools and vines should really fit in well, even more so if they ignore you till you come close (which you might have to do).

Swamp: Varannhak sounds swampish, and other than it, I'm sure I'll be able to think up something really disgusting for this one ^^

Fire: sweeet. Will certainly keep in mind.

Water: likewise, especially if there'll be a shore.

Snow: why time? Take a mountain top! Oh, hellish winds! I'll find something to fit the name Gustdamns, or Maulwinds (playing on maul also meaning bite, and bite fitting with "biting cold". Hmmm).

EDIT: text corrections.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2007, 16:28 by TFoN »


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #34 on: February 05, 2007, 16:42 »

Not too special. I may alter it later, if I come up with anything better.

Name: Maulwind

Strength: great
Dexterity: poor (to reflect being somewhat easy to dodge by side-stepping)
Speed: great

Attack type: melee (+ cold, if applicable. Maybe paralytic by chilling and/or knocking over?)

Special abilities: immune to missiles, resistant to powerful physical blows (it's a very low-density being, but it's not quite air, and is nonetheless tangible - and slicable). Explosions disperse it very effectively.
The Maulwind has a charge attack, but not a normal one. Is [nearly] invisible. Regenerates.

Behaviour: demonic warrior - will attack with intention to kill.


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #35 on: February 06, 2007, 22:41 »

I missed this topic when it was first posted, so I'm glad to see suggestions are still being taken.  I have a few ideas, but here's the first I've finished writing up.

Name: Corpsepuppet

Strength: good
Dexterity: good
Speed: good

Attack type: Melee

Description: The reanimated corpse of a freshly slain human- this would be a City type monster. A mostly undecayed zombie, in essence. Not much more to say, but they don't...

Behavior: ...act like you would expect of a zombie- they are fast, strong, and fierce, much more so than they were in life. Although aggressive, they are clearly not mindless- they always seek to be around groups of other demons, and retreat if badly injured. Once slain, their secret is revealed...

Special Abilities: ...when one is killed, a graveworm appears out of the corpse.

Name: Graveworm

Strength: terrible
Dexterity: terrible
Speed: mediocre

Attack type: N/A

Description: A hideous, two-foot long demonic worm, black and slimy. Though disgusting and fearsome to behold, they are extremely weak- they cannot attack, and one solid blow is usually more than enough to kill one. They are, obviously, the controlling force within the corpsepuppets.

Behavior: Incapable of attacking, they try to put as much distance between themselves and the player as they can while they search for a fresh corpse to burrow into. This is another reason why corpsepuppets always seek to be part of a group of other demons- any demons that die nearby will make for an easily accessible corpse in the event that the graveworm needs one. As well, the other demons can shield the graveworm while it does this.

Special Abilities: able to burrow into a corpse and reanimate it as a corpsepuppet. This takes a turn to do, and requires a fresh corpse.


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #36 on: February 26, 2007, 12:07 »

Bah, haven't been nearly as productive as I had intended to be :P
I'll probably get back to working here in a few days, up to a week or two.
That also goes for the wiki.

Zephyre Syx

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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #37 on: March 05, 2007, 20:46 »

I love the fact that the monsters discuss are most lively and not pallad as in blah blah meatsticks with more hp, and damage then the other and carry a monster type.  Great job (I was kinda worried).
"Nah, it's not that those ideas are bad, I'm just trying to show you why I think my way of thinking is better."
-Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #38 on: March 06, 2007, 09:34 »

IMO this should be the only way monsters are discussed, anywhere! A major part of game life is in the creatures - and creatures are only "creatures", and not numbers, if they're taken seriously and with a love of creation :)

While I'm at it, a small conjuration of mine for the ash fields. It may require some work in terms of corporeal form and combat accessability.

Name: Everfell

Description: a unique form of possessing spirit, this one hails, literally, from those icy parts of the nether realm, though only unto the firy locations of the world of the living. It is a large, dark, misty figure of eerie black smoke and of whispering frost - frost of spirit, ice of soul.
This abomination of common sense is possessing in that it envelopes bits of airborne ash, products of its earthly home, consuming their lingering warmth to feed its form in a paradox of chilling flames, and then lashing out at the living with this black hail, freezing their hearts in mid-beat to feed its diabolic lust for life energies.
The monster itself is hardly tangible, and can be managed almost solely by fire aimed from the hands of one who's heart and aim are true to destroy the beast, breaking the second nature it casts upon its surroundings, forcing it to submit, and melt away. By such actions, however, it is hardly a durable opponent, being destroyed with ease.

Strength: fair
Dexterity: good
Speed: good

Attack type: N/A. The Everfall is a being not existing on the same dimensions as the char does, though in the same world. It can only set foot on the chars dimensions by very certain procedures of inanimate object possession, described above and transliterated into game effect below.

Special abilities:
 1- as long as the Everfell stands up to a certain distance from the char, the char will occasionally be struk by frost and/or be stunned and/or lose energy/berserk momentum. The closer the Everfell is and the more HPs it has, the more often this will happen and the more likely it will be that more than one attack type will occur.
 2- every time the Everfall causes damage to the char, it gains some health. This health can go above the health the Everfall spawned with.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2007, 01:39 by TFoN »

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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #39 on: March 06, 2007, 16:53 »

Name: Wangamai

Description: a member of the Wangamai sect, evil sages of darkness, vanquishers of all hopes for a better future. They are shaddy figures robbed in black and their heads covered. An aura of darkness surrounds them. Wangamai's words are true and can't be discussed, as their reasonings are beyond our understanding.

Strength: mediocre
Dexterity: mediocre
Speed: mediocre

Attack type: melee, but rarely uses it (has a serpentine dagger for emergencies)

Special abilities:
 1- just by glaring at the char, the char will lose half their berserk count randomly as it is discoraged from fighting
 2- if another Wangamai is adjacent, they can perform a frost shock
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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #40 on: March 10, 2007, 00:53 »

maybe these have already been suggested,but I'm on my way out and dont have time to see all replys...anyway
[1]a monster that explodes when dealt a killing blow resulting in something or nothing but an area of blood'n'guts.
[2]a demon whos attack sucks u into a "void" seperate from the main map,where its just u and the demonic force in one-on-one cmbt.
[3]a creature that dose no attack dmg but attachs itsself to u making it hard to move(like a small dog humping ur leg?)
[4]a powerful wizard of the ether dimensions who cares not one bit if it slays ANY creature on the map and floats randomly about,obliterating any who stand adjacent?
[5]I once created a "Setframal" (i was gm and my bro was pc),the "Setframal" assumes the appearance and stats of the player and,like the terminator,does'nt stop until it or player are reduced to pools of blood on the ground!
[6]a creature that rises from its corpse to fight again like raising the dead?
[7]a demonic sprite that can assume different forms in reaction to players,pc throws fireball at sprite,sprite turns into a wall of flame for 1 turn...or pc charges sprite with sword,sprite grows wings and flys overhead....etc.
[8]a monster that multiplys by two every time u hit it,(multiplies into smaller versions of itself like the blue horror in warhammer frp!
« Last Edit: March 10, 2007, 01:52 by Nentator-H »


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #41 on: March 10, 2007, 06:28 »

Hey, 7's a Haggunenon! :P
Hm. That will certainly hurt.
What did you have in mind as its vulnerability?


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #42 on: March 10, 2007, 23:36 »

Hey TFoN...
            It's vunerability could be that it actually takes 2 rounds to change BACK to its normal form allowing a free strike or a bonus etc...


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #43 on: April 28, 2007, 09:12 »

Not too special. I may alter it later, if I come up with anything better.

Name: Maulwind

Strength: great
Dexterity: poor (to reflect being somewhat easy to dodge by side-stepping)
Speed: great

Attack type: melee (+ cold, if applicable. Maybe paralytic by chilling and/or knocking over?)

Special abilities: immune to missiles, resistant to powerful physical blows (it's a very low-density being, but it's not quite air, and is nonetheless tangible - and slicable). Explosions disperse it very effectively.
The Maulwind has a charge attack, but not a normal one. Is [nearly] invisible. Regenerates.

Behaviour: demonic warrior - will attack with intention to kill.

Add to special abilities:
Missile weapons (crossbow and knives) either can't be used or lose accuracy (to the point of firing in a random direction) when fired from or through a tile adjacent to the Maulwind.

This should make it slightly more special and worth notice.


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Re: Request for Help : Monsters Needed!
« Reply #44 on: May 03, 2007, 09:44 »

Here's an aquatic monster so huge I needed to dismantle it and present it in separate pieces. The following description assumes a shore encounter. A modified swamp version and a modified mid-sea would require many design changes.

Name: Kraken tentacle

Strength: great
Dexterity: good
Speed: good

Attack type: melee

Special abilities: it is long enough to stretch out beyond the shore line, where the body is, ending 10-20 tiles away. I assume in this description that it is only represented by a single character, where the end of the tentacle would be.
Knockback is reverse, i.e. damage caused by a tentacle stretching out from the shore, therefore attacking from the direction of the shore, will push the char towards the shore instead of away from it.
If a tentacle attaches (which happens if it hits during several consecutive rounds and/or after causing over a certain amount of damage in one hit), the char can no longer walk, and the tentacle will always be adjacent to him, even after knockback accures. This can only be reversed by "killing" the tentacle.
There are 2-4 tentacles per Kraken.

Behaviour: standard. Special abilities will indirectly result in the tentacle leading the char to the body.


Name: Kraken arm

Strength: good
Dexterity: good
Speed: great

Attack type: melee (little or no damage)

Special abilities: not nearly as long as a tentacle, it stretches 4-8 tiles beyond the shore.
Acts and attacks like a tentacle, effectively increasing pull on the char and increasing the number of targets which must be disabled in order to regain mobility, but without increasing immediate threat and damage caused (much, anyway).
There are 6-12 arms per Kraken.


Name: Kraken body

Strength: great
Dexterity: poor
Speed: fair (if applicable)

Attack type: melee

Special abilities: it is either at the very edge of the shore line or just behind it. If behind it, a trapped char may suffer drowning damage while it is being pulled towards the gaping maw.
The kraken bites with its beak for pretty massive damage. After bite damage is applied (and therefore only on a successful hit), a "swallow whole" check is made. The kraken will swallow whole a char who's under a certain number of HPs, resulting in instadeath only in those cases where the char is already low on health. If swallowed while berserking, which by this account is possible, 1-3 more attacks (regular or skill attacks; number based on speed) may be done before death accures. Sweep/whirlwind and impale attacks are at an advantage, with impale possibly bursting out even if the Kraken survives and sweep/whirlwind causing double and quintuple damage, respectively.
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