In the Trait Screen, Master Traits already do have color-coding for blocked traits.
By color-coding I mean colors for text on list of traits at left. Currently only two colors are used for all things -
red and
gray (not counting
yellow selection color). With different colors, you could see at glance what you have already selected, already blocked, not eligible or not yet enabled.
Example colors:
- Selected: yellow (like previously)
- Enabled: can select, 0 rank) - red (like previously)
- Enabled: at least one rank already taken - green (like in right description screen for master traits)
- Not yet enabled: cannot select yet, but not blocked by other trait - white
- Blocked forever: by other trait - gray (like previously)
Big help for new players and less brainpower used up for old players. While we are at it, It would be nice to mark basic, advanced and master traits somehow on this screen.
Example screen from game:

Of course, if Reloader or Army of the Dead is not yet taken, it would have different color (depending on metioned above rules).
No it wouldn't;
Indeed it is not "cluttered" (no more than advanced and master traits already are in any case), and Bloax's idea about moving them to bottom is even better.