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Author Topic: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now  (Read 41859 times)


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Re: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now
« Reply #30 on: February 16, 2014, 13:13 »

That reminds me, I downloaded the mod yesterday, but I think I might be missing a crucial piece of software...
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Re: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now
« Reply #31 on: February 16, 2014, 18:24 »

Do you have the latest version of ZDoom?  It didn't work for me either, until I upgraded.  You can get it at
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Re: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now
« Reply #32 on: February 18, 2014, 20:32 »

Go go! I do not comment on this thread, but I did try the mod out, so everyone should :P

Hehe, I thought you probably had tried it, just hadn't heard from you since I was first discussing it with you.
Maybe at some point, when you're bored or something, you might share your thoughts on it? I'm quite interested in hearing what you think about the various design choices I made, especially the ones that differ greatly from DoomRL itself.

Super awesome mod!  :)  I can see that you put a lot of work into this!  It's unfortunate that it isn't getting much attention on the DoomRL forums.  (I totally would've tried it sooner if I'd seen this thread before)  I'll make some more comments later when I have some time...
Awesome, I look forward to them! And yeah, a few days ago I was just playing it with a friend, and just started thinking "Wow, I've really been working on this for a long time, haven't I?" So much stuff, so much more to go.

That reminds me, I downloaded the mod yesterday, but I think I might be missing a crucial piece of software...

The main mod can be run with ZDoom 2.7.1, I believe, but the monsterpack requires a dev version to function.
Basically, it uses a flag that makes all of an Archvile's attack be counted as Fire damage, because it is actually two simultaneous attacks in Doom.

You can get a dev build from here.


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Re: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now
« Reply #33 on: February 19, 2014, 09:57 »

One thing that i found slightly jarring is the fact that all the things randomly replaced by the mod are re-rolled every time a map is loaded, so when you die and restart the level, you get a completely different set of modifications. The only solution is manually saving on level start, right after the auto-save kicks in. I realize this might be a design choice, made for the sake of variety, but still...


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Re: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2014, 21:43 »

as for me random not bad... but need some rebalancing with depth (i.e. map number). When you find medical powerarmor and nuclear BFG on episode level 1 the game totally changed :)
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Re: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now
« Reply #35 on: February 20, 2014, 18:43 »

So, I've been trying this out for a bit.  Admittedly, I made myself a map with my favourite map editor that allowed me to check out what all the assemblies look like and I have to say it has renewed my appreciation all over again for how much work has gone into this because holy crap!  :o  There are so many new sprites, not just for the new weapons, but for all the variations in assemblies for the new weapons too!  (Yeah, I know I'm late to the party here, but I still think it's really cool)  :)  I especially like the Gothic set bonus; that was a nice touch.  ;)  I think my favourite character is the technician...  even though everyone else has more obvious combat benefits, the technician gives you more access to the more interesting weapons.  :)

With so many options, I imagine it's next to impossible to keep it all balanced, but the weapons that stand out the most in my memory as over-powered would be the railgun, (I think it could stand to fire a little slower) and the automatic shotgun.  (I got the double variant and it shredded a Cyberdemon in very short order, though, it did take nearly a hundred shells)  Speaking of Cyberdemons, I think they do way too much damage now; one brought me from 200% health to zero in one hit, even with armour.  (Not fireproof armour, but still...)  I get that you increased the damage from rocket launchers to make up for the fact that they fire more slowly now, but since Cyberdemons don't have that impairment, it makes them considerably more deadly.  (and they were already quite deadly!)  :P

One thing that i found slightly jarring is the fact that all the things randomly replaced by the mod are re-rolled every time a map is loaded, so when you die and restart the level, you get a completely different set of modifications. The only solution is manually saving on level start, right after the auto-save kicks in. I realize this might be a design choice, made for the sake of variety, but still...

I think the only way around that would be to have it select all the items in a fixed pattern and I don't think that would be an improvement, having everything very predictable.  Having it all random, all the time gives it a lot more replay value and makes things a lot more interesting.  It forces you to adjust your strategy on the fly and gives a lot more opportunity to see all of the new stuff.  :)
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Re: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now
« Reply #36 on: February 21, 2014, 02:50 »

One thing that i found slightly jarring is the fact that all the things randomly replaced by the mod are re-rolled every time a map is loaded, so when you die and restart the level, you get a completely different set of modifications. The only solution is manually saving on level start, right after the auto-save kicks in. I realize this might be a design choice, made for the sake of variety, but still...

ZDoom should autosave on starting a new level, so all levels after MAP01 should be the same each time you die and reload. MAP01 would always be random, though.

So, I've been trying this out for a bit.  Admittedly, I made myself a map with my favourite map editor that allowed me to check out what all the assemblies look like and I have to say it has renewed my appreciation all over again for how much work has gone into this because holy crap!

There is actually a test map you can go to, open up the console and type map test, and it'll take you there.

Speaking of Cyberdemons, I think they do way too much damage now; one brought me from 200% health to zero in one hit, even with armour.  (Not fireproof armour, but still...)  I get that you increased the damage from rocket launchers to make up for the fact that they fire more slowly now, but since Cyberdemons don't have that impairment, it makes them considerably more deadly.  (and they were already quite deadly!)  :P

Cyberdemon rockets are exactly the same as vanilla, except for two differences, that they do fire damage, and that they pass through ghosts. That's all. Those are basically normal Doom rockets, they have no increased damage whatsoever.


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Re: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now
« Reply #37 on: February 21, 2014, 04:58 »

ZDoom should autosave on starting a new level, so all levels after MAP01 should be the same each time you die and reload. MAP01 would always be random, though.
This is wrong. To be more precise, generally wrong, random in zdoom is calculated (AFICR) on movements and pickups so one can cheat when he opens storage crates (exploit: pick health globe, drop armor, weapon and so on, then open the crate, you'll get differrent equipment). and yes, in order to get another weapons you should reload level in the end of the previous one, still level generation is based on time and other things so the equipment will almost always stay the same.
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Re: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now
« Reply #38 on: November 17, 2017, 03:14 »

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Re: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now
« Reply #39 on: November 17, 2017, 06:03 »

Thanks, thelaptop!  :)

I haven't played with this Doom mod in ages and I got the idea of trying it again and capturing the experience on video, so you can see my honest reactions to all the crazy changes that have happened to it since the last time I played...  3 and a half years ago?  O_o  Has it really been that long?  No wonder it was so different!  :D

Anyway, while I was at it, I thought I'd do a little self-promotion and play using a couple of maps that I made.  :)  (I hope Yholl doesn't mind!)  Since it just randomizes what's already there, the Arsenal mod really works well in any kind of map.  :)

Here it is!  :D

(Apologies for the abrupt end of the video; apparently, my video software crashed, but the video was just over an hour at that point, so maybe it's just as well)  :)
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Re: DoomRL Arsenal - Beta 6 out now
« Reply #40 on: November 17, 2017, 06:09 »

(And if anyone's interested in playing the maps featured in the video, here they are; I call them "Lift of Doom" and "Labyrinth" and they're maps for levels 1 and 2 of Doom 2)  :)
Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
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