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Author Topic: AoB and Standard Games  (Read 9514 times)


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Re: AoB and Standard Games
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2013, 09:22 »

I need more practice to pull it off consistently, but if you carry a couple of spare knives to throw, it becomes a lot more manageable.
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Re: AoB and Standard Games
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2013, 17:52 »

As stated, the core of any melee build is levels in Brute. Everything else is just flavour. The master traits are nice, but it's Brute doing the heavy lifting for your build. This means that virtually any build can be successful in melee (as long as you stay away from shooting traits, duh) and in AoB. It doesn't make it easier to get going, but you do have a huge amount of freedom in your build. Also, read up on gift dropping (it's very useful for melee "door-watching", busted armour is still great to carry for AoB games) and how to make an AP chainsaw (it's your mid-tier weapon of choice between a normal chainsaw and the spear).

On higher difficulty levels, skipping a few enemies at the start isn't a huge problem (unless you're going for specific medals/badges). You get more experience anyway, with more high-level enemies to kill, so it evens out very quickly. It's a matter of making it far enough to get your equipment stacked up nicely, one level of experience won't make nearly as much difference as saving a couple of medikits, armours and some HP.

MVm is awesome. Always has been, always will be. It's not as good at hp-farming now, but it's still very nice.

For a different "masterless-master-build", try Bru-Bru-Bru-Ber-Int-Int on a scout. In any order you like really (with Bru to start with). As always, Int(2) is virtually a master trait on it's own, and melee is also the build that benefits most from knowing where power-ups are. Sometimes you can plan entire levels on "globe-running", especially if they're interspersed with zerks and invulnerabilities. It also helps you learn a bit more about the AI, so eventually movement patterns of enemies become more instinctual to you.

Use run. A lot. In fact, that's why I like melee builds so much. They teach you how to press the run button at the right time. I often forget in normal runs (even in shotgun builds) and still succeed. In melee games you can't forget or you die. Every small medipack, every small life globe, is an opportunity to run more. Often the extra health is simply a nice bonus side effect. Plan when to run, but just make sure you do it often. Bru(3) is a massive to-hit bonus, so don't worry about accuracy losses.
That's about it for my advice on melee games. For normal games, it's easier. Go for a MAD build (it gives you a good weapon and is pretty survivable). Remember that SM turns RLs and MLs into awesome weapons as well, so it's useful for any build. Or try a scout with Int(2) straight up and build into rapid-fire afterwards, or try a MFa or Msh build. All these builds let you learn and have a nice "levelling-effect" curve, where you get more powerful right when you need to. You'll have Rel(2) just before the arena, with SM often coming in during the fight, or you'll have Int(2) just before it. Both of these traits are ridiculously useful at that point, so you'll save heaps of ammo, life , medikits and random junk and put yourself on a good footing for later levels. The rest of the game gets a heap easier from that point onwards (remember to rocket-jump once towards the arena master in the chained court, bye-bye barons).

I could give TONS of advice for normal games, but they're the "easy" starts, even on UV.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 18:03 by Sambojin »


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Re: AoB and Standard Games
« Reply #17 on: September 21, 2013, 18:52 »

Some other general advice for normal games:
Do the arena and the wall. If you want an easy game they are the two special levels that give you everything you need. Which is a backpack and a ML. This is completely build independant in normal games. Halls of carnage is nice as well (or any level with a BFG). All high level enemies can be destroyed with sufficient applications of explodey-ness, no matter your build.

Mancubi are a fight-fire-with-fire type enemy. So fire rockets at them. Lots of rockets. The knock-back is a life saver, and it doesn't hurt that there's often a vile around re-raising them to take some splash damage.
Viles are also a rocket job. Splash damage and corpse gibbing are wonderful things. Item loss and inventory management be damned. Lots of rockets is where it's at. This is Doom remember?

Use your BFG. The amount of times I've carted that thing all the way to the end, modded the hell out of it, just to fire it at cybie/spidey a few times is ridiculous. There's plenty more plasma about than that, so use it. It's fun and quite relaxing. You can't rely on being able to nuke levels with any regularity, but you can rely on big-balls-of-plasma-death to lighten your mood.

Inventory management is important. Carry plenty of ammo, 2-3 armours (one busted green for gift-dropping) and no more than 6 medikits (less if possible). There is no such thing as wasting ammo or wasted ammo-slots, they go hand in hand. But how many situations have you survived due to all that extra life preserving gear? Very few usually, just because you would have died anyway or you didn't use it in any case. Either use it or lose it, and ammo can ALWAYS be used. If you're unsure, carry more rockets or plasma, and be sure to fire them when appropriate (or even when inappropriate). They just saved you some life and armour and made you smile. That's far better than most of the things clogging up your inventory.

Avoid all situations that look scarey. If you see it, and it looks scarey, hit run and run away behind a wall. Come back with a ML/RL/BFG equipped, full armour and full life in a few moves. Approach it from a different angle if you must, but it's usually best to know where the enemy are on the map, but this time having "full-everything-with-dodging" equipped, and a will to use it this time around. If you can't run away due to it being an open area, just hit run, weapon/quick-switch and fire at scarey situation with your biggest gun. Not your "build's-weapon-type-with-mods" gun, your actual biggest one. There is more ammo somewhere (you're probably carrying it).  But there won't be a scarey situation where there once was. Caution is a key part of DoomRL, so's corner shooting, but liberal applications of firepower is another facet of the game (when played well).

Basically what I'm getting at is that people rarely seem to use the things at their disposal in DoomRL. Use those medipacks. Use that armour. Fire the big guns. You can build a character all you want, you can mod the hell out of a weapon, but if you don't use the stuff in your inventory and you die, none of that forward planning was worth anything. 
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 18:57 by Sambojin »


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Re: AoB and Standard Games
« Reply #18 on: September 21, 2013, 22:09 »

Good write up.  Lots of advice there.  Still my biggest problem with an AoB run is getting started.  I usually lose my Blue Armor on Level 2 and die shortly thereafter.  Unless the RNG has been kind to me, I run out of armor then health.  I guess I just need to run more until I get that CC Chainsaw.  Then things generally smooth out a bit for awhile.  I might have to give the melee Scout build I try.  I keep trying with Marine to get MVm, but have yet to live long enough to get it.  I did have at least one good AoB where I at least got the Bronze Medal, but that was about it.  I'll still have to work on it.  Also, what you say about running is important.  I rarely remember to run.  I guess I still need to figure out when to run or not.  Thanks again for the tips.


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Re: AoB and Standard Games
« Reply #19 on: September 21, 2013, 22:36 »

As an aside, they actually give you the blue armour so you've got a gift-drop from the start in AoB (be careful where you drop it, one space back from a door is fine, in the doorway isn't). One of your first moves should be to take it off, drop it near the first door and proceed to punch formers to death. It only slows you down and is best used in the chained court (skip the arena on AoB unless you really know movement/attack timings). But you can chainsaw the arena master if you really have to with one green armour (to get there between bullets/shotties) and the inital blue (less plasma damage as you chainsaw the AM) if you play it on easier difficulty levels. You can do it on UV, but boy is it hard (Arena and CC+ is a recipe for failure unless the RNG loves you).

I have managed to get an amour-piercing chainsaw within a level of CC+ on UV though, so you can take your chances if you want.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2013, 22:38 by Sambojin »
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