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Author Topic: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC  (Read 185164 times)

Malek Deneith

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Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« on: January 30, 2014, 07:54 »

No one remembers how it started. Even the oldest known scriptures describe the world around you as torn by a struggle between good and evil, light and dark. At times the forces of light prevail and the world enters a period of peace and prosperity, like in the times of an ancient unnamed empire described in crumbling texts studied by scholars, when two races united and brought civilization to lands around them. But the forces of darkness are never far away; always searching for a way to reestablish their dominance. Even the empire of old was unable to last on, eventually splitting into two separate ones - Arkhosia an Bael Turath, which then warred until one of the races got nearly wiped out and both lost their claim to glory, perhaps forevermore.

This cycle of civilization building up and getting torn down repeated many times, with last great empire, Nerath, coming from efforts of humans and ending with great war against marauding gnoll hordes. It has been over a century and a half since that time, and yet again honest folk are covering in their houses and barricading their towns to stave off monsters and brigands. To their rescue come Adventurers: great heroes born randomly - and worryingly rarely - with ability to tap into powers beyond mortal ken. Able to achieve feats unreachable for normal people, survive wounds that'd fell lesser men and sometimes even cheat death they face off against threats to civilization. And among these Adventurers... are you.

Elemental Damage Weapons
- Lightning Kopesh (Gosok) - Active
- Frost Dagger (Isirius) - Disabled
- Flaming Flail (Quill) - Active

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Stats Average For Campaign
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Killing Blows
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Map Legend

Status Icons

- "Hearts Icon" will be used as indication for regeneration
- Bloodied isn't present on the above list - it's a icon similar to "Heart's Icon" but with blood drops instead of hearts. You'll learn to recognize it soon enough anyway

Die Roller

Character Creation Guidelines and Houserules
- Character Level 4
- Magic Items of level 5, 4 and 3 (one each) as well as 680 gp to spend on any further magic items (for new people - it is reccomended you prioritize getting a weapon, some sort of armor and possibly a neck item)
- You get to pick a Theme but NOT a Background (to clear up potential confusion from new people Background in this context means one of the ones that provide a minor mechanical bonus not backstory written by you ;P)
- No evil alignment
- Available classes:
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- Available races:
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- Available themes:
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- Free +1/+2/+3 to attacks and non-AC defenses at levels 1/11/21. And an Epic <Defense> feat equivalent at level 21 (hahahaha, yeah right as if we'll last *that* long)
- All expertise feats, feat Robust Defenses and similar, as well as Great Fortitude/Lightning Reflexes/Iron Will feats (and their superior counterparts) are not available
- Racial encounter powers are usable twice per encounter but only once per round
- At milestone you regain use of one daily power (not couning magic item powers) chosen by you in addition to getting an action point

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« Last Edit: March 30, 2014, 06:27 by Malek Deneith »
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2014, 09:23 »

This is the one with the controller and whachamacallit stuff, right?

I'm in.  Might need to dust up some 4e references though... I can't remember where I have placed them.
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Malek Deneith

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2014, 09:31 »

* Malek Deneith drops from his chair

Ow... What? thelaptop actually *in* for a game instead of just watching from the sidelines? I am shaken (but not stirred) :P

Worry not 'bout references. If this take off I'll fill you in as needed ;)
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2014, 09:35 »

I'd love to get into one of these from the start. Only I have no idea how one would play D&D over a forum, what with it's intensive use of dice. So... WHATSGOINGONHERE?!?!?

...If you don't mind. ;)
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Malek Deneith

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #4 on: January 30, 2014, 09:43 »

Dice are the least problem, trust us we've done this before ;) Just for the record, you've got yourself D&D 4e books and such or will you need references also?

Hmmm, so thelaptop makes one, Thiebs makes two... SKRen is pretty much a given barring random circumstances so let's count three... if I can twist Xander's arm enough and convince Lucky Dee (...where did I put that meat cleaver...) we'd have required minimum even if nobody else expresses interest.

Is my luck turning?..

* Malek Deneith gets hit by a random meteorite
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #5 on: January 30, 2014, 09:50 »

Don't have D&D 4e stuff, stopped playing at 3.5. Mostly because of problems with dice, actually. So the method would be important to me, though barring something very obtuse, I'd probably be willing to suck it up. If you guys can help with the rules stuff, that'd be great, though I'm pretty sure I could find a rulebook if I needed to.
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Xander Morhaime

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #6 on: January 30, 2014, 09:59 »

You have my kobold.

Well, you don't yet, because I haven't sent you the CB file, but damnit, the line doesn't work otherwise...
12. A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head.

Malek Deneith

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #7 on: January 30, 2014, 10:02 »

Regarding dice - we used online dice rollers, mostly . You register there, log in, click roll dice. Put character name in appropiate place to allow for searching of your rolls, put the dice in dice box using syntax like - for example - 1d20+5, ideally put a description below and press roll the dice. You get your result and a neat pre-made BBCode to put into your post like this:
This is a test (1d20+5=10)
...and repeat as many times needed for the actions you do. Simple stuff mostly.

As for 4e materials - I'll help you with that when the time comes, worry not. 4e is quite a bit different from 3.5e in some ways, but at the same time the rules are also much simpler to get in... and I'll be there to point out if you run into any trap options or fail to notice some stuff people take for granted. Hell, after some players in my first 4e PBF I am well used to this ;P
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #8 on: January 30, 2014, 10:15 »

Alright, I'm iffy about the dice, but I'm willing to give it a shot. Can't be too bad. I'm in. Lemme know what you need from me for character stuffs.
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #9 on: January 30, 2014, 10:46 »

Pick me! Pick me!

Also, Nightfalcon may be interested too, I can try and find out for you...
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Malek Deneith

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2014, 11:57 »

Well that's neat, assuming my predictions come true and The Sleeper does indeed apply once he wakes up it'd mean we have full set.

That being said feel free to ask your friend LuckyDee, having spare players just in case is never bad, and if it comes to that I could always bump the enemy encounters up to scale to six players... should be easy enough.

I still need to parse and decide a few things (heh heh heh) before I can lay down character creation guidelines and some background info, and help the rule-less to get their rules on, but I'll do my best to make that happen by sunday. Hell if I'm lucky and my bonus day of work this week doesn't wear me down too much maybe it'll happen sooner.
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2014, 11:59 »

Right, now that I'm in a position to read what was actually posted here:

1) Have no direct experience with D&D x.y, apart from Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment (which I recently laid my hands on again, yay!) and whatever Hackmaster copied from it. Not going to be bothered by my ignorance either.

2) Unless Gard can be used (with or without slight modifications) for D&D as well, some pointers towards character creation would be nice.

3) I'll see your meat cleaver and raise you a foot mounted mace.

That being said feel free to ask your friend LuckyDee, having spare players just in case is never bad, and if it comes to that I could always bump the enemy encounters up to scale to six players... should be easy enough.

Annnnd will do. Bit of a shame he never had the chance to come alive in the 1899 campaign. I asked him for a character concept and gave me 12. I told him which one to go with and he wrote a background long enough for gmail to decide to trim the message. And he's old, apparently.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 12:02 by LuckyDee »
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Malek Deneith

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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2014, 12:17 »

Well like I said 4e is quite a bit different from older editions, but it's much easier to get into than Hackmaster. Of course guidelines and help will be provided. If anything the worst problem for character creation here might be the abundance of options, feats especially but if you find yourself overwhelmed with that I should be able to provide you with a trimmed down list of options good for your character ;)

As for Nightfalcon - hoooooookay, now I am officially scared. Both on account of the description of your interactions with him and the "he's old" note which in this hobby kind of... yeah I'm not sure how to put it well, but I'm capital "S" Scared. To be honest I expect the kind of GMing I can do might not end up what person like that would want to play - just to be safe better pass on the, um, warnings about how I suck and how I roll before the man builds up expectations I won't be able to live up to >_>

PS. Foot mounted mace, cute...
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 12:18 by Malek Deneith »
Inquisition - saving your soul, one bolter shell at a time.
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2014, 13:44 »

PS. Foot mounted mace, cute...

Yeah, you should get yourself a copy of Munchkin, if only for the great stuff it'd add to Hackmaster. Plus it's a great game.

Sent Nightfalcon an e-mail. Awaiting his response in eager anticipation, if only to see you wet yourself at some point.

Re: old: watch the D&D episode from the tv-series Community featuring Chevy Chase as the bad guy. Re: wetting yourself, too, but the good kind.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2014, 13:45 by LuckyDee »
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Re: Chaosforge 4e PBF - OOC
« Reply #14 on: January 30, 2014, 18:30 »

Ow... What? thelaptop actually *in* for a game instead of just watching from the sidelines? I am shaken (but not stirred) :P
Yeah, the last 4e PBF I was involved in was fun, though it terminated prematurely.  I've been following D&D on and off for a while, so it's easier to just "do" 4e instead of learning a whole new system.  =P
I computed, therefore I was.
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