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Author Topic: Restore the assault rifle to it's former glory.  (Read 4217 times)


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Restore the assault rifle to it's former glory.
« on: June 18, 2014, 11:41 »

Hi folks,
I'm starting this topic to encourage discussion on the assault rifle assembly. It's my opinion that, while it was arguably the strongest 'mid tier' assembly a player could make, it was NOT overpowered.
Further, it's my opinion that, in it's current form, it's a bit rubbish!
I'd like to talk about the option of getting the assault rifle assembly back down to 0.5s firing speed, and in turn preventing it from being built on to any weapons other than chainguns (we have the hyperblaster assembly for plasmaguns, and it's hard to balance an assembly that can be put on 2 vastly different weapons without being too powerful on one and too weak on the other).

The assault rifle was perhaps a little too strong when compared with it's rivals among non-rare mod asssemblies, but it's my impression that requiring 3 agility mods is just about as taxing as a mod requirement can possibly get, outside of nano or onyx. Preventing a player build tactical boots and tactical armour is a huge cost. Whether or not it was strong, though, the full half-damage nerf was too hard a hit, imo. It's only useful in games where the player takes levels in triggerhappy, but not eagle eye, which is a ridiculous build path outside of ammochain (given that triggerhappy only works with rapidfire weapons, and eagleeye is the most important trait for rapidfire weapon builds). It's greatest advantage over similar weapons (gatling gun, burst laser etc) is ammo efficiency, which makes it pointless even when taking ammochain, and it builds out of *3* agility mod packs. For a whizkid character, this means it costs you your 25% movespeed boots.
Overall, I'd argue that assault rifle needs strengthening dramatically. While 0.5s firing speed was extremely good, I'm tempted to suggest it's ok. The assault rifle / plasma assault rifle, back when it used to have 0.5s firing time, does indeed have among the highest DPS of all rapidfiring weapons/assemblies (losing out to tech-modded laser rifles and miniguns). That said, I'd prefer to have a higher single-burst damage than a high DPS, because 0.5s time between 2 shots gives a chance of retaliatory fire, depending on chance, whereas a more powerful burst can often kill the monster outright, making firing time irrelevant.
With that in mind, I'd say 'among the highest DPS, but not the very highest' is just about perfect for an item that costs a trait, 3 of the most saught-after modpacks, and has a reduced ammo consumption.
To be honest, the fact that this item was nerfed so heavily baffles me. I think, provided is can only be made out of a minigun, it was pretty close to perfect before.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2014, 10:16 by Sylph »
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Re: Restore the assault rifle to it's former glory.
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2014, 13:57 »

I have to little feel for the numbers to argue either for or against your case, but I'm curious: what do you mean by

It's only useful in games where the player takes levels in triggerhappy, but not eagle eye


an item that costs a trait

which I assume mean the same thing?
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Re: Restore the assault rifle to it's former glory.
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2014, 16:47 »

'An item that costs a trait' just means that an assembly that requires whizkid should be a little stronger than one that does not.

"It's only useful in games where the player takes levels in triggerhappy, but not eagle eye"
means that the strenth of the assault rifle is in it's massive accuracy, which is a boost that only offsets it's poor damage when the player doesn't have ranks in eagle eye, BUT it only get's it's 'poor damage' if a player has ranks in triggerhappy. This comment is more focused on the trait builds that go best with specific weapons, but basically a gatling gun is stronger than an assault rifle with almost all character builds, and the only builds where the assault rifle can compete are builds that have triggerhappy, but not eagle eye (which is a ridiculous build in almost all situations).
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Re: Restore the assault rifle to it's former glory.
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2014, 11:21 »

I wasnt here before the nerf, so take it with a grain of sault. Well, i've never felt tempted to make an assault rifle, so i kinda agree that it doesnt seem compelling. It looks like an ammo saving assembly (Half the bullets, same firing time, a roughly 80% increase in damage per bullet), wich is ok in my book. I think the hyperblaster seems straight better, considering it has 50% the firing time and more damage per bullet, but given a lack of technical mods i might be tempted to make a plasma assault riffle instead (i mean with double eagle eyes you dont have much use for agility mods other than boots). Anyway, yeah, the assault riffle seems uncompelling, but not a decidedly bad option. Wich, considering it can be made from either a gatling or a plasma, gives it a few bonus points in my book. I probably would build it given the option to do so.


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Re: Restore the assault rifle to it's former glory.
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2014, 12:38 »

massive accuracy

Well, it's a gift horse, but calling +2 'massive' ...
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Re: Restore the assault rifle to it's former glory.
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2014, 10:15 »

I probably should have mentioned that I was referring specifically to the CHAINGUN version of the assault rifle, not the assault plasma gun (which was too powerful).

LuckyDee: I was referring tot he +2 on top of the chaingun's +2 for a total of +4.
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