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Author Topic: Limits to speed: Movement, Firing and Reloading  (Read 4823 times)

Arron Syaoran

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Limits to speed: Movement, Firing and Reloading
« on: August 30, 2014, 18:05 »

I currently have a 0.10s firing time from my pistols. Will one more level of finesse lower this, or will it be capped at 0.1s per shot?

I'm also wondering what the limits are to Fast Movement speeds, Firing Speeds and Reloading speeds. Do they Cap at 0.10s or can they be faster?

For those who want to have fun: Make a Bulk Modded Plasma Shotgun, make sure you do not have shottyman or reloader, unload the shotgun, grab invincibility, and Alternate Reload the Plasma Shotgun!

Or: Wear the Full Gothic set with no levels in hellrunner and use the run command to go all the way across the level!
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Re: Limits to speed: Movement, Firing and Reloading
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2014, 00:36 »

Firing speed is capped at 0.1s, no questions asked. Otherwise, SoG5 would have 100% firing time reduction, thus you could empty the full pistol magazine in 0.00s whole.

As for reloading and move speed, I believe these are capped as well - but these caps are much harder to reach.

In movespeed case, the fastest man on Mars would probably be a Scout with HR3 wearing a full phaseshift set (both items A-modded) on a AAoLT challenge who is berserk. The movespeed bonuses are multiplied, insated of added, so the resulting speed would be along the lines of 0.30s (0.23s when running, 0,21s when berserk). AAoLT then brings another 30%, so when berserk we would get a movespeed of 0.15s, not reaching the cap.

Reaching reloading speed cap is outright impossible. AFAIK the fastest-realoding weapon is the speedloader pistol with 0.60s. Rel3 would cut this to 0.24s and berserk would cut it to 0,16s. Being a scout on AAoLT in addition would only get you to 0.16s, not reaching the cap.

One thing that can _break_ the cap is being berserk - on my SoG5 run when I picked a Berserk pack, the @ screen told me that my firing speed was 0.07s, so I assume that berserk effect is factored in after the cap is applied. As all actions take some multiply of 0.1s, this would mean that every one of three shots fired _took no time at all_. This may well be an unintentioned behaviour and a bug.

If someone finds a faster movement or reloading example, or if someone finds that I did my math wrong, feel free to correct me, of course.
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Re: Limits to speed: Movement, Firing and Reloading
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2014, 02:44 »

I recently tried to figure out the timing of some actions and it came out all wrong with respect to what I observed in the game, so I gave up trying.  That being said...

In movespeed case, the fastest man on Mars would probably be a Scout with HR3 wearing a full phaseshift set (both items A-modded) on a AAoLT challenge who is berserk. The movespeed bonuses are multiplied, insated of added, so the resulting speed would be along the lines of 0.30s (0.23s when running, 0,21s when berserk). AAoLT then brings another 30%, so when berserk we would get a movespeed of 0.15s, not reaching the cap.

You forgot to turn the Phaseshift boots into Anti-Gravity boots and then add an additional agility mod afterward.  :)

For those who want to have fun: Make a Bulk Modded Plasma Shotgun, make sure you do not have shottyman or reloader, unload the shotgun, grab invincibility, and Alternate Reload the Plasma Shotgun!

What a coincidence!  I just made a comic on that subject!  :D
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Re: Limits to speed: Movement, Firing and Reloading
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2014, 02:58 »

You forgot to turn the Phaseshift boots into Anti-Gravity boots and then add an additional agility mod afterward.  :)[/URL]
Heh, I knew I forgot something :).
Which raises another question - the wiki states that antigravs give a +40% speed boost and cap the speed bonus at +50% (without this cap, antigrav phaseshift boots would be at +55%). Would the A-mod speed bonus apply before or after the cap for a +60% total?
If I do my math right, you would end at 0.13s per move - not reaching the cap, but the combination of this, Gunrunner and Mother-In-Law sounds pretty frightening :).
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Arron Syaoran

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Re: Limits to speed: Movement, Firing and Reloading
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2014, 08:45 »

I recently tried to figure out the timing of some actions and it came out all wrong with respect to what I observed in the game, so I gave up trying.  That being said...

You forgot to turn the Phaseshift boots into Anti-Gravity boots and then add an additional agility mod afterward.  :)

What a coincidence!  I just made a comic on that subject!  :D

The original post of this thread was actually inspired by that comic, tbh.
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Re: Limits to speed: Movement, Firing and Reloading
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2014, 08:51 »

Yeah, that would be frightening...  except that Gunrunner blocks Whizkid.  Oh well...  :)

And yes, the extra 10% speed boost is added after the cap for a total of 60% speed boost.

EDIT:  That was supposed to be a response to ZicherCZ; I didn't realize that Arron got a ninja post in there.  :)
« Last Edit: August 31, 2014, 09:23 by Tormuse »
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Re: Limits to speed: Movement, Firing and Reloading
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2014, 23:21 »

Yeah, that would be frightening...  except that Gunrunner blocks Whizkid.  Oh well...  :)
Well damn. At least you reminded me before I tried it.
Well, a missile launcher would have to do. Preferably with Shottyman for instareloading :)
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