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Author Topic: too little ammo in hell levels?  (Read 4661 times)


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too little ammo in hell levels?
« on: January 18, 2015, 13:59 »

So I can semi-reliably beat the game on im too young to die, but if I go to any higher difficulty (extreme save scumming required of course) I find almost no ammo once i reach hell, and am usually stuck by the 3rd to 5th level because I have no ammo now!

How do you beat the game when there just isnt enough ammo to power any build other than melee?


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Re: too little ammo in hell levels?
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2015, 15:09 »

The key to solving this problem is inventory management. With most builds, early to mid game ammo hoarding is vital to your success. For example, The last time I had a bullet dance build, I had saved up five boxes and seven stacks of bullets (without the backpack). That was enough to get through hell with a couple boxes to spare.

Finding out how many of each item you need in your inventory is a toughie, but I have found that usually you won't need to hold onto more than four medkits, two spare suits of armor, a phase device, an enviro suit, an extra weapon, and nine stacks of ammo. That takes 18 of your 22 inventory slots so you have four you can fill with whatever you feel you need beyond that. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, like if you found indestructible armor or your build isn't very ammo dependent, but this is usually about how my inventory ends up going into hell.

Unless you are going for a challenge like Angel of shotgunnery, having a weapon for three or four different ammo types is useful because finding a specific type of ammo in hell is harder than finding any ammo at all. I often keep a plasma rifle or a combat shotgun in my prepared weapon slot even if my build isn't focused towards these weapons.
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Re: too little ammo in hell levels?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2015, 15:41 »

Only 4 medkits? Wow.

My inventory up until hell is usually 6 medkits (which get used and replaced with alarming frequency), 1 spare armor (rarely changed out given frequency of repair kits), 2 mods (for when I find that one perfect weapon), a rocket launcher with 3 ammo stacks, leaving 9 slots for my primary ammo (usually shotgun). Once I hit hell, the ammo starts dropping off really fast because there is little to no ammo drops.

Doing AoSh gives the 6 extra ammo slots (mods usually been used by now and no rocket) and I still run out. And as far as ammo BOXES go? They are STUPIDLY rare. In all my runs, Ive seen a rocket box once, a bullet box once, and a shell box like 3 times.
« Last Edit: January 18, 2015, 15:44 by flamewolf393 »


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Re: too little ammo in hell levels?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2015, 21:50 »

For UV difficulty, do NOT ditch chaingun or 10mm ammo-using rapidfire weapons.

On Hell levels, shotgun shells and plasma cells are relatively rare, so you'll still need chaingun/rocket launchers anyway.
I recommend you to assemble a gatling gun (chaingun + BB) for emergencies. Vanilla chaingun would be too weak :p

For N! difficulty, it'll be not a problem as you can dig plasma cells
by killing regenerating former commandos..... unless you're doing ArchAoLT.
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Re: too little ammo in hell levels?
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2015, 03:06 »

My inventory up until hell is usually 6 medkits (which get used and replaced with alarming frequency), 1 spare armor (rarely changed out given frequency of repair kits), 2 mods (for when I find that one perfect weapon), a rocket launcher with 3 ammo stacks, leaving 9 slots for my primary ammo (usually shotgun). Once I hit hell, the ammo starts dropping off really fast because there is little to no ammo drops.

Doing AoSh gives the 6 extra ammo slots (mods usually been used by now and no rocket) and I still run out. And as far as ammo BOXES go? They are STUPIDLY rare. In all my runs, Ive seen a rocket box once, a bullet box once, and a shell box like 3 times.

Shotgun ammo tends to be quite sparse in the late game, but really plentiful earlier. With shotguns, be sure to minimize the distance between yourself and enemies, since all shotguns' damage drops off with distance (combat shotgun's damage drops off less, while a double shotgun drops off so much that it's almost useless against targets on the border of your line of sight).
If you do not know yet, you may want to learn about cornershooting, a technique very useful throughout the game and essential for shotgun users.

Ammo boxes are rare - that's what they are meant to be. There is a number of places where 10mm and shell boxes are guaranteed to be found, but these are in special levels (Armory/Deimos Lab and Abyssal Plains spring to mind), and some of those special levels are not generated on ITYTD.
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