I tried the -S2 switch...
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.2.0 [2007/08/31] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2007 by Florian Klaempfl
Target OS: Linux for i386
Compiling berserk.pas
berserk.pas(33,2) Warning: APPTYPE is not supported by the target OS
Compiling vsystems.pas
Compiling vsystem.pas
Compiling vnode.pas
Compiling vmsg.pas
Compiling vuid.pas
Compiling vsystem.pas
vsystems.pas(33,18) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "TSystems.Add(var TSystem, TSystem)"
Compiling brmain.pas
Compiling brlevel.pas
Compiling brdata.pas
Compiling brui.pas
Compiling vrltools.pas
Compiling vdata.pas
Compiling vstream.pas
vstream.pas(148,18) Error: function header doesn't match the forward declaration "IOutputStream.Write(const LongInt, Pointer)"
vstream.pas(166,20) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "constructor TFileInputStream.Open(const ShortString)"
vstream.pas(199,20) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "constructor TMemoryOutputStream.Open(const LongInt)"
vstream.pas(235,20) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "constructor TTextInputStream.Open(const ShortString)"
vstream.pas(255,17) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "TTextInputStream.ReadString:ShortString"
vstream.pas(297,20) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "constructor TSTDOutputStream.Create"
vstream.pas(328,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling module, stopping
Fatal: Compilation aborted
Error: /usr/local/bin/ppc386 returned an error exitcode (normal if you did not specify a source file to be compiled)