-- AliensRL (DAY 7++) Post Mortem ------------------------------------
Name : Dave
Class : Scout
Rank : Badass
Result : Killed the alien Queen and escaped
Total Experience : 22995
Experience left : 435
Game length : 283564 truns
Armor : Gyro-stabilizer [0]
Sidearm : M4A3 pistol (12/12)
Primary : M41-A pulse rifle (60/60)
Heavy : M56 smartgun (30/50)
Medpacks: 10
-- Graveyard ---------------------------------------------------------
########### ##########
-- Skills ------------------------------------------------------------
Sidearms : expert
Light weapons : expert
Heavy weapons : advanced
Technical : expert
Medical : advanced
Fitness : expert
Perception : advanced
-- Ammunition --------------------------------------------------------
9mm ammo : 395/400
.44 ammo : 121/150
M309 ammo : 280/500
M250 ammo : 305/500
60mm gren. : 38/40
12g. shells : 112/200
frag grenade : 0/5
inc grenade : 0/5
krak grenade : 5/5
-- Kills (1904) ------------------------------------------------------
661 juveniles
100 workers
399 warriors
501 hunters
242 elites
1 queen
-- Messages ----------------------------------------------------------
lightly hit the worker! You barely
scratch the worker! You barely hit
the worker! You hit the worker!
You barely hit the worker! You
barely hit the worker! You hit the
worker! The worker dies.
You reload your weapon.
You prepare your heavy weapon!
You enter the corridor. Entering
Civilian Tower, level 1...
This (3rd) attempt ended early due to not realising the game would end as soon as I entered the final tower (I was trying to see how long I could survive, and planned to fight until my ammo reserves were depleted). Never really challenged in this attempt and had full ammo in most weapons frequently, always had 9 or 10 medkits.
Out of the 8 weapons, I found 3 did not suit my game strategy. This was because 2 of the 3 seemed either weak or inefficient, and I definitely prefered one ultimate weapon over the other.
I got unlucky with being unable to find a certain armor.
Definitely looking forward to see if the great author will add instalments to Aliens 7DRL++, as well as awaiting the new public instalment of DoomRL, because the spoilers you can add to weapons sound fun.
If another quick-fix was released, I would only ask for two things (previously mentioned by other players):
1. change .44 ammo to bright white so that it corresponds to Colt weapon and is different to 9mm ammo
2. add numeric xp counter in normal view so that you know when to spend xp points without constant shift+c
(I know this would produce side benefits, knowledge such as exact xp gain from aliens, and when and how much you get from exploration(sometimes you miss the message), but I found it really inconvenient to have to go to the character screen to check for upgrades)
Two other changes other players mentioned I think are also good, but would not improve the game as much for me as the above two:
3. disallow ammo pickup on full ammo (because the ammo disappears into nothingness)
4. ammo from dropped weapons by pressing d should return to stocks (currently goes into nothingness)
Final note, does anyone else press M to switch to Heavy Weapons or pick up medkits sometimes? I probably am too used to H as the key for heal. Of course tiredness probably had something to do with this, but when I have 97 health and I press M to take on an oncoming swarm of Elites and Hunters I get annoyed at myself :P