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Author Topic: DRL: Xtreme Arena  (Read 54732 times)


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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #60 on: September 04, 2017, 17:53 »

To be fair, VANDAM also holds the Sunrise Iron Fist, but that was a very long time ago. Still, his player stats showed he never won, so I figured it was worth a try just playing fists only melee for awhile - and to be fair, as strong as Brute is, and as useful as Finesse is for melee, it's actually not too difficult(though it's certainly more of a challenge then using weapons).

As far as the un-earned medals, the Peace Pin sounds like it's reliant on making monsters kill each other, rather then doing it yourself, but how to actually make that happen is beyond me. The UAC Achievement Medal is fairly low in the hierarchy, so I can't imagine it's all that difficult to acquire, but I don't really have a clue where to begin on that one.

Edit: VANDAM is also the sole holder of the Shadow Cross... my only guess would be that it has something to do with the invisibility powerups? At least with Sunrise Iron Fist I had the DRL version of the medal as a guide.

Edit2: LongDong appears to be the sole holder of the Survivor Ribbon. My only guess on that is it's something like Explorer/Conqueror.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2017, 17:58 by Sereg »
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #61 on: September 04, 2017, 18:15 »

To be fair, VANDAM also holds the Sunrise Iron Fist, but that was a very long time ago. Still, his player stats showed he never won, so I figured it was worth a try just playing fists only melee for awhile - and to be fair, as strong as Brute is, and as useful as Finesse is for melee, it's actually not too difficult(though it's certainly more of a challenge then using weapons).

VANDAM won a lot on previous version of the game. When it hit 0.8, the stats were wiped and he only played very few games on this version. He was highly practiced coming in to this.

As far as the un-earned medals, the Peace Pin sounds like it's reliant on making monsters kill each other, rather then doing it yourself, but how to actually make that happen is beyond me. The UAC Achievement Medal is fairly low in the hierarchy, so I can't imagine it's all that difficult to acquire, but I don't really have a clue where to begin on that one.

Peace pin - yep monster civil war is one method. Barrels...lava pits...

Edit: VANDAM is also the sole holder of the Shadow Cross... my only guess would be that it has something to do with the invisibility powerups? At least with Sunrise Iron Fist I had the DRL version of the medal as a guide.

I don't remember this at all :P

Edit2: LongDong appears to be the sole holder of the Survivor Ribbon. My only guess on that is it's something like Explorer/Conqueror.

I think the survivor ribbon is more luck finishing the level (or leaving the level) with like 2% health or something like that.
Hell Knight 1st Lt. (.997)


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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #62 on: September 04, 2017, 19:31 »

In other news, I've discovered the secret of the iron fist:

25 kills?  Is that all?  :o  With a few well placed berserk packs, that shouldn't be too difficult.  Similarly, I notice that the Marksman badge is for 25 pistol kills, so with Dualgunner, that's not too difficult either.

Peace pin - yep monster civil war is one method. Barrels...lava pits...

Is this another "25 kill" thing?  That might be doable too; a well timed invulnerability would be a big help.

I don't remember this at all :P

Oh, great, we may never find out the secret, then.  :P

I think the survivor ribbon is more luck finishing the level (or leaving the level) with like 2% health or something like that.

Oh, is that all?  Just step in the lava a bit before getting the last enemy in CC; should be easy enough...  No, wait, you drain the lava before facing the Barons/Knights...  well, just leave a single Former Human to ping you a bunch of times before you finish him off.  That should do it.  :)
Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #63 on: September 04, 2017, 19:44 »

Oh, great, we may never find out the secret, then.  :P

Ok ok, I just looked in the code...
If you finish any round without taking any damage, you get the sun medal.
If you finish round 3 without taking any damage, you get the shadow cross.
I believe that's cumulative damage, so you have to clear ALL the rounds without taking damage.

Oh, is that all?  Just step in the lava a bit before getting the last enemy in CC; should be easy enough...  No, wait, you drain the lava before facing the Barons/Knights...  well, just leave a single Former Human to ping you a bunch of times before you finish him off.  That should do it.  :)

That might's a price best paid in the early in the game if you want a full medal count.
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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #64 on: September 04, 2017, 20:05 »

All three rounds without damage? The legend of VANDAM continues... I suppose it should be manageable in the first arena battle, but I'll leave that to Tormuse =P

Thanks for the code-diving, MaiZure... I suppose one of us ought to start adding some of this stuff to the wiki. Any of the editors play XA?

As far as the 25 kills, berserk isn't really necessary... one level of Brute means you kill just about anything in the early rounds of each battle in two hits, to say nothing of two or three levels. It's also not too challenging to get into melee range... hiding around corners, followed by a calculated roll, can usually get you the jump on most enemies, and that's usually enough to kill them with minimal damage. It's actually significantly easier then DRL to go fists only here.

KK is still probably almost impossible to kill this way, though...

Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #65 on: September 04, 2017, 20:34 »

I suppose one of us ought to start adding some of this stuff to the wiki. Any of the editors play XA?

I don't think XA ever made it in to the wiki since it wasn't publicly available until last week!

KK is still probably almost impossible to kill this way, though...

I should throw out there that KK's difficult varies wildly based on player fact in his weakest state, I don't think he even has all his weapons and toys available. As Tormuse mentioned, it's possible to face KK as early as round 5. But big points go to finishing him at the end.

The most important component to his difficult involves the number of rounds you've completed overall. I think it may bump more if you've totally dominated any rounds (no hits/damage to yourself). Naturally these things affect your final score too. So if you've managed to play perfectly, then expect a very dangerous final fight with the chance to lose it all :)
Hell Knight 1st Lt. (.997)


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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #66 on: September 04, 2017, 21:40 »

That explains my last run... had a laser rifle and the backpack and a lot of nice traits and still couldn't take KK down.

You might want to check that your traits are working as intended... I have Army of the Dead x2 and the final trait effect list(pictured) shows the effect for Fireangel(which I did not take), not Army. Might have finished that boss fight if my backup chaingun actually was armor piercing...

Oh well, still my best run to date.
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #67 on: September 04, 2017, 21:54 »

You might want to check that your traits are working as intended... I have Army of the Dead x2 and the final trait effect list(pictured) shows the effect for Fireangel(which I did not take), not Army. Might have finished that boss fight if my backup chaingun actually was armor piercing...

Bug in the end game display -- missing break in a switch statement.
It should read: "Shotguns pierce armor with max damage". MADx2 is kind of line sharpshooter for shotguns

Still pretty impressive though!
Hell Knight 1st Lt. (.997)


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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #68 on: September 04, 2017, 21:58 »

Oh, hmm, in the in game help menu it states that AotDx1 is armor penetration for shells, x2 for bullets, x3 for plasma, which is why I grabbed the second level - I haven't actually found much use for shotguns in XA, but I sure do like my chaingun.

Which is the case, scaling weapon types as with dualgunner, or scaling penetration per your most recent post?
« Last Edit: September 04, 2017, 22:04 by Sereg »
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #69 on: September 04, 2017, 22:06 »

Oh, hmm, in the in game help menu it states that AoDx1 is armor penetration for shells, x2 for bullets, x3 for plasma, which is why I grabbed the second level - I haven't actually found much use for shotguns in XA.

Quick look at the code confirms what I said...

                if (army_of_the_dead > 1)
                    pellet.damage = 3
                    pellet.damage += rnd_range(1,3) also affects the MINIGUN. Miniguns ignore armor if army of the dead is higher than 1. Damn?

So far, that's all I see.
Hell Knight 1st Lt. (.997)


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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #70 on: September 04, 2017, 22:11 »

Hmm, then it's the help file that's in need of a correction - assuming you're still actively developing XA(and I really hope you are, at least to some extent - it's a hell of alot of fun, despite the occasional bug or other minor issue).

I have yet to find the minigun, but that will be something to keep in mind... am I to understand that it fires shotgun pellets instead of bullets? Does it draw from the shotgun ammo pool, then? Seems like it wouldn't keep firing for very long, if so...

Edit: Or perhaps I'm misreading, and AotDx2 boosts minigun damage specifically, not bullet damage in general? I was just going by the code fragment you posted, but maybe there's more.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2017, 22:14 by Sereg »
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #71 on: September 04, 2017, 22:20 »

Hmm, then it's the help file that's in need of a correction - assuming you're still actively developing XA(and I really hope you are, at least to some extent - it's a hell of alot of fun, despite the occasional bug or other minor issue).

August 24th, 2013 was the last code commit and I haven't touched it since. I took 3 months off work that summer and traveled in Europe while putting this together in my spare time. I started work again on Sept 1st that year back home here in Japan. Is the project dead hmmm...yeah :P. I could probably update it, but bigger issue that I have some rough house rules where I work. Anything I make while employed belongs to the company, etc. I highly doubt they'd press it for a computer game, but you never know.

I have yet to find the minigun, but that will be something to keep in mind... am I to understand that it fires shotgun pellets instead of bullets? Does it draw from the shotgun ammo pool, then? Seems like it wouldn't keep firing for very long, if so...

Bullet weapons are treated differently than shotgun, yes.

You fire one shotgun shell and each shell generates a number of pellets, each with its own scatter (random speed and direction). So if you fire the Jackhammer, it'll fire multiple shells in a blast and generate that many more times the number of pellets.
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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #72 on: September 04, 2017, 22:28 »

Ah, shame about the company rules... well, I will enjoy it as is, for now. Thanks for actively engaging on this thread, and being willing to code-dive and explain the discrepancies for us ;)
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #73 on: September 04, 2017, 22:36 »

Thanks for actively engaging on this thread, and being willing to code-dive and explain the discrepancies for us ;)

Thanks for playing the game! And code reading is one of my past-times, but usually not my own haha.

I could probably dust it off and get it building again for some updates. Honestly, I was running out of things to add and the bug list isn't very long. I'd be glad to entertain ideas for a proper release at some point
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Re: DRL: Xtreme Arena
« Reply #74 on: September 05, 2017, 00:10 »

Ok ok, I just looked in the code...
If you finish any round without taking any damage, you get the sun medal.
If you finish round 3 without taking any damage, you get the shadow cross.
I believe that's cumulative damage, so you have to clear ALL the rounds without taking damage.

Oh, really?  Hmm...  I know I'm not the best at avoiding damage, but I would've thought I had done that at least once out of all those games I played.  (At least the Sun Medal)  Wait a minute...  *Looks up recording*  What about the UAC Gold Star medal that says "valiantly eliminated an entire enemy platoon without a scratch" or Order of the Wind, which says "demonstrated mastery at avoiding incoming damage."  I got both of those in my winning game that I posted...  (part 6)  although, come to think of it, that was in the previous version, so maybe it awarded medals differently?  :|

I have yet to find the minigun, but that will be something to keep in mind... am I to understand that it fires shotgun pellets instead of bullets? Does it draw from the shotgun ammo pool, then? Seems like it wouldn't keep firing for very long, if so...

It's a super chaingun; it takes a few seconds to spin up and then it sprays bullets ridiculously fast.  (You can see me use it a few times in my videos)  :)  Having that as an armour-piercing weapon would be...  impressive.  :o

Ah, shame about the company rules... well, I will enjoy it as is, for now. Thanks for actively engaging on this thread, and being willing to code-dive and explain the discrepancies for us ;)

And I'd like to echo what Sereg said here; thanks for participating in this thread!  :)  And yeah, it sucks that your company rules control you like that, though I think it's worth noting that, as you said earlier, this game is based on a game that received a cease and desist order...  so your company probably won't want to touch it.  ;)
Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
Check out my Youtube channel for videos of me playing DRL!  :)
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