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Author Topic: The Journey to 100%  (Read 97122 times)


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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #75 on: October 07, 2017, 09:57 »

Day 30:

Pictures galore today! I've progressed significantly in my run and am totally ready to be finding Dragonslayer!

Continuing from yesterday, I found an extra Nano Pack, which I can use for a Nano-Shrapnel:

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I held onto my Shotgun for awhile if things got tight with ammo and I couldn't find a Super Shotgun. After awhile of close calls and getting annoyed with carrying ammo, I decided to take the plunge and made a Nano Shotgun:

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My usual progression when I play Shotgun builds is Shotgun->Combat Shotgun->Tactical Shotgun->Nano Shotgun->Nano Super Shotgun. The first two improvements are nice, but not dramatically different, but going to a Nano Shotgun is worlds better! Infinite ammo implies so much more since I no longer need to worry about reloading, picking up items (ammo) on the ground, I have way more inventory space, I don't need to attack in certain ways to conserve ammo, and so much more! I've read around a lot that people believe Ammochain is one of the best master traits, and I'm honestly sure it is, but I just can't stand not having a source of infinite ammo in Ao100/666. I suppose Ammochain's main advantage is not having damage reduction since modding weapons isn't focused on nanomachic/shrapnel, and it's also great for regular games, but it's totally not my style for Ao100/666.

Later on, I got myself into an interesting situation where a Cyberdemon was trying to fire at me, couldn't damage me, but insisted on not moving. Really weird, but also advantageous tactic:

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Further on, I got super lucky and found this, bringing my mission here to 25% completed:

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I'm very happy to have found this! Now whether I get 100% of my goals, or die, at least this run wasn't in vain and I've progressed at least somewhat! Now I only need 1 more BFG10K!

Some more floors later and I found one of my #1 items I was on the hunt for:

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It's honestly insane the difference between Nano Shotgun (2nd best of its kind) and Nano Super Shotgun! From damage, to knockback, to double firing, it's yet another big step forward in offence!

I had the Power Packs and used my second Nano Pack right away to max it out:

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You can really see the power difference here:

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Not too much later and I found my third Nano Pack, which is waiting for a fresh pair of Phaseshift Boots:

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Shortly after, I also found a Chainsaw:

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Given that I'm using Blademaster on this run, a Ripper is arguably the next best melee weapon, so I started building towards that. It provides a little bit of practice with the melee style of this character, as well as providing another source of berserk for when I find Dragonslayer.

After several experience levels, I got to this with my traits:

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Anything at this point is no longer useful for a Dragonslayer/Blademaster build, so naturally, I started picking things to help for the pre-Dragonslayer part of this run. Juggler is the obvious pick since I'm rocking a Ripper, but I discovered an amazing purpose for Eagle Eye too! Despite having Brute x5, the Ripper's accuracy goes below the maxed out 98% while running, and is actually off by just 2 accuracy values to max out again, which is where Eagle Eye comes in! An extremely negligible detail really, but it gives a purpose to selecting Eagle Eye over Reloader. It's almost a bit mathematically beautiful how it works out so perfectly!

I started to collect Nano Packs since I kept finding them, since it feels so wrong to throw them away:

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Later on, I found my second Onyx Pack to finish my Phaseshift Armor:

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I also got a second Firestorm Pack, waiting for a Nuclear BFG:

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And then I also built possibly my new favorite weapon:

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With this Nanomachic Napalm Launcher, I can do some serious landscaping on each floor! It pairs super well with Cerberus Boots and is yet another handy source of berserk! I usually play with Nano Super Shotgun and Ripper in my direct arsenal, and switch to my launcher if I need it. It helps block off some enemies too when I start to get surrounded, and opens up more direct paths to staircases when there's a nearby Invulnerability. The only disappointing thing was learning it can't be modded with Firestorm, so I went with Power. :P

Later, I also maxed out my experience level:

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This is what my inventory generally looks like right now:

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I found yet another Onyx Pack, but like my Nanos, I started to chuck them. It still feels so wrong, but there's literally no more use for them:

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After some more floors, I decided to start stairdiving and skipping enemies too. This was the first floor I started doing it, whereas I had cleared out every monster beforehand:

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As cool as it would be to get 100% kills on Ao666, it's not efficient use of my time, it puts my run at slight risk, and they don't do anything towards my goals. I generally hunt for a Computer/Tracking Map if one is around, or otherwise I'll clear the level before jumping down the stairs. The nice thing is that the only other armor I need is Inquisitor, and since that prompts me at the start of the level, I also don't have to worry about killing every enemy that could pick up an armor. I'm thinking I could start using it too:

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(Not really, I would rather have Phaseshift Boots)

So that's everything for today! I'm about as prepared as possible now, and I've at least progressed a little with my BFG10K pickup, so here's hoping it continues well and I can get myself the Dragonslayer!
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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #76 on: October 08, 2017, 10:05 »

Day 31:

The adventure continues!

Shortly after starting, I came across Inquisitor Armor, giving me the complete set for the first time:

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That 100% fire resistance is pretty awesome, but I was also really happy to see a very high movement speed with the set:

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I tried it out a lot and I can definitely appreciate fire immunity, but it's not a total cakewalk. While Archviles aren't a threat, they still need to be killed while reviving everything, and Mancubi and Revenants end up destroying every wall and item. I mostly took the set as insurance for mistakes. I also miss having acid fluid immunity, but I suppose the set would be too broken if it had that too. I noticed that the armor is indestructible, but while the boots have self-repair, they don't specifically say they're also indestructible. Could I potentially destroy the boots if I stand in acid for too long?

All that said though, I discovered a really cool trick that significantly improves use of the Inquisitor set for this type of run. Despite taking no damage from explosions, they can still trigger Berserker trait and with my Nanomachic Napalm Launcher...

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...I can essentially give myself permanent berserk! After every few floors, I'd blow myself up repeatedly to provide myself a ton of berserk for a speed and resistance boost! I imagine there's some sort of hard cap with how much berserk I can stack, so it's not true permanent berserk, but it's pretty dang close!

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Throughout the floors, I found some more interesting layouts and happenings. This island stuck out in particular to me:

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I also learned on a floor with a flood of acid/lava that also has a flooding lever, you can cut off the area where the incoming flood takes up:

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Pretty cool niche mechanic!

Some more floors later, I hit 50%:

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I finally got my first Subtle Knife, leaving just the legendary Dragonslayer to complete my collection of specials and uniques! For fun, I also pulled a summoning lever, and they get pretty insane on deeper floors:

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At this point, I've collected everything I wanted outside of a pair of Phaseshift Boots, Nuclear BFG, and Dragonslayer of course. Given that I had no problem killing everything, surviving, and I was fast enough with the Inquisitor set, I decided to purely stairdive until I'd get floors that prompt me there's a unique. With my berserk spam trick, tons of health, speed, etc, I was flying through the game. Eventually, near the exit of one of the floors, I found one of the items I was looking for:

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With the Firestorm Packs I collected, I built my first Biggest Fucking Nuclear Gun:

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I have to say it was pretty underwhelming based on what I've read about it. It's pretty awesome it completely destroys a section of the map, but it's also destroying all the items, the walls for cover, not necessarily killing everything, and has a big recharge. Of course, there needs to be some limitations to avoid being overpowered, but perhaps I'm spoiled with Nano Super Shotgun. Or perhaps it is insane but just doesn't mesh with my playstyle. In any case, I'm not the hugest fan.

After doing a ton more stairdiving, it happened:

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I finally got the Dragonslayer! I never figured out how to get it back in the day and had some struggle finding it, but I finally got it! This also completes my item collection and sets me up for also killing the Apostle! I also noticed that I could still put an item into my prepared slot, despite not being able to switch, so I imagine Dragonslayer with Malicious Blades. Perhaps mixing it with Butcher's Cleaver would get into some serious insanity. :P The whirlwind alternate fire is also really awesome!

I cleaned out my inventory of weapons and lesser armors for extra space, though I couldn't bare tossing my Cerberus Ballistic Vest seeing those resistances:

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I tossed my Phaseshift Armor since the Inquisitor set was doing just fine, and I wanted to put my focus into just getting to the end. I found about 8 Phaseshift Armors, but only the one Phaseshift Boots that I busted. I did find a second pair though, but left it behind:

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Having collected all the uniques I wanted, having all the gear I need, and with just one goal left, I started purely stairdiving without restriction. I was healing faster than I could lose health too with the massive movement speed and Soulspheres/Megaspheres everywhere. On floor 650, I decided it was time to put on the Berserker Armor:

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I have to say, I don't like it. It's so much slower, it's a big drop in the resistances I had, and the protection is redundant when I was already taking just 1 damage by most things (or 0):

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I noticed my rate of damage went way up and actually had to focus into playing again, which while not being in danger of death, was a bit scary.

I finally got to floor 666:

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Met the Apostle:

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And got the kill:

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That error message is super scary, but it didn't seem to do anything fortunately. So with that, I completed my goal 100%! I got all 3 uniques I wanted, and got my first Apostle kill!

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I got to learn a lot from this run, did several things for the first time I had never done, and made a great step forward in progressing in this game! After comparing to all the different super weapons, Nano Super Shotgun is definitely my favorite in the game! I just love the control it offers, not needing to worry about accuracy, the spread it has, and just everything about it! Nanomachic Napalm Launcher is also up there too, and is probably ideal for a Nightmare/Angel of Darkness run. I didn't get to try out the Phaseshift set unfortunately, but I imagine it's pretty similar to Inquisitor set, but even more ridiculously fast. The Inquisitor set is also amazing and I love using it to nullify a ton of potential errors I can make, as well as its combo power with launchers!

Dragonslayer is very cool with permanent berserk and whirlwind, but melee just doesn't quite fit my playstyle, and though healing isn't too big of a deal, it can be a bit tricky with certain situations. Lack of wall destruction, damage spread, Intuition, etc are all downsides I don't like. Killing Cyberdemons in 2-3 hits is pretty sick though.

I also really dislike Berserker Armor and don't think I'll ever use it again outside of desire to kill the Apostle again, which I don't think I'll do. It's just way too slow and not that strong relative to other super armors, which is a big hindrance when playing melee. I don't think I'll be using Biggest Fucking Gun again with how costly it is, but I think it'll have its niche on Ao666 on Nightmare because of corpse destruction. With how well this run went, I think once fully geared that I could beat this on Nightmare, but no plans for that for awhile yet.

So what's next? Well, another run of course! I still need 2 more Dragonslayers and Subtle Knives, as well as another BFG10K to finish getting 3 of every special and unique for Armorer Diamond Badge. I'll likely use the same build, but perhaps use another Cybernetic Energy-Shield Vest since I'm not restricted by cursed armors this time. I think I'll go with Shottyhead this time over Blademaster as well since my run will likely end with finding Dragonslayer anyway. Also, should I find all 3 items, I'll be suiciding immediately since completing the full 666 floors isn't helpful for progressing in the game and would just be a slog.

Very happy to have 100%ed my run here and everything that came with it!
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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #77 on: October 08, 2017, 23:16 »

Congrats!  The Apostle sure was a whole lot of nothing, wasn't he? :P

Just wanna reply to a couple of things.  It is annoying that the berserk effect's red filter makes Intuition's purple X's blend in with the black, but you can still use the minimap to see Intuition's marks.  Or just play in console mode, all ASCII and no color filters.

And also with the sole exception of the Backpack (advice: Do not try to pick it up while barons are around.), unique items are almost indestructible.  They can survive any explosion (even nukes), dropping them in acid and lava that would destroy other items does nothing to them, and unique armors and probably boots as well continue to survive even at 0% durability.  The only way to truly destroy them is to gib a former human or hell noble that's picked them up, so it's really only applicable to unique armors... I think.  Do they also pick up the staffs and Hellwave pack?

Anyway, that's it and congrats again.  I'm still wondering how to do my next Ao666 run, it'll probably be on Nightmare and will just be a mad dash to the end with hopefully the Dragonslayer.  Assuming I can survive that long.


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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #78 on: October 09, 2017, 09:39 »

Cool. I prefer playing without ASCII or minimap, so I'll just deal with not being able to see them. It's not too important, but perhaps I'll change my settings for more difficult melee runs when going for badges.

Once I've collected all 3 of the uniques I need, I'll bathe in acid while wearing Inquisitor Boots to test their indestructibility.

Day 32:

I didn't play as much after finishing my Ao666 run on the previous day, so not much to update. I played enough to get a new run going, where I've already collected a Napalm Launcher, 2x Nuclear BFGs, a Nuclear Plasma Rifle, Super Shotgun, Hell Staff, and the Inquisitor Set, all along floors 30-60! I've been very lucky with my drops. Still no BFG10K, Subtle Knife, or Dragonslayer yet though, and I could also use a Nano Pack, but my nuclear weapons have me covered if ammo runs out.

I also had a ridiculously good floor 1:

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Not that it matter too much, but it sure was a lucky start before all the additional luck that followed!

As I said, once this run is finished, I'll test out the boots and see if acid destroys them. Even if they do, I can't really imagine that being a realistic situation to happen, and I'd assume most people would have Cerberus Boots as a backup. Maybe on an acid flood, but even then, you can just switch to Cerberus Boots and hide at the edge of the ocean.

One other thing is that Shottyhead + Dodgemaster + Inquisitor Set is ridiculously good at dodging attacks. Most enemies get pulped before they can strike back, and when they are about to, I have so much movement speed and Dodgemaster to avoid most attacks anyway. It's a really great combo! The Blademaster route I took last time is still of course better for a run intending to pick up Dragonslayer, but this is working out very well too!

And of course, once I finish this current run, I'll need to do one more to get a third Dragonslayer and Subtle Knife!
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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #79 on: October 10, 2017, 16:12 »

Day 33:

After a very strong start to my run, I continued on mostly stairdiving in hunt for the 3 uniques I was after.


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Another successful run! What's interesting is early on, I found a Grammaton Cleric Beretta, despite thinking I had already found one earlier. I was wondering if I somehow misread what the first one was if it were an Anti-Freak Jackal, but also thought that perhaps uniques can re-appear if you don't actually pick them up. After finding my apparently third Grammation Cleric Beretta, indeed that is the case! I had actually skipped a few other uniques which I saw a second time later, so it's fortunate I still found all 3 uniques I needed.

As I also said, I wanted to test the indestructibility of Inquisitor Boots, since the wiki doesn't specifically say they are, just that they self-repair. It was pretty difficult to find some acid so late into the run, but eventually I came across some:

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Mystery solved!

Following that, I suicided as intended:

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It wouldn't have been very difficult to finish the run, but I'd gain nothing from it so there was no point. Hopefully that decision doesn't break too many hearts. :P I honestly find Ao100/666 games very easy and I imagine most veterans here would too.

With that, I need just one more Dragonslayer and one more Subtle Knife to gain Armorer Diamond Badge and to complete yet another page on my player stats! It'll be very nice because I'll no longer have to put runs at risk when a needed unique appears and I go out of my way to get it. The only exception is a Dragonslayer run for killing the Spider Mastermind, but I'll be working on getting that at some point too.

I already started my 3rd unique hunting run and got an insanely early Super Shotgun:

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However, this time I'm struggling a lot more with ammo and lack of Nano Packs. Even a Blaster or Nuclear Plasma Rifle/BFG would be appreciated. Hopefully, I can complete my run!
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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #80 on: October 11, 2017, 14:29 »

Day 34:

Continuing the same run, I still was struggling with ammo and no sight of Nano Packs either. I had about 150ish shells for emergency, but I decided that I had to start stairdiving in hopes of finding the uniques right away, or bumping into a Nano Pack on my path to the end of each floor. I collected a Phaseshift set to try out and while they're not complete (need Onyx for the armor and Nano for boots), they're still incredibly fast! It's pretty crazy to see all the enemies essentially be inanimate. I'm somewhat tempted to go for a Cybernano Phaseshift Armor, which is better than Phaseshift Armor (AOP), but obviously the disadvantage is being forced to committing to it. No Inquisitor Armor yet.

I'm somewhere in the 200s now, but I've already had a few close calls that I barely survived. Even though I now have 2x Nuclear Plasma Rifles, I'm too deep in to be able to stop stairdiving unless I find the very elusive Nano Pack for my Super Shotgun. The number and danger of the enemies is way too high at this point. I just have to keep running and hope for the best!

With any luck, I'll just find the uniques. I'm thinking of grinding for a Dragonslayer to use against the Spider Mastermind after this goal is complete, so I'll happily settle for just a Subtle Knife this run if I die early on.
v0.9.9.7G: [43|26/26/26/24/21/4]

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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #81 on: October 11, 2017, 16:15 »

I'm doing my own Ao666(100%). Almost 300 floors in and no sign of nano packs, but I found 3 Sniper packs (worthless to me) at least!
The question I would ask though is if I should make a NSuper shotgun, or Antigrav Phaseshift boots first?


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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #82 on: October 11, 2017, 22:00 »

I've never really found much use for nanoshrapnel shotguns, but I always use antigrav phase boots if I'm not using the inquisitor set.
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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #83 on: October 12, 2017, 07:10 »

I've never really found much use for nanoshrapnel shotguns, but I always use antigrav phase boots if I'm not using the inquisitor set.

Too late, gave up on run and suicided.
How can a gamemode be so boring? Seriously, I was going nuts from tedium.


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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #84 on: October 12, 2017, 07:37 »

Too late, gave up on run and suicided.

After 300-something levels? Please tell me you mean you got yourself killed so at least the several millions of kills and item finds still count...
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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #85 on: October 12, 2017, 09:54 »

Took a lava bath.


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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #86 on: October 12, 2017, 12:03 »

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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #87 on: October 12, 2017, 15:45 »

Day 35:

More stairdiving and more struggling. I didn't find any Nano or Onyx Packs again, so I just had to keep running for the stairs, collecting health, and conserving ammo. Still was hoping for Inquisitor Armor too. I had some pretty fast floors with Phaseshift Set though, which is very nice. I also learned that you can click over fluids and the in-game movement doesn't get restricted with it, which is cool!

Fortunately, I got a different form of luck:

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And that luck continued:

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So despite my run not being ideal, I still completed my goals again! And with that, I now have collected 3 of every special and unique, giving me Armorer Diamond Badge!

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Next, I started going for Gatekeeper Platinum Badge. I figured Angel of Pacifism would be easiest since I could rely on either Invulnerability + Nuke, or use a Phase Device and hope for the best. Early on, I had two Phase Device runs and was inside the teleporter room, but was hit by splash damage both times. Very troll. I also tried a bit of Max Carnage + Light Travel, but the room before the Bruisers is way too insane to not be getting hit in.

I'm really curious what higher level skill is like in this game. A badge like Arena Diamond Badge (complete Hell's Arena on Nightmare on Angel of Berserk) seems ridiculously impossible to get. Like, certainly after a number of games it would eventually get completed, but I'm curious about consistency. I recall 2Dev claiming he could regularly get Dragonslayers from Unholy Cathedral, or Vandam's achievement of Demonic Angelic Badge, which seems totally fucked.

A higher skill level from what I'm aware of would involve things like knowing the math at a deeper level, planning movements of all enemies simultaneously, optimizing each decision based on probability, and so forth, but with the sheer luck and variance in the game, I don't see any way to complete difficult badges with ease, and not relying on countless attempts on top of great skill. I'm slowly starting to hit that point now that many of my remaining goals require playing on Nightmare, but I'm also a grinder and willing to play repeatedly. I'd just like to know if I should focus on personal gameplay improvement, or pumping out a large number of runs.

Any tips, advice, or wisdom is appreciated. :)
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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #88 on: October 12, 2017, 17:48 »

As a self-professed noob who cribs every strat they find and read about, who also has no business telling you any of this, I'd say go for a bit of both. Just keep pumping out runs, and getting better along the way. The beast of both worlds!
(WARNING! Noobiness may affect reliability of advice.)


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Re: The Journey to 100%
« Reply #89 on: October 12, 2017, 23:12 »

There's severe doubt about the legitimacy of any of 2Dev's achievements.

VANDAM is alot more likely to be legit, at least in my opinion, but there were never any mortems or videos of his claims.

The best active player at the moment has to be Tormuse(and as far as I'm aware he also has the highest confirmed Angelic count of any player in the history of DRL), and I know he's following your thread, so perhaps he will have some thoughts for you, but until then I can only speak for myself.

When it comes to the higher difficulty challenges, I am *extremely* inconsistent. My most impressive achievements have only come about through innumerable attempts culminating in one final run where I had pretty incredible luck. I can't speak to Arena Diamond(that one seems just as impossible to me as it does to you - there are at least 4 more Angelics[Veteran, Elite, Quartermaster, and Centurial] I'll go for before I'd even consider trying that), and while I suspect Dragonslayers from the cathedral are more consistent then that badge, they'd still require a massive amount of luck in the Arena. Again, you'll probably want to wait on Tormuse for that one, because he's actually done it.

Demonic Angelic is, if memory serves, 100% kill rate damageless nightmare? This is probably theoretically possible, but not only would it require an absurd number of attempts coupled with absolutely insane luck, it would also require player skill to be absolutely monumental. I would consider this to be on the very far end of the attainability scale.

Even the easier Diamonds and Angelics can't really be pulled off consistently, regardless of player skill - there is an optimal move on every single turn of the game, but the information required to make it is rarely fully available, and even with the intuition developed over hundreds of games that would decide a questionable move in the absence of complete information, the RNG will ensure that some runs simply cannot succeed regardless of player input, and this is especially true for achievements that rely on taking low(or no) damage.

As far as how to improve from here, keep trying difficult achievements. As Granola said, do both - playing large numbers of games will improve your feel for the game and help you make correct decisions even without full information, and you'll improve your base skill level along the way. This, at least, has been the case for me. When I first started posting, I think I was something like a Mancubus 2nd Lieutenant and struggling for whatever I needed for the next rank, which was probably a handful of gold badges. From there I made it all the way up to Cyberdemon Lt. General, which was the pinnacle of my achievement until I started a brand new profile on a new computer, wondering whether I'd even be able to replicate my former achievements.

Well, I have, and then some. Playing is the biggest part of it, and the rest is probably engaging with the community, getting feedback on runs, and familiarizing yourself with details of gameplay, whether that's learning from other players, reading the wiki, or checking stats in game. You're doing a good job of engaging with the community on this thread, and the rest is up to you, but I think you're on the right track.

Edit: I was close - it was Cacodemon 2nd Lieutenant. Here's the very first mortem I ever posted.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2017, 23:28 by Sereg »
Cyberdemon Chaos Colonel

Medals - DRL 27/43 | XA 16/31
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