Here's something interesting that I discovered when I did a couple of AoI runs with a technician in an attempt to get the Lava Silver badge. Mod packs apparently also count as consumables so on AoI, you can't pick up them up and must use them from the ground. But if you scavenge mod packs from guns, they actually stay in your inventory like in a normal run; I didn't try dropping them, but I assume that you can't pick them up again afterwards. So you could use mod packs on, say, pistols and then scavenge them out later when you need them.
Despite that though, I actually failed to create any cerberus boots in time for the Lava Pits/Mt. Erebus because the right types of mod packs didn't show up. I only got Lava Silver because the game pitied me with the Enviroboots just as I was losing hope on the second run.