Flynn Taggart, level 9 Marine, killed on
Europa Central Dig by a cryoreaver.
He survived for 5439 turns.
The run time was 50m 15s.
He scored 1520 points.
He took MEDIUM risks.
CALLISTO L4 -> Military Barracks
Military Barracks - cleared
EUROPA L2 -> Conamara Chaos Biolabs L1
Conamara Chaos Biolabs L2 -> Containment Area
Containment Area - cleared
He killed 220 out of 230 enemies.
2 combat drones
3 armored ravagers
5 ravagers
9 cryoreavers
26 fiends
5 rocket turrets
1 archreaver
26 former guards
10 former grunts
12 former sergeants
7 hellish soldiers
10 security drones
3 toxic reavers
10 turrets
3 exalted soldiers
1 former heavy
2 corrupted guards
23 fire fiends
8 corrupted soldiers
5 corrupted sergeants
1 military drone
3 corrupted commandos
4 hellish grunts
12 corrupted heavys
3 hellish sergeants
18 former soldiers
7 security bots
1 former commando
Skilled L2
Reloader L2
Whizkid L2
Reload Dance
Slot #1 : chaingun BA
Slot #2 : ADV 12ga shotgun P2
Slot #3 : rocket launcher P
Body : ADV blue armor P
Utility : - NONE -
rocket (x9)
12ga shell (x50)
12ga shell (x50)
12ga shell (x17)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x100)
7.62 ammo (x68)
gas grenade (x1)
multitool (x2)
So, about 95% of my runs for the last month has ended due to Heavies or Armored Ravagers. Not necessarily by killing blow, but the definitive cause of death. I just don't know how to deal with them if I don't have a hilariously overpowered weapon capable of oneshotting them. Sure, Heavies can *usually* be oneshotted before the fire, not always, but most of the time. These are only a problem if you step into their LOS if you haven't seen them first.
Armored Ravagers though. How the hell do you deal with them? No matter what I always get hit by them. It doesn't matter what I do, they always get at least one shot off at me, and with how cramped most levels are, this means taking damage. And considering almost half of all enemies on late Europa are ARs, they bleed my healthbar to the point where I don't have staying power and just get murdered by stray shots.
I'm genuinely looking for advice on how to *deal* with ARs. Not run away and ignore them, because I'm currently trying for 100% kills. How do you deal with them?