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Author Topic: Typos and grammatical errors  (Read 5456 times)


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Typos and grammatical errors
« on: February 16, 2021, 12:49 »

I've been meaning to make a post about this for a while, since I've been making a note of typos for the last...  ten versions or so.  :P  I have no idea if this is a good time to be making this, but I just don't want to put it off any longer.  This is gonna be a weird mix of old and new stuff;  some of it may have been fixed already, and now that all the descriptions have been re-done for the new Beta, I should really go over everything anew, but at least this will help the Devteam get started correcting it, so here goes.  :)


Bloodhound description, "...once you seen an enemy it's position is always revealed..."  (Should be "you've" instead of "you;" also, there should be a comma after "enemy;" also, also, no apostrophe in "its")

(vampiric mod description) "A sophisticate device..."  (should be "sophisticated")

Healing orb description:  "What could you ask for more!"  (Would read better as "what more could you ask for?"  with that word order and a question mark)

Basic helmet description:  "...protects agains critical hits..."  (typo, should be "against" instead of "agains")

At the beginning of the game, "Something went wrong" probably reads better as "something is wrong."

Marine helmet description:  "...and a bit additional protection..."  (missing word "of" as in "and a bit of additional protection")

"You hear the shreaking of reavers."  (Should be "shrieking")

Furious trait description:  "Additionally if you gib an enemy you have generate 1 additional point of Fury."  (Commas after "Additionally" and "enemy" and take out the word "have")

Tough as Nails description:  " is so though..."  (Should be "tough" instead of "though")

Long revolver description:  "...slightly less stoping power..."  (should be "stopping" two p's)

Loading holster description:  "auto-reload the weapon when swaping to it."  (should be "swapping" two p's;  actually, I notice that "swapping" is misspelled in a lot of places;  you're probably going to want to do a general search for each instance of that word)

Resilient description:  "reduces pain effect on accuacy by half."  (should be "accuracy")

Marine description:  "...convert one a quarter..."  (take out "a")


I hope this is helpful.  Is it worth it for me to go over all the new descriptions right now?  Or is this something that should wait 'til later?
Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
Check out my Youtube channel for videos of me playing DRL!  :)


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Re: Typos and grammatical errors
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2021, 17:39 »

Hahahaha... I am withholding this myself till when JH is nearing a "full release" before offering to proof-read all the in-game text via reading whatever sources that contain them.

I am seriously hoping that Kornel is taking i18n seriously and have a strings file for that to take place too.
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Kornel Kisielewicz

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Re: Typos and grammatical errors
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2021, 10:06 »

Fixed the ones noted, will be included in 0.9.7 RC6 and 0.9.7.
at your service,
Kornel Kisielewicz


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Re: Typos and grammatical errors
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2021, 17:54 »

Fixed the ones noted, will be included in 0.9.7 RC6 and 0.9.7.

Cool, maybe I'll go proofread the rest of them, then.  :) proof-read all the in-game text via reading whatever sources that contain them.

Ooh, are there some convenient text file type sources I could read from?  It would make my proofreading easier.
Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
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Re: Typos and grammatical errors
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2021, 20:39 »

Ooh, are there some convenient text file type sources I could read from?  It would make my proofreading easier.

I'm assuming that much of the game-specific stuff is in Lua, which means that all the in-game [flavour] text are likely to be there.  That was partly how I helped with polishing up the Polish English in DRL back in the day.

My secondary point on i18n is the extraction of text into substitutable strings so that the string file can be sent for professional translation to go beyond just English, like maybe Russian, French, Italian, Polish, Chinese, Japanese, or whatever language family that is covered by the target market Kornel is going for.

Edit: But all these fixes may be a bit pre-mature if there are more changes to core mechanics/items at play.
I computed, therefore I was.


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Re: Typos and grammatical errors
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2021, 23:33 »

I'm assuming that much of the game-specific stuff is in Lua, which means that all the in-game [flavour] text are likely to be there.

If you're saying that there's something in the local game files with that information, then I'm not seeing it...  though I'm no expert in these matters, so there could be something I'm missing.

Edit: But all these fixes may be a bit pre-mature if there are more changes to core mechanics/items at play.

Yeah, that's why I was hesitating about posting more.  :P

EDIT:  Well, I can at least post about stuff I found in the help menus, since those shouldn't change substantially.  :)


"If it's not present it means the weapon has 100% accuracy, otherwise there's a modifier to the 100%."  (should be a comma after "present" and "otherwise" and there should be a period instead of the comma after "accuracy")


"Further out it falls off..."  (comma after "out")


"The number of lines indicates how much does that cover affect the to-hit chance"  (reads better if you take out the word "does" and "affects" instead of "affect")


"The modifier fades away (but not fully if high), so often it's better to retreat..."  (This sentence is misleading, since it sounds like pain stays forever if it's high, and also I'd switch the words "it's" and "often";  I would reword it to "The modifier fades away over time, so it's often better to retreat...")


"...the value seems twice higher for a moment..."  (should be "twice as high" instead of "twice higher")
« Last Edit: February 18, 2021, 00:14 by Tormuse »
Apostle Chaos Lt. General (
Check out my Youtube channel for videos of me playing DRL!  :)
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