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Messages - schnaader

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Re: [Game] Corrupt a Wish
« on: October 29, 2009, 12:53 »
Your genitals fall off... even though you now know how your wish can be corrupted, it still doesn't feel like a wish come true, does it?

I wish for ascending in Nethack.

Bug Reports / Re: (0.9.9) Crash on Blaster-fire
« on: October 29, 2009, 06:00 »
But using someone elses progress to skip part of the game? I call that SCUMMING.

I also call that SCUMMING, but that's not what I did (like Aki also tried to explain). I didn't use the savegame that Ruldra posted in this thread, but got the crash on my PC, DoomRL automatically made a savefile from an earlier point in this game (I think it was the same level or one level above) and I could continue my game even though it crashed before.

My "thanks for that" was for Kornel having implement this feature, not for Ruldra's savegame.

Bug Reports / Gun Kata and Grammaton Cleric Beretta
« on: October 28, 2009, 14:07 »
I just did a AoM game where I found the Grammaton Cleric Beretta. Nice weapon, however it seems that Gun Kata's automatic reload simulates the 'R' key's behaviour after you've killed a monster, so the automatic mode is switched which is very annoying and confusing - and the weapon isn't even reloaded :(


By the way, this was in version 0.9.9 win and Windows 2000, if it matters :)

I just saw Aki's post and tried if the bug disappears by freeing the prepared weapon slot, but it seems it doesn't matter.

Bug Reports / Re: (0.9.9) Crash on Blaster-fire
« on: October 28, 2009, 11:36 »
This just happened to me, too. Exactly the same debug output and being a Shottyman. I decided to try The Blaster because I hadn't used before and my plasma rifle went out of ammo... shouldn't have done this... lesson learned (until this bug is fixed ;) )

But this savegame backup is really nice, thanks for that! Now I can just throw this buggy Blaster away and continue killing hellspawn.

It would be nice if one could see the count of melee kills of a certain monster type since this is important for some ranks. Actually, just the melee kills and the total kills of certain monster types are shown.

Since this would be much more data to show, either create a second player info page or write it to the rank requirement.

Bug Reports / Re: Rocket blasts go through indescructable walls
« on: November 30, 2006, 01:01 »
Yeah, that one's annoying.  I always end up blowing up the damn BFG. :(

I guess you have to hit the wall underneath the door?

Last time I played I managed to get the BFG. I shot the second-nearest wall underneath the door.
This is not a screenshot, so don't rely on proportions.

Code: [Select]
.#   #...
.#   #...

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL 0.4.1-4
« on: November 29, 2006, 08:51 »
When trying to use an axe while wielding both a sword and a buckler, a message "What?" appeared. This should be changed to something like "Please put away the shield first".

I found a cap of dexterity. It gave +4 DEX and the character screen showed "20|24", but To-Hit didn't change and kept at 60. Later on, when the cap was destroyed, I tried level-up DEX to 24 and this gave To-Hit 62. Could be because the cap had low durability, but this is not the expected behaviour, is it?

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL 0.4.1-4
« on: November 29, 2006, 08:20 »
More about quick-slots:
It would be nice to get an item you buy from Pepin directly into quickslot by pressing F1-F8.

Also, there seems to be no way to "un-slot" items other than using them.

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL 0.4.1-4
« on: November 29, 2006, 08:13 »
When standing on a item that could be quick-slotted, it would be nice if you could press F1-F8 (must be an empty slot) and get the item from the ground in there. At the moment, it tries to use the empty quickslot and gives a failure message.

This would be more like Diablo, because in the original game, you could drag-and-drop potions in the quickslot.

Bug Reports / Running not possible on water [NOT A BUG]
« on: November 29, 2006, 01:15 »
I just remembered the run mode that was somewhat incomplete (never really tried it out) in 0.9.8, and I have to say it's very useful. It is much safer than keeping a direction key pressed (never do that in a RL!) and less time-consuming/bothersome.

Then I came across a room full of water and saw that running isn't possible there. Why? Is there anything special I missed about water? If not, this should be changed.

Something a bit off-topic:
Is it possible to do a run-macro by changing the INI-file? I would like something like "change tactics to coward", then "run", then "change tactics to cautios".

Bug Reports / Re: DOS Box and commandline
« on: November 29, 2006, 01:03 »
I just checked earlier versions of DoomRL, namely 0.9.8-win, 0.9.7-win and 0.9.7-dos.
All of the windows versions have the focus/minimizing bug. However, I can't remember having this behaviour before, so it seems to be a problem with some of my current Windows settings. Since no one else seems to have this bug, it can be disregarded.
The DOS version showed right behavior and went to fullscreen, but this is true for all DOS apps since they can't change window behavior.

However, the "wav" thing didn't appear on all earlier versions.

DiabloRL / Re: DiabloRL ported to Valkyrie 0.4.1 - testers needed
« on: November 28, 2006, 08:15 »
Minor bug:
"Item to repair" messages overlap with level up message.

You could show "Level up" only if there is not enough place for the whole message.

Code: [Select]
    ----               ##...............##.......?....+                 ####
---######------------------------- shield  Up, enter character screen -######---
   ######                     mace (1-8) (Dur 9/32)                    ######
    ####                                                                ####

DiabloRL / Re: Town Portal
« on: November 28, 2006, 07:21 »
Yes, having the Town Portal spawning after some turns seems good, sort of like "Word of Recall" in ADOM. However, in ADOM it takes 20 turns or so and it takes you directly to town, which wouldn't fit to Diablo. 1-3 turns until the Portal appears would be good, I think.

The delay shouldn't be very long because that wouldn't fit to Diablo, too. In the original game, Town Portal was a kind of trivial escape too, because it doesn't take long to read a scroll and double-click at a position next to you.

One question left: Where should the Portal appear? Right next to you (meaning the position you are after the 2-3 turns, not at the time you read the scroll) seems good, but what if there are 8 monsters surrounding you and there is no place for the portal?

Perhaps the spell should fail in this case and the portal just shouldn't appear. This would also avoid Town Portal abuse because you had to be more careful.

  Christian "schnaader" Schneider

DiabloRL / Re: Should DiabloRL's data files be kept open?
« on: November 28, 2006, 07:08 »
Funny that you voted "No" :)

Oops! After reading the post, I thought of the fanmail demand to close the file and didn't read the poll topic again. If it is possible, please someone change this to "Yes" (I didn't find a way to do it myself - is it possible?).

However, I was sure to be voting right because of the majority of people voted "No"... I am surprised by this and it would be interesting to hear more opinions about it.

DiabloRL / Re: Should DiabloRL's data files be kept open?
« on: November 28, 2006, 06:13 »
Reasons for keeping open:
* Modding!
* Easy to read spoilers

Reasons for closing:
* Avoiding spoilers
* Avoiding fake mortems
* Avoiding cheating
* Keeping unsolved secrets :)
* More of a mystery

Cast your vote and comment!

I think that data files should be kept open because of the reasons you mentioned above (modding, spoilers).

Some of the closing reasons could be bypassed:

Avoiding cheating and Avoiding fake mortems by checking if data files are the original ones (checksum or something like this). If they wouldn't be, run DiabloRL, but in a "modded" mode, so that the scores are shown in a different way and don't appear in the highscore (as soon as there is one).

Keeping unsolved secrets :) could be bypassed by hard-coding them in the .EXE-file (or putting them into a seperate encrypted data file) and only revealing them into the original data file when the secret is solved by the player (or never).

Avoiding spoilers and More of a mystery are weak arguments, I think. Being spoiled is a personal choice and if you don't want to be spoiled, you don't need to look into the data files. Same with the mystery thing for me. You can still seperate the world inside the game from the outside (the data files), so the mystery is maintained.

  Christian "schnaader" Schneider
Damn kids. They're all alike.

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