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Messages - Simon-v

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 14
AliensRL / Re: Map marks
« on: September 21, 2012, 05:36 »

Wouldn't that be nice.

Alternatively, i'd settle for a way to make your own ammo/medkit/grenade stashes in easy-to-reach corners.

I've been wanting to try making some music of my own, and I was wondering what program you use. I distinctly recall you answering this very question somewhere, but it's not in this topic...

This comes up fairly often. I guess i should make a FAQ entry or something.

My actual requirements are fairly simple. I need a MIDI sequencer of some sorts that can do some kinds of effects, a MIDI player/renderer that can write to WAV and a collection of high-quality samples for it. For a while now, these requirements were satisfied by TuxGuitar (which behaves a whole lot like GuitarPro (or so i heard), and also provides the benefit of being able to verify offhand that the composition will be playable on real-world instruments), FluidSynth for the rendering and Frank Wen's Fluid, release 3 as the soundfont.

Truth to be told, you don't need any kind of awesome software to create; All you need is enough inspiration and persistence to make a 30-second, four-instrument loop that doesn't suck. Later, when you improve so much that you grow out of your tools, you will know what you need to replace them with.

You're welcome. (I'll be adding a FAQ page on my website sometime soon and putting this one in it. Yeah, i better.)

My favorites are the Unholy Cathedral, Something Wicked, and the Brick Song.

I also like Dark Secrets. What special level is this for?

It sounds really great. I would have like it for Walls of Ice!


I normally announce new tracks in a separate post in this thread. The relevant post is:
Without the usual long preambles (see previous posts if you wish to see what they were like) and completely missing the DoomRL release, i present my misplaced attempt at the theme for The Vaults, aptly named Dark Secrets, for what happens to be peer review.

Of exactly one person.

Pity he won't be able to do it for a while.

(More details are to be found in the first post).

A fair warning: most of this track is "ambient", and there is some repetition. Some people find this sort of stuff "uninteresting". I can't help you with that, so just crank up the music volume, sit back and enjoy the ride while doing something else (like killing the resident mancubi and arkh-viles, for example).

You may use it freely, as long as you don't violate the — fairly lax — license terms (credit where credit is due, no selling it for money and derivative works licensed alike).

Requests For Features / Re: Where's the rest of the music?
« on: May 25, 2012, 14:26 »
I'm pretty certain that Hell's Armory track, and possibly the one from the Wall (Hell's Weapons and the Brick Song) are remixes of a Final Doom track.
The Map08 of TNT was what I was talking about: I think it's pretty close to call it a remix.

I feel i need to address this.

A remix is an alternative version of a song, created by modifying the original recording, or building upon it. None of my tracks to date are built upon any other track, nor they use parts of it as basis. At best, they incorporate a musical phrase, a rhythmic pattern or a chord progression from other sources for richer sounding, or, sometimes, as a nod or reference. This is not enough to consider a track a remix.

Hell's Weapons in particular, did not incorporate any bits from Into The Beast's Belly until a very late stage in the composition process, perhaps two or three revisions before the release. The Brick Song was also created independently, with no parts directly borrowed from any Robert Prince track, though the very first few seconds might sound vaguely similar to his Dark Halls if you're listening carefully enough, but this too was not my intention in the first place, and the rest of the track is strikingly different. Similarly, i could explain the origins of every one of my tracks, but, really, do i need to?

I'd really appreciate if you treated my works as originals and not as remixes. At the very least, this would be consistent with what actually is, not mentioning "more respectful".

I figured it was due to some extensive terramorphing. I mean, the atmosphere is breathable there, isn't it? Anyway, some trees in some other areas of the game would fit well.

Requests For Features / Re: New unique items
« on: April 03, 2012, 03:39 »
I had an idea for a unique powerup, which would have to be a reward for a seriously tough special level and very late game, since it is pretty much the ultimate item:

The Golden Ball: You can wish for any item (by writing its name) and you get it. If you wish for something that doesn't exist (a typo, for example), you'll get a random item instead.

Bonus points for whoever knows what is the source of the name. A lot of bonus points. Yeah, I'm that generous =)

Roadside Picnic by the Strugatsky Brothers. C'mon, that's obvious.

Should also be able to wish for "nothing" and get nothing (and a badge for a marvelously wasted opportunity).

Requests For Features / Re: Lost Soul AI change
« on: March 30, 2012, 05:18 »
The changes feel fairly interesting, as the souls now have a distinct personality. Thumbs up, shark20061.

Modding / Re: [Module] Angel of Patience
« on: March 30, 2012, 05:07 »
Well, we all saw this coming, didn't we?
I guess he ran out of other things to do. :)

Modding / Re: [MODULE] Angel of Patience
« on: March 26, 2012, 02:49 »
Module updated, known issues fixed, ladder rebooted. Have fun.

Modding / Re: [MODULE] Angel of Patience
« on: March 25, 2012, 13:50 »
Hi all, I've never visited the Modding forum before, but this kind of looks like fun so maybe I'll give it a try...  at Nightmare difficulty, of course.  ;)

EDIT:  Erm...  this may sound like a total newb question, but how do I get it to play the module?

You serious?...
Whatever rocks your box, man, but don't say i didn't warn you. It's going to take a while.

Modules 101: Download the archive, extract into the "modules" directory under the DoomRL directory (it should create a "patience.module" directory there), then select it from the "Custom Game" screen. Have fun, if you can.

Modding / Re: [MODULE] Angel of Patience
« on: March 25, 2012, 13:43 »
Both the pistol and the stick are cursed. The stick has the same properties as the fists and is only there to prevent people from abusing juggler to make things easier for them. You can ignore it safely.

The error code i don't know much about. I've been seeing those every time i quit the game for a while now, but i don't know the reason. Perhaps, someone with code access could clarify?

Modding / Re: Angel of Patience (
« on: March 25, 2012, 13:04 »
I would like to congratulate shark20061 for the well-done porting job.

With what, shallow code review showed that the scaling on later rounds on high difficulties is going to produce undefined behavior due to monsters' maxLev being lower than the expected difficulty-adjusted depth; In addition, slight playtesting showed that winning on N! is still virtually impossible, mostly due to respawning.

I'm going to get to fixing the issues, eventually.

Modding / Re: The "Basic Doom" Module
« on: March 18, 2012, 05:28 »
Plays nicely, is fairly challenging due to the apparent need to carry many weapons to use in different situations and adapt tactically to new threats. I'd like to see the backpack appear as a rare powerup, but i'll leave that to the author's discretion.

Without the usual long preambles (see previous posts if you wish to see what they were like) and completely missing the DoomRL release, i present my misplaced attempt at the theme for The Vaults, aptly named Dark Secrets, for what happens to be peer review.

Of exactly one person.

Pity he won't be able to do it for a while.

(More details are to be found in the first post).

A fair warning: most of this track is "ambient", and there is some repetition. Some people find this sort of stuff "uninteresting". I can't help you with that, so just crank up the music volume, sit back and enjoy the ride while doing something else (like killing the resident mancubi and arkh-viles, for example).

Modding / Re: Couple of questions about sound hooks
« on: February 23, 2012, 14:57 »
I changed that pickup sound to be a couple seconds of psychotic, murderous screams, which is awesome.
Oh! I wanted one of those. Where'd you get em?

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