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Pages: [1]
DiabloRL / Re: Compiling DiabloRL
« on: July 18, 2010, 16:00 »
Not yet I dont have a cd-rom in my eee pc to rip the mpq file but I'm gonna tray it as soon as possible ;D
DiabloRL / Re: Compiling DiabloRL
« on: July 14, 2010, 03:11 »
okey everything compiled and workin' fine ;D many thanx :)
It's kinda weird that everytime you do something in inventory it closes. Will it be changed?
It's kinda weird that everytime you do something in inventory it closes. Will it be changed?
DiabloRL / Re: Compiling DiabloRL
« on: July 13, 2010, 15:17 »
nah something is realy weird here. the error is with the mpq file and with -god I have this error:
Code: [Select]
Critical Error: <TRLLua> lua\spells.lua:77: attempt to read undeclared variable
DiabloRL / Re: Compiling DiabloRL
« on: July 13, 2010, 13:32 »
okey it's something with my xp on my desktop win7 it runs ok but ...
Code: [Select]
Enter name
sAn unhandled exception occurred at $0048610C
Exception : lua\items_weapon.lua:73: attempt to index local 'spell' (a nil value
$0048610C LUA_CALLFUNCTION, line 583 of E:/SVN/fpcvalkyrie/lua/lua.pas
$0047F813 TLUATABLE__EXECUTE, line 657 of E:/SVN/fpcvalkyrie/src/vlua.pas
$00453BBD TGAMEOBJECT__EXECUTESCRIPT, line 124 of rlgobj.pas
$0045943B TITEM__CREATE, line 183 of rlitem.pas
$0042FF2A LUA_THING_SET_ITEMS, line 638 of rllua.pas
DiabloRL / Re: Compiling DiabloRL
« on: July 13, 2010, 13:00 »
Sorry for the double post but it is still a fail :( it needed the sdl.dll, sdl_mixer.dll and lua5.1.dll but after I faund them I have an error starting aplication (0xc0150002). Help? :(
DiabloRL / Re: Compiling DiabloRL
« on: July 13, 2010, 01:37 »
Thx it compiled with valkyrie from svn. I had from zip like you have writen :)
DiabloRL / Re: Compiling DiabloRL
« on: July 12, 2010, 11:47 »
I've got the same version. Are there other files that are needed?
DiabloRL / Re: Compiling DiabloRL
« on: July 12, 2010, 10:37 »
I've redownloaded all source from svn and its the same.
Code: [Select]
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(290,19) Hint: Type "TByteArray" redefinition
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(693,21) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(159,29) Hint: Parameter "Value" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(708,36) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(975,17) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the multiply could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(693,21) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(159,29) Hint: Parameter "Value" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(708,36) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vini.pas(159,29) Hint: Parameter "Value" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(708,36) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(693,21) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vini.pas(159,29) Hint: Parameter "Value" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(708,36) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\voutput.pas(150,29) Hint: Parameter "x" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\voutput.pas(150,31) Hint: Parameter "y" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\voutput.pas(160,27) Hint: Parameter "Long" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\voutput.pas(160,32) Hint: Parameter "Short" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vui.pas(624,109) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the subtract could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(340,11) Warning: Symbol "DirFromSgn" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(345,11) Warning: Symbol "CreateDir" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(357,36) Warning: Symbol "DirFromSgn" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(358,36) Warning: Symbol "DirFromSgn" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(392,9) Warning: Symbol "DirXValue" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(397,9) Warning: Symbol "DirYValue" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(402,11) Warning: Symbol "ReverseDir" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(407,18) Warning: Symbol "ReverseDir" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(412,9) Warning: Symbol "DirPicture" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(563,20) Warning: Symbol "DirXValue" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(563,36) Warning: Symbol "DirYValue" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(563,8) Warning: Symbol "DirFromSgn" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vrltools.pas(625,8) Warning: Symbol "DirFromSgn" is deprecated
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtextui.pas(144,22) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtoutput.pas(60,63) Hint: Parameter "Color" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtoutput.pas(62,58) Hint: Parameter "Color" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtoutput.pas(68,57) Hint: Parameter "Color" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtoutput.pas(72,31) Hint: Parameter "stype" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vtoutput.pas(90,32) Hint: Parameter "Short" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\lua\lua.pas(310,1) Hint: C arrays are passed by reference
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vdf.pas(141,22) Hint: Local variable "Header" does not seem to be initialized
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vdf.pas(148,30) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vlua.pas(133,13) Hint: Local variable "Buf" does not seem to be initialized
rlitem.pas(57,20) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "constructor TItem.Create(const ShortString, Word="0");"
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vdungen.pas(63,4) Warning: Illegal compiler switch "$"
rlinput.pas(13,19) Hint: Unit "vini" not used in rlinput
rlinput.pas(13,27) Hint: Unit "vinput" not used in rlinput
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(693,21) Hint: Function result variable does not seem to be initialized
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsound.pas(159,29) Hint: Parameter "Value" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vds.pas(708,36) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(38,52) Hint: Parameter "aType" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(46,52) Hint: Parameter "aType" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(48,29) Hint: Parameter "aData" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(48,52) Hint: Parameter "aType" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(50,31) Hint: Parameter "aData" not used
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vsdlsound.pas(50,54) Hint: Parameter "aType" not used
rlui.pas(13,18) Hint: Type "TMap" redefinition
rlui.pas(15,18) Hint: Type "TMessages" redefinition
rlui.pas(36,14) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "destructor TPlotWindow.Destroy;"
rlui.pas(67,13) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "TShopWindow.Add(ShortString, Byte="7");"
rlui.pas(196,13) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "TTalkWindow.Add(const ShortString, Boolean="TRUE");"
rlshop.pas(12,16) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "constructor TShop.Create(Byte, TShopRefillProc);"
rlshop.pas(14,15) Warning: An inherited method is hidden by "destructor TShop.Destroy;"
diablout.pas(10,14) Hint: Unit "vrltools" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(10,38) Hint: Unit "rlnpc" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(10,55) Hint: Unit "rllevel" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(10,72) Hint: Unit "rlshopinv" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,27) Hint: Unit "vds" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,34) Hint: Unit "vmath" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,43) Hint: Unit "voutput" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,51) Hint: Unit "vinput" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,69) Hint: Unit "rlplayer" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,76) Hint: Unit "rllua" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,82) Hint: Unit "vlua" not used in diablout
diablout.pas(19,87) Hint: Unit "lua" not used in diablout
rlgame.pas(37,59) Hint: Unit "vini" not used in rlgame
rlgame.pas(37,69) Hint: Unit "vrltools" not used in rlgame
rlgame.pas(38,22) Hint: Unit "diablout" not used in rlgame
rlui.pas(309,11) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
rlui.pas(314,20) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
rlui.pas(314,20) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
rlui.pas(326,40) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
rlui.pas(648,18) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
rlui.pas(138,23) Hint: Parameter "x" not used
rlui.pas(138,25) Hint: Parameter "y" not used
rlui.pas(653,18) Warning: Function result does not seem to be set
rlui.pas(139,22) Hint: Parameter "x" not used
rlui.pas(139,24) Hint: Parameter "y" not used
rlui.pas(139,37) Hint: Parameter "layer" not used
rlui.pas(1043,37) Warning: Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result
rlui.pas(1043,37) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the subtract could prevent overflow errors.
rlui.pas(1522,5) Note: Local variable "tmp" not used
rlui.pas(1703,5) Note: Local variable "Effect" is assigned but never used
rlui.pas(1704,5) Note: Local variable "SType" is assigned but never used
rlui.pas(1781,61) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
rlui.pas(1937,82) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
rlui.pas(1939,82) Hint: Converting the operands to "Int64" before doing the add could prevent overflow errors.
rlui.pas(183,5) Note: Private field "TGameUI.tempstr" is never used
rlui.pas(210,46) Hint: Unit "vtinput" not used in rlui
rlgen.pas(10,11) Hint: Unit "vnode" not used in rlgen
rlgen.pas(60,21) Hint: Unit "vmath" not used in rlgen
rllua.pas(51,14) Error: identifier idents no member "ModuleNames"
rllua.pas(66,11) Error: identifier idents no member "ModuleNames"
rllua.pas(124,19) Error: Identifier not found "RegisterDataFile"
rllua.pas(125,37) Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to "LoadStream"
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vlua.pas(119,16) Hint: Found declaration: TLua.LoadStream(TVDataFile,const AnsiString);
rllua.pas(126,36) Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to "LoadStream"
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vlua.pas(119,16) Hint: Found declaration: TLua.LoadStream(TVDataFile,const AnsiString);
rllua.pas(127,36) Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to "LoadStream"
E:\SVN\fpcvalkyrie\src\vlua.pas(119,16) Hint: Found declaration: TLua.LoadStream(TVDataFile,const AnsiString);
rllua.pas(146,24) Error: identifier idents no member "Last"
rllua.pas(146,29) Error: Illegal expression
rllua.pas(146,40) Fatal: Syntax error, ")" expected but ";" found
Pages: [1]