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Messages - Kornel Kisielewicz

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 205
Hah, I just realized that AoMoFo is basically top-tier for AoV. I'm beginning to see what the Platinum badge for AoV will be :P.


You were lucky with the CRI phase device :P. A "encyclopedia" is planned, but someone would need to write all those entries. Unlockable entries by those found actually sounds kinda nice.

Mortem archivisation as well as better score tables are planned!

I do have several ideas related to hacking and not control, but JH is still more Doom than Aliens. That said if the hacking related builds are enough popular then I'd gladly focus an update on improvements to it. Direct control might be bit to slow pace wise, but who knows!

Announcements / Jupiter Hell 0.9.0 - Masters!
« on: April 27, 2020, 11:14 »
Jupiter Hell update 0.9.0 Masters! has been released!

Masters brings 15 (fifteen!) Master Traits (each making a significant change to playstyle), 6 new weapon types, chainfire, animation updates and more!

Read more about it here on the forum!

General Discussion / Jupiter Hell 0.9.0 - Masters - RELEASED!
« on: April 27, 2020, 11:10 »

Hell, it's about time! Our most significant update yet, Jupiter Hell 0.9.0 -- a.k.a. "Masters" (of Doom? :P) -- is out, and with it, 15 (fifteen!) Master traits have been added, each bringing a unique playstyle! Read all about it below!

But before we get to the meat, this is our most important release up to date and we want to reach with it as many people as possible! We've set the price -20% off on Steam, and would be honored if you'd help us spread the news among friends, communities and your favorite streamers! Only YOU can really help us out with this quest!

Also, if you want to discuss master builds, be sure to join our Discord Server :)


Fifteen Master traits have been added, five per class. Some of them are generic, some of them tailored toward a particular weapon group. All of these have 3 trait levels that can be picked -- one each at level 7, 10 and 13. Contrary to prior updates, Master traits have relatively few requirements (3 or 4 traits), and do not block any other traits, for maximum build flexibility.

Marine Masters
  • Onslaught - once you spool up your chain-fire weapon (see below), you can move while firing and increasing spool-up!
  • Bulletstorm - adds 1 more shot per action to SMGs and pistols, and reduces their ammo consumption
  • Army of Darkness - designed with Shotguns in mind, this is a generic trait that converts the Slash weapon damage type to Pierce, and maximizes their effective range
  • Vampyre - Health regeneration on melee kills
  • Survivor - generalist trait makes you harder to kill and provides limited regeneration capabilities

Scout Masters
  • Sniper - for use with any rifle, increases ranges and provides a bonus to critical chance which scales with range to target
  • Gun Kata - fan favorite -- automatically shoots both your pistols at different targets as you dance between enemies
  • Gunrunner - reload weapons on move and reduces their fire time for the turn after a move, leading to a run and gun playstyle
  • Assassinate - Scout's flashy melee master -- phaseshift right behind the enemy to deliver a fatal blow
  • Ghost - for the sneaky among us, significantly reduces stealth costs and detects enemies before you see them

Technician Masters
  • Entrenchment - hold position and start spewing bullets - automatic hunker and damage reduction when firing while remaining stationary
  • Sharpshooter - for the pistol fans: increased ranges and damage bonus which scales with range to target
  • Fireangel - when you want to see the world burn. Shrug off explosions and proc fire effects
  • Blademaster - Tech's melee master -- wield two blades at the same time for more damage!
  • Wizard - smoke screen on cooldown, buff to hacked enemies and bot summoning

Apart from that, some of the existing non-master traits have been changed or removed, and a new Eagle Eye trait is present in Scout.

Masters obviously shake up the game a lot, and we tried to compensate balance for it (see below), but generally we kept most of the traits on the overpowered side -- expect more balancing in future updates :P

New Uncommon Weapons

To provide more early-game variety and fill up some gaps in weapon types vs available ammo, we added 6 new weapons that are alternatives to current common weapons:

  • 9mm combat pistol
  • .44 long revolver
  • 7.62 sidearm
  • 7.62 assault SMG
  • 7.62 sniper rifle
  • CRI plasma cannon

All of the above have ADV variants (which now show their tier in the name, i.e. AV1, AV2 and AV3), and are sometimes carried by regular humanoid enemies.

Chaingun Spool-up

Chaingun has changed! To give the chaingun its own niche among other similar weapons, chaingun now ramps up to its full damage potential after two turns of uninterrupted firing, represented by audio and visual effects, and a Spool-up status effect. Pick Marine's Onslaught master trait if you want to move while mowing down enemies!

Improved Animations

Speaking of the chaingun animation, we've also made a general pass on animations in the game - the player's body now rotates separately from the legs when firing and aiming, movement is smoothed out, rotating weapons actually rotate, and other miscellaneous animations were fixed.

UI Improvements

Several minor UI improvements have been made -- health bars now show what damage was done since the last turn, required traits in trait descriptions are highlighted red or green depending on whether or not the requirements are already met, and weapon statistics have been made more compact, and now include explicit weapon-group information.

Major Balance Changes

The inclusion of Master traits caused us to take a significant pass at game balance. In general, we made early-game a bit easier (especially on Medium), and significantly buffed all late game enemies to offset the power of Master traits. Also, there are more enemies in general post-Europa (scaling with difficulty).

Oh, and remember that UV accuracy bonus for enemies? It wasn't working correctly; we've now fixed it. Expect a lot more pain on Ultraviolence ;)

Plethora of Bugfixes

Last (but certainly not least), we fixed plenty of bugs, and we eagerly anticipate fixing the ones that will inevitably popup in this release with the amount of added mechanics :P.

That's no moon, it's a changelog!
Code: [Select]
Beta   0.9.0 - Masters - April 27, 2020
NEW    #1066 - Traits - Marine chainfire master - Onslaught!
NEW    #1125 - Traits - Scout rifle master - Sniper!
NEW    #1126 - Traits - Tech cf/general master - Entrenchment!
NEW    #1122 - Traits - Marine pistol/SMG master - Bulletstorm!
NEW    #1063 - Traits - Scout pistol/SMG master - Gun Kata!
NEW    #1123 - Traits - Tech pistol/SMG master - Sharpshooter!
NEW    #1064 - Traits - Marine sg/rl master - Army of Darkness!
NEW    #1118 - Traits - Scout sg/general master - Gunrunner!
NEW    #1065 - Traits - Tech sg/general master - Fireangel!
NEW    #1067 - Traits - Marine melee master - Vampyre!
NEW    #1068 - Traits - Scout melee master - Assassinate!
NEW    #1069 - Traits - Tech melee master - Blademaster!
NEW    #1070 - Traits - Marine general master - Survivor!
NEW    #1127 - Traits - Scout general master - Ghost!
NEW    #1128 - Traits - Tech general master - Wizard!
NEW    #1090 - 6 new uncommon base weapons with ADV variants!
NEW    #0863 - chaingun now has a spool-up (4/6/8 shots)
CHANGE #1086 - UV enemy accuracy bonus was not working - fixed
CHANGE #1101 - ADV weapons now AV1, AV2 or AV3 depending on tier
CHANGE #1072 - Bloodhound and Tracking Data markers on screen
CHANGE #1128 - hacked enemies now give 1xEXP, but count kill EXP
CHANGE #1133 - UI - health bars use = to show recent damage
CHANGE #1112 - UI - required traits are highlighted red/green
CHANGE #1130 - UI - cleaned up weapon stats description
CHANGE #1130 - UI - explicit weapon groups in stats and traits
CHANGE #1130 - UI - stats now show mods line as count/capacity
CHANGE #1087 - Balance - fire fiend and drone accuracy reduced
CHANGE #1087 - Balance - Callisto sergeants deal 70% damage
CHANGE #1086 - Balance - heavies have -20% accuracy and -10% speed
CHANGE #1086 - Balance - much fewer heavies on Callisto and Europa
CHANGE #1086 - Balance - 25% fewer armored ravagers
CHANGE #1086 - Balance - +50% health to ravagers, +33% to reavers
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - more experience for ravagers and reavers
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - more health to formers post Europa
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - +60% health to all cerberi
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - x2 health for CRI marines, +50% for CRI bots
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - fewer enemies on Anomaly and Milibase
CHANGE #1086 - Balance - more enemies lategame at higher diffs
CHANGE #1088 - Balance - Scout's Dash L1 and L2 merged together
CHANGE #1088 - Balance - evasion (dodge + guard) caps at 90
CHANGE #1088 - Balance - evasion no longer halved against melee
CHANGE #1109 - Balance - Swordmaster and Summoner buffed
CHANGE #1110 - Balance - more health orbs on earlier levels
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Marine - removed Shredder
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Tech - removed Overkill
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Scout - removed Shottyman
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Scout - new Eagle Eye (+1 max distance)
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Scout - Swashbuckler becomes a basic trait
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Scout - Pinpoint buffed to +25%/+50%
CHANGE #1099 - Traits - Scout - Steady Shot merged into Deadly Prec
CHANGE #1108 - high HP enemies (boss, resilient) have overhealth
CHANGE #1062 - GFX - upper bodies rotate separately when aiming
CHANGE #1062 - GFX - smoother movement interpolation
CHANGE #0863 - GFX - rotating weapons now actually rotate when firing
CHANGE #1055 - GFX - improved animation and FX of ravagers
CHANGE #1102 - GFX - several fixes and improvements to lighting
CHANGE #1111 - Challenge - Carnage scavenger behaves like AoSh
FIX    #1071 - "free" actions are now free, not just super short
FIX    #1050 - rare enemy multi-shot crash fixed
FIX    #1076 - fixed stealthing against charging fiends
FIX    #1082 - fixed black tiles in industrial_01 generator
FIX    #1080 - saving will be properly enabled after tutorial
FIX    #1081 - melee will properly advance even if corpse removed
FIX    #1077 - fixed not being able to hack bots in doorways
FIX    #1098 - enemies will no longer attempt charge over lootbox
FIX    #1061 - advanced bots are hackable (but expensive)
FIX    #1131 - ending game with follower wont crash the next game
FIX    #1136 - fixed accidental swearword on clean setting
FIX    #1135 - killing mechanical enemies isn't spilling blood...
FIX    #1132 - fixed a bug group related to death

What's next?

The next version, 0.9.1, will be on the lighter side in terms of content; we'll focus on balancing this update and adding more content options to early levels and their respective generators. It also might come a little later than normal, as I definitely need some Zzz.....

"ACTIVE - Adrenaline" actually makes more sense.

The much awaited Jupiter Hell update 0.8.11 a.k.a. Berserker is live! The theme is unsurprisingly melee combat, but new general traits have also been added and the gameplay flow of the player classes improved! Read all about it below!

Melee - Rip'n'Tear!

Apart from return of the chainsaw, we've added a couple more melee weapons (katanas in space anyone?), added melee focused traits and improved melee synergy of others.

A disclaimer first though - Jupiter Hell is a game of ranged combat - trying to play it melee only is much harder than any ranged build. That said, melee excels in late game in dishing huge amounts of damage! Right now it's almost viable to main melee late game, and once Masters hit next release this will definitely be true! Now however it's quite useful as a hybrid build - if they get too close, they're toast!

There is a new Melee help topic in the game with all the needed information! Especially if you want to try out Angel of Berserk, the obvious challenge addition for this release :)

Melee arsenal

Apart from the aformentioned chainsaw, you can find several tiers of melee weapons, some of which even have ADV variants (anyone want an ADV machete?). Bladed melee weapons are special, utilizing Melee Guard mechanic - if you're close to enemies you get an extra dodge bonus. Speaking of mechanics - you both can bump into and "F"ire a melee weapon to attack (also diagonally), and you'll move to the enemy space at kill. If you want to prevent that (i.e. not stepping out of cover), you can hold SHIFT when pressing attack to prevent that.

New traits

In the melee department, Marine gets Rip'n'Tear that generates more Fury on melee kills and provides a damage bonus based on how much current Fury you have. Tech gets Bladedancer which doubles or even triples Melee Guard values, and Scout gets Swashbuckler that instantly switches to a melee weapon if one is present on melee attack and Energy Leech that produces Energy on melee kills.

Apart from that we added new traits useful in melee builds, but also useful in general - Scout gets Dash which makes consecutive moves in a given direction be twice as fast (and a critical bonus at L2 if dashing into melee), Tech gets Juggernaut which reduces enemy damage when moving towards the targeted enemy and Powerjack that allows to siphon Power from Terminals, and Marine gets Running, similar to the now removed Scout Running, but fueled by Fury instead of once per level. Angry Motherfucker now gives bonus damage based on missing health, not pain.

Lots of smaller changes in the Changelog below, we also removed some less used traits to make room for new and future stuff.

New special level

We've removed Arena from Beyond (it was kinda boring, it might return in an improved form!), and in its place there's a hidden new special level. No spoilers :P

GFX pass

We've improved performance a bit, and also improved visual quality (esp. normal maps). Addionally we did an improvement pass on enemy animations and FX (work in progress). Finally some of you might notice the game running smoother, even within the same FPS range.


And of course the regular batch of bugfixes, the major ones listed below. Two things of note is that AI will no longer without provocation perform infighting, and that the guaranteed plasma weapon drops on Io L1 will now be present on higher difficulties.


Code: [Select]
Beta 0.8.11 - Berserker - March 31, 2020
NEW    #0508 - Melee is in, Rip and Tear!
NEW    #1039 - Melee - melee weapons added!
NEW    #1038 - Melee - Melee guard (dodge bonus if enemies close)
NEW    #1044 - Challenge - Angel of Berserk!
NEW    #1054 - New hidden special level added in Beyond!
NEW    #0508 - Trait - Rip and Tear for Marine (Melee)
NEW    #1042 - Trait - Bladedancer for Tech (Melee)
NEW    #0508 - Trait - Dash for Scout (General), loses Running
NEW    #0508 - Trait - Energy Leech for Scout (Melee)
NEW    #0508 - Trait - Juggernaut for Tech (Close range/Melee)
NEW    #0976 - Trait - Swashbuckler for Scout (Hybrid)
NEW    #1042 - Trait - Running for Marine (Fury based)
NEW    #1042 - Trait - Powerjack for Tech (+30 Power/Terminal)
CHANGE #1048 - Trait - Angry Mo-fo % based on missing health
CHANGE #1042 - Tech - Extra Batteries removed, +10 per Skilled
CHANGE #1042 - Marine - high-health enemies generate 2 Fury
CHANGE #1036 - Scout - activating stealth no longer costs a turn
CHANGE #1036 - Marine loses Focused Fire
CHANGE #1036 - Scout loses Reloader (Shottyman req Gun Hoarder)
CHANGE #1036 - Tech loses TaN, Hunker Down base, GH req Packrat
CHANGE #1053 - you will no longer accidentally melee barrels
CHANGE #1059 - melee killing bots/turrets wont proc explosion
CHANGE #1059 - Dodgemaster removes dodge decay from melee
CHANGE #1059 - evasion (dodge+guard+others) caps at 95%
CHANGE #1041 - Challenge - Shotgunnery converts to current ammo
CHANGE #1054 - removed Arena from Beyond L1, might return later
CHANGE #1051 - GFX - improved animation and FX of enemies
CHANGE #1047 - GFX - improved general color/light quality
CHANGE #1047 - GFX - improved volumetric lighting
CHANGE #1047 - GFX - improved roughness (bumpiness/normals)
CHANGE #1047 - GFX - performance improvement pass
FIX    #1050 - GFX - fixed animation blending with empty states
FIX    #1053 - AI - unintended infighting removed
FIX    #1038 - AI - enemies will no longer try impossible charges
FIX    #1053 - Loot - guaranteed plasma weapons on Io L1 working
FIX    #1035 - Melee - weak melee no longer damages armor

What's next

We're slowly reaching 0.9.0 Masters - the release everyone is waiting for that will introduce Master Traits :). The release is scheduled for April 27th, but we may squeeze in a smaller 0.8.12 update before that! Keep your eyes open and tell us what you think of this new release!

Known issue, I'll take a look at that once we move to 3d audio.

Added, will be available in 0.8.11 Berserker! (out tomorrow-ish)

I don't think I follow?

Requests For Features / Re: [IDEA] other graphics modes
« on: March 30, 2020, 15:17 »
This will probably not happen, as even resurrecting the ASCII mode is a lot of work, and later work to synchronize them. Not even starting on the art and FX animation. Moreover, the UI would be the same anyway.

Bug Reports / Re: Two 3x1 containers side-by-side
« on: March 30, 2020, 15:15 »
This is due to consistency - the object is treated as a wall (and this is something I'll be using it for later).

I actually fully agree with you. Nightmare gameplay in DoomRL was designed somehow accidentally. The monsters were not supposed to be prevented from reviving, people found out engine limitations that would indeed prevent that, and started "clearing" levels on Nightmare. As it seemed to be something the high-level players did often I added some badges that required that.

At this moment, changing any behaviour related to Nightmare clears would require a serious rebalance of the challenges, and is definitely not something I have time to do.

Yet lessons were learned, and my major goal when designing Jupiter Hell is removing any tedious and boring tactic from the game as soon as I identify it. To do this retroactively for DoomRL would be much harder, especially not breaking other stuff and strategies along the way.

Time for Jupiter Hell update 0.8.10 a.k.a. Explorer! The main theme of this update is revisiting Special Levels (including adding a new one too), minimap (and maximap :P) improvements, basic melee to prep us for Berserker, Scout and Marine class skill buffs and a lot of minor improvements!

Special levels revisited

We made a pass on all special level rewards to make them feel... well, more special. Some of the levels have a reward drop based on your most commonly used weapon group, some have now unique items/mechanics as rewards - check the full changelog below!

Blacksite Vaults and CRI Armory red doors are now indestructible - the rewards are improved however, and there's always one red card to be found on the level. Valhalla Command has received a significant do-over along with a unique reward for fully clearing it!

Interesting unique rewards have also been added to Tyre Outpost and Containment Area. The backpack has been moved to Refueling Base.

We also introduced our first "alternative" level - instead of Military Barracks you might encounter Callisto Docking Bay - tell us what you think of it!

Also, you might notice that some places in Europa look a bit better this update :).

Our long term goal is to have each level have it's own flavored gimmick, and unique reward. Also, we plan on most levels to have at least one "alternative" later.

Minimap, megamap

To continue the theme of exploration, we finally added the option to configure minimap size - now you can choose between the old size, or two larger sizes. If you need to see the map even better, you can get a screen size map on screen (by holding "m" or left bumper on pad).

Basic melee

One of the major changes this patch was a revamp of the melee system in preparation for the upcoming Berserker update - all ranged weapons now have a melee attack, that you can use by bumping into an enemy, or forcing a melee attack with SHIFT-F (even diagonally). As there are no melee traits yet (wait for Berserker) the damage is not gonna be large, but may still be used as a ammo conserving finisher. More significantly, humanoid enemies will now always melee if in range 1 - which can be (ab)used to your advantage!

Scout and Marine class skill buff

Technician is currently the most powerfull class, and Scout the weakest, so time for some buffs!

Marine Adrenaline was the most complex skill to use, but we wanted Marine to be the "base class" - to fix that, but not lose Adrenaline's interesting mechanics, we changed it so it ALWAYS heals for a set amount of health, but heals more if convert pain. This allows it to be a panic button even if you forget to heal after the shotgun face hit, yet still awards the better player with more health if used in the proper situation.

Scout invisibility doesn't break smell tracking as opposed to techs smoke. To offset that, we're giving Scout a whopping +100% to critical chance when firing from stealth. Now those Skilled stealth shots are worth even more!

Critical hit changes

Speaking of critical hits - now everything can properly have a critical hit. Moreover, critical chance rolls over 100%. So if you have 240% crit chance with +50% critical damage, you'll do +100% damage with 40% chance to do +150%. 240% crit chance sounds impossible? Try Scout in Stealth, aiming two turns with Deadly Precision and shooting a good revolver :P. Speaking of criticals, Headshot now adds +100% crit chance instead of the plain damage bonus, but has a shorter cooldown and no accuracy penalty.

Accuracy mod pack

Accuracy mods now increase optimal range of a weapon instead of adding a flat accuracy bonus. This is actually a buff, especially in the case of weapons like SMG's or revolvers. Additionally this works for shotguns as well, increasing the distance to which you do full damage and the damage fallof starts! Additionally, ADV weapons now can roll with improved optimal distance.

Inventory size

You'll notice that the red keycards are now more important, and we've added a lot other stuff since the last inventory size upgrade, so we decided it's high time to increase default inventory size by 2 to make your exploring a bit less tedious.

Minor changes

Vaults can now have hold technical stations or the new manufacturing stations instead of the purple box. We increased the safe zone when entering the level (less near spawns), and changed the enemy amount curve a bit, reducing Callisto and Europa (to a lesser degree) enemy count. We buffed both .44 ammo exotics, did minor performance improvements, and fixed several bugs. See full list in the changelog below.

Code: [Select]
Beta 0.8.10 - Explorer - March 9, 2020
NEW    #1013 - Callisto Docking Bay added as Barracks alternative
NEW    #1006 - basic melee - all weapons can be used in melee
NEW    #1006 - melee override - use SHIFT-F to force melee attack
NEW    #1028 - Scout - stealth gives +100% crit chance (stacks!)
NEW    #1028 - Marine - adrenaline always heals a bit!
NEW    #1004 - large map view! ("m" key or LBumper on pad)
NEW    #1004 - base minimap can be made larger in configuration!
NEW    #1016 - Valhalla Command revisited!
NEW    #1032 - manufacturing stations, look in vaults and Tyre!
CHANGE #1029 - increased default inventory size by 2 slots
CHANGE #0905 - visual Europa upgrades
CHANGE #1029 - increased no spawn zone around player entry by 2
CHANGE #0977 - CRIArmory and BSVault doors are indestructible
CHANGE #0977 - CRIArmory and BSVault have a warden with 1 red card
CHANGE #0977 - both have "most used weapon" related rewards
CHANGE #0977 - Black Site Vault has 4 red card locked doors
CHANGE #0977 - CAnomaly has a tier 1 or 2 amp for most used weapon
CHANGE #0977 - CCommand has a adv weapon of most used weapon type
CHANGE #1022 - Tyre and Containment have a special reward!
CHANGE #1029 - improved Limbo rewards, Arena has 4 ammo boxes
CHANGE #1006 - AI - enemies with guns will now melee if in range 1
CHANGE #1006 - AI - enemies that run out of ammo will now melee
CHANGE #1001 - accuracy mod pack now increases optimal distance
CHANGE #1001 - ADV weapons may come with improved optimal distance
CHANGE #1010 - increased minimal spawn range on Io and Europa L1
CHANGE #0905 - Military Barracks - alternative layouts
CHANGE #1019 - minor optimization pass
CHANGE #1017 - vsync improvements to Vulkan version
CHANGE #1006 - exalted enemies wont engage in in-fighting
CHANGE #1026 - buffed both .44 exotic weapons
CHANGE #1027 - crit chance over 100% may proc crit damage again
CHANGE #1033 - minor difficulty scaling curve adjustment
CHANGE #1029 - Headshot now: +100% crit chance, no acc penalty, 4cd
CHANGE #1031 - vaults may now contian tech or manufacture stations
FIX    #1024 - fix empty black squares on floor
FIX    #1024 - fixed Io missing double door floor mesh
FIX    #1024 - fixed area near L1 dropship having no physics mesh
FIX    #1006 - removed free hack exploit
FIX    #1004 - fixed a group of crash/exploits related to AoHubris
FIX    #1003 - regenerate level if not enough elevators are created
FIX    #0977 - CRI phase won't put you in a red keycard vault
FIX    #1015 - untriggered telegraphs cleared on level exit
FIX    #1006 - enemies will no longer target disabled bots/turrets

What's next

Next version will be the long awaited Berserker update - melee weapons (not just the chainsaw :P) and non-master melee related traits! We hope to squeeze some smaller changes in too, so even if you're not a melee fan you'll have something to play with :P. And after Berserker drops, it will be full speed ahead towards the Masters update! Drop by our Discord to see stuff unfold in realtime :)

Bug Reports / Re: Occasional missing tile
« on: March 03, 2020, 10:06 »
Yeah, noticed it too. On it.

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