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Messages - Gamer-man

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Bug Reports / [] Intuition2 doesn't work while beserk
« on: February 28, 2012, 16:23 »
At least it is true if you have cateye, unknown if it is true without cateye.  If this is a balance change, i say fair enough, but I suspect it is a bug.

Bug Reports / [] Music doesn't loop properly
« on: February 28, 2012, 15:46 »
Current locations: 
Phobos lvl4 standard game, the music plays a lead out before looping with the same part it lead out with, about 1.5 seconds needs to be cut from the end
Hell lvl5 standard game, ~same amount from the end

Discussion / Re: Help Wanted!
« on: February 28, 2012, 14:36 »
Although it isn't listed, may I work on updating and sprucing up the instruction manual?  I think it could use some major "sprucing up" and I have read a lot of instruction manuals, including the original one for doom, so I think i could improve it.

AliensRL / Re: How to make AliensRL fun
« on: February 17, 2012, 15:52 »
it should work at least as well for roguelikes as it does for doomclones that do it (half-life 2, for example).  Roguelikes are already more about resource management than any genre save maybe RTS's

Discussion / Kornel to Appear on RLRadio
« on: February 17, 2012, 01:38 »
in case you havn't found out yet, next week kornel will be on RLRadio, i'll post when it gets posted (thursdays i think)

Play-By-Forum / Re: Mafia - Interest Check
« on: February 15, 2012, 21:39 »
i prefer night start just because it doesn't make sense to start lynching people until we have reason to suspect we should.
we can also day start with the first day having people be able to vote to not lynch anyone, that'd be interesting.

for balancing games with uneven distributions, i like to balance it in favour of the majority by a factor of the sqrt of the number of people they have.
so if it is a 1 vs 100 game, the 1 should win 1:10.  if it is a 2 vs 7 game, the 2 should win 1:1.87, but this is complicated by the fact that in mafia, dead people don't really win just because their team wins, however as special individuals have an advantage over vanilla ones anyways, the game is fundimentally unbalanced, so it is really a judgement call on the terms of fun rather than balance in the first place.

Discussion / Re: Mod hints
« on: February 11, 2012, 04:31 »
this will make figuring out mods much more managable rather than all the time i wasted trying every combination of basic mods on red armor only to get nothing (20 combinations, btw, and that is with armor's convienient can't put the 3rd mod on making it so i only needed 6 red armors)

Play-By-Forum / Re: Mafia - Interest Check
« on: February 09, 2012, 20:54 »
i'm game

Discussion / Mod hints
« on: January 31, 2012, 21:30 »
Since i'm tired of guessing advanced mods but don't want it completely spoiled, can someone who is spoiled give me some spoilers on the advanced mods
what i want is:
What items can be advanced modded
and if their mod requires an exotic or unique mod to be modded.

So for basics, i would have a spoiler list like this:
Shotgun:  Normal
Pistol:  Normal
Green armor:  normal
Red Armor:  Unique
Red Armor:  Unique

Requests For Features / Re: Fixing the Spider Mastermind
« on: January 26, 2012, 13:32 »
yeah, i'm pointing out how i figured out it didn't deal bullet damage and that i should melee it without spoilers (and thus that it could be figured out without spoilers, though figuring it out it had plasma in specific could take a few attempts)

Requests For Features / Re: Chained court (normal) update
« on: January 25, 2012, 21:24 »
I thought the rewards from hell's arena were the rewards for beating hell's arena...

If you feel that strongly about it you could randomize the mods for this version to nerf the reward.
i am probably biased from playing AoMr where the rewards for being hell's arena arn't all that great compaired to the chance of death, and most of the point is to get the 2 agilities mods in UnCC.

Requests For Features / Re: Fixing the Spider Mastermind
« on: January 25, 2012, 21:20 »
i died the first time with the handgun reloading (gunkata), i won the second time because i thought "lets fight it like i would an arachnitron".  I looked up spoilers when i thought "man this balistic vest sure seems to be useless"

Discussion / Re: AoMr way harder than it was?
« on: January 25, 2012, 21:17 »
I play AoMr over half my play throughs since i love using pistols, i don't think MSs is any worse than the other two, especially not before cybie (gun kata gets a free win vs cyberdemon).  At HMP+, i only do the arena if it spawns on lvl 3, it isn't a huge problem either way though, chained court is still plenty of xp either way (without even killing the caco or hell knights).  On hellgate one bruiser brother should die before you ever reach the door without you taking any damage, the other probably won't hit you enough to make you burn a health pack, and a large health globe should be left over to heal up that damage.  I also never reset my play through, i go with the run i have, i win about 1/3 on HNTR and 1/4 on HMP, i havn't played enough UV to suggest a proportion i win.

As long as we are on the topic, GH, can you fix unchained court?  right now the vile runs all the way to the left, and is in range of like 2-3 people to revive, the rest can be killed safely such that there is no danger to you while fighting the arch vile.  it trivialises the fight if you arn't in any danger.

Requests For Features / Fixing the Spider Mastermind
« on: January 20, 2012, 19:51 »
Considering the spider mastermind is insanely easy, and requires no preperation to deal with here is what i think should be done to fix it.
A:  Make the spidermastermind do bullet damage
not only is it intuitive, but it forces decisions, do you waste a spot in your inventory to resist bullet damage that isn't useful until the spidermastermind, or do you have a go with sheer brute force.  If bullets make it too easy, make the bullets stronger/more numerous/armour piercing (sperating the 'ignores half armor' from the 'plasma damage' type).
B:  spidey has no melee damage
so just let him shoot at close range.  This can be special because he is a boss (aracnatrons can stay week to melee), but really going up close to him and getting hit for nothing with just basic red armor makes him a joke boss, and no one likes fighting a joke at the end.

Requests For Features / Re: Chained court (normal) update
« on: January 20, 2012, 19:14 »
i assumed the agility mods were awards for beating hell's arena or for finding a rocket, this layout cuts the incentive for beating hell's arena drastically.  i'm not sure if that is what you were going for or not, but it is something to take into account (since beating it has a few negative to work with as well)

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