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Topics - Kornel Kisielewicz

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Announcements / New Forum images/Avatar fix
« on: December 18, 2005, 03:22 »
Phew, I added separate forum images for each sub-forum, and fixed the avatars so they have transparent background. You may need to force-refresh to see the changes (usualy Ctrl+R).

Poll Link

Well, I await your opinion :-). At the same time this is a test of the poll system, so please vote! Comments about the poll are welcome.

Note: Only registered users are allowed to vote. Everyone can vote only once. The system doesn't track who voted how.

Announcements / Poll system
« on: December 18, 2005, 01:45 »
Well, I've installed the poll system for MiniBB, but it seems it will need some tweaking. As for now the poll system is completely isolated from the forum itself. So these are the guidelines if you want to post a poll:

* Create a poll -- please don't create a poll if the matter's trivial. Leave polls for important questions.
* Create a topic about the poll, starting with "Poll:" and following with the question. The title should be exactly the same as the question.
* In the post please add a direct link to the poll (you can achieve that by entering the Poll page, and rightclicking on your poll, and choosing "Copy link").

Have fun! I'm going to post a first poll now.

Announcements / Preview button added to Forum
« on: December 18, 2005, 01:10 »
If someone didn't notice, I've added a preview button to the forum :-). A poll system may follow, cause in the case of a few posts, I think it would prove usefull. The poll will be member-only-based.

P.S. We hit a 6-users on-line today ^_^

Requests For Features / Help needed - Levers
« on: December 11, 2005, 14:09 »
Okay, we all know that levers suck :-P (except the summon lever, which I consider a bug that will be fixed in the next release). So I need ideas for POSITIVE lever effects. Try not to make them trivial (like +1MAXHP), but something that would fit in-game.

Help me save thy levers! :-P

Discussion / DoomRL Forum's design got appriciated :-)
« on: November 30, 2005, 11:30 »
Hello all!

DoomRL's Forum design got appreciated -- we made it to the showcase gallery :-D:

Rejoice :-D

Discussion / ROTFL!!
« on: November 30, 2005, 10:48 »
Oh my God, someone recently registered :-D. I wonder, what reason one may have for that... Neither do I want nor I have the money to register that (and even if I would, I would probably register, so there's little hope I will try to buy it from the owner...

I wonder wether it has something to do with autotracking popular search phrases... a reseller might buy all the semi-popular not-taken search-terms.

Anyway, it was funny to see registered :-D

Announcements / DoomRL forum moved to!
« on: November 29, 2005, 05:16 »
Rejoice, for DoomRL Forum has a new home!

You probably noticed it already. The MySQL database and server here should definitively be faster then on the old site. Tell me if it is and if you experience any problems!

And update your bookmarks :-D

P.S. If someone lost his password in the process, mail me (admin at chaosforge org) - I can override it.

Discussion / My Development/Rambling Blog
« on: November 22, 2005, 08:37 »
For anyone interested, I recently have set up a Blog. The blog is rather development-oriented, but doesn't focus on DoomRL, but rather on all the projects I'm trying to pull off.

The current (probably temporary) URL is:

Discussion / A few words
« on: November 17, 2005, 17:05 »
Sorry I wasn't commenting lately. Unfortunately I didn't have time... I also wanted to inform you guys, that I'm away till the 22 of November. The good news is that when I'm back I'll start seriously working on the 0.9.9 version. See you then!

Discussion / Help needed - in search for a domain name
« on: October 29, 2005, 18:42 »
I'm having this problem a long time now. I need to buy a domain name for my games. Unfortunately I don't have the money to buy one for each of them (,,, so I need to come up with a UNTAKEN name that my games could be a subdomain of them (eg. Unfortunately, the ones I would love to see most (,,, are of course taken :-(.

So I ask your help! I need UNTAKEN propositions of domain names!

The things to take into account:

1) many sites will be parked under that domain, including (but not limited to)
-- doomrl
-- diablorl
-- carceri
-- genrogue
But also not roguelike related pages/projects:
-- my portfolio
-- my frontier-like project
-- a few other cRPG/CG projects

2) before you propose something please check with a domainchecking-page wether the name is taken. It is not sufficient to type it in your adress-bar, you need to check wether it's actually available. The only site that does that I know of is a polish site -- if someone knows an international site that has domain checking, please post a link here.

3) I would rather avoid using numbers or "-"-like signs in the name.

4) Probably I would mostly like a .net domain, but .org and .com are also acceptable

5) Keywords I like -- chaos, dream, shadow, forge, etc...

6) It could be good if the domain-name would suggest that some kind of development is done ;-).

Discussion / Forum - Ranks
« on: October 28, 2005, 18:15 »
Okay, so Aerton doesn't like my ranking system :-D. Well, I put it under your discussion -- here it is:

1-20 - Former Human
20-50 - Former Sergeant
50-100 - Imp
100-200 - Demon
200-400 - Cacodemon
400-1000 - Hell Knight
1000+ - Hell Baron

Any suggestions or comments are welcome :-)

Announcements / Forum Upgrades
« on: October 27, 2005, 19:12 »
I've added a few upgrades to our forum. Out of those the most notable are the "Members List" (see above), and "Online Guest counter".  Also I wonder wether to add more functionality... the ones I currently think about is a enchanced statistics page, and a poll system.

Announcements / New Forum
« on: October 23, 2005, 01:22 »
I've changed the engine of the Forum to miniBB. It should be a lot more reliable now. Unfortunately I have no clue on how to import the messages from the old forum, so you will have to either repost them here again, or count them as "done".

The new Forum is based on MySQL at last (thanks to the courtesy of a friend of mine who gave me access to a MySQL database). It is a modified miniBB script with a completely custom-made Doomish skin :-D. Took a few hours to get all the visual elements right, but I think it was worth it.

Any comments or requests about this new forum please post them here.

This one is a little unroguelikeish. I'm playing with the idea to add a tracking system, that tracks all your games in general. As a player you would have a general "rank" common to all your DoomRL games. Let's say you first have the rank of "Former Human". If you manage to get a character to Level 10 you get the "Former Human Seregant" rank. If you manage to beat DoomRL you get the "Former Human Capitan" rank, or "Former Human Commander" if you beat it on at least "Hey, Not To Rough" level. Further ranks would need several things to be accomplished, like:

* finishing the game with 100% kills
* killing a total of 1000 Hell Barons
* beating the game on "Hurt Me Plenty"
* beating the game on "Ultra-Violence"
* finishing (or reaching a certain level) in a challenge game (see other post)

The final rank "Spider Mastermind" could be achieved by beating the game on the "Nightmare" level (which itself would be unlocked if you gain at least "Former Human Commander" rank.

What would ranks give (except for the obvious satisfaction :-P)? Well there are quite a few ideas:

* rank would be written in each mortem file (prestige!)
* rank could be shown in a future (maybe) ladder system
* rank would give an incentive to play DoomRL more

Ok, ok, these don't seem to useful... so how about:

* rank would unlock "Nightmare"
* rank would unlock "Challenge Games'
* rank would unlock additional Special Levels
* rank could unlock an additional weapon to be available (eg. Lightning Gun)

Moreover, a lot more statistical data about the players achievements would be stored by the game, so you could track your progress, with information about:

* global number of kills per monster
* maximum level on each skill level, or how many times you've beat it
* shortest completion time per skill level
* highest kill rate per skill level
* etc...

Well, what do you think?

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