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Messages - ParaSait

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 95
Discussion / libfmod? (linux version)
« on: October 09, 2014, 10:26 »
Hey guys. Recently, I've ditched windows in favor of linux (mint 17), and I've been trying to get a bunch of games to work on this, including DoomRL.
So far so good, everything works, except that the sound seems to be a little glitchy when the setting is default (sometimes, sounds or songs won't play). So I wanna try the fmod setting. Problem is, I've no idea where to find the required libfmod. Can't seem to find it even on the official site, oddly enough. Someone have an idea where to find this? Thanks.

EDIT: I'm on a 64bit system by the way.

Discussion / Re: Can't run, enemies nearby...
« on: October 08, 2014, 21:57 »
Umm, yeah, no shit?  That's usually the reason that I want to run in the first place.
Maybe it's a reason for YOU to run...
but for Doomguy, it's a reason to stay and kill everything that moves.

Discussion / Re: I got screwed over by mapgen. Shit luck or bug?
« on: September 24, 2014, 09:57 »
Yeah, up to date there was no single valid report of a level without exit - usually it's because people don't know you can move diagonally :P
Feature request: make a mention of the ability to move diagonally in the little tutorial thing, lol

Releases / Re: Doom : Repercussions of modding
« on: September 15, 2014, 09:28 »
Cool! I've played an equivalent Doom mod once before. Needless to say, playing as arch viles was criminally fun, so yeah, I'm hoping the same thing about friendlies, lol.

Great, now I can't get away with blaming my horrible tetris skills on RNG giving me shitty blocks anymore.
Damn you. Daaaaamn youuuuu!

Post Mortem / Re: [M/AoB/99%/YASD] Iron Skull
« on: September 05, 2014, 14:04 »
Lol. This kinda makes me wonder how many people in the past have counterfeited their extraordinary mortems.

To sneak in a feature idea: how about having the game add a little fingerprint string that is generated from the mortem data in some secret format. That way we could have Our Overlords check the legitimacy of mortems, if necessary.

Poor Newbie. He thought it was a realtime game, and held down the arrow keys.

Discussion / Re: DoomRL Oculus Rift conversion
« on: April 01, 2014, 01:30 »
Now that woke me right up this morning.
I fecking hate mornings, I always feel sick like I have a hangover or something. But this thread made me feel better already. :]

Forum / Re: PM system is broken
« on: February 28, 2014, 10:51 »
Is it possible to configure the forum or some plugin to have it show captchas for new untrusted users who have < x posts?

Forum / Re: PM system is broken
« on: February 28, 2014, 02:32 »
Ever since I use waterfox, I get that 403 on the entire forum. I think it's some sort of a spam protection thing. The solution is to change your user agent string to something that is whitelisted, such as...

Code: [Select]
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0
In the case of firefox you can change that somewhere in about:config.

(dunno if this post will be useful since it only happens occasionally for you... but these are my 2 millibitcoins anyway)

Discussion / Re: Porting DoomRL to Android?
« on: February 19, 2014, 12:50 »
Here's another thought: copyright :|

Discussion / Re: Rebalancing barrels?
« on: February 16, 2014, 19:14 »
How about simply reducing the amount of barrels placed on the map? Lotsa fuel barrels is alright, but napalm should be spawned in moderation, especially since the lava can get incredibly spammy at times when you set off a large chain of em...

Discussion / Re: Rebalancing barrels?
« on: February 16, 2014, 15:59 »
It happened more to me than I'd like to admit T_T
Dem freaking shotgunners lurking behind the corners...

And don't get me wrong. It's fine if napalm barrels still pack a punch. Hell, they're freaking napalm barrels exploding right in your face. But sudden instadeath at 100% HP or more (hey, if the explosion doesn't do it, the lava will) is maybe a little too harsh.

(a fun side note: I made a comic about this maddening phenomenon some time ago...)

Discussion / Re: Rebalancing barrels?
« on: February 16, 2014, 11:19 »
Yeah especially the napalm barrels have to change.

Requests For Features / Re: Career game mode
« on: February 04, 2014, 21:44 »
Ouch. This would effectively disallow any serious builds at the start of the career, essentially forcing players to play masterless builds. The game is difficult enough as it is for newbies, and imposing such limitations would render the game nearly unwinnable by design for them.

And the Marksman badges example makes it even worse - such an example would force the player to win AoMr masterless to unlock master traits. Not exactly an easy task ...
Could always do it the other way around. Locking overused features instead of unlocking. But I digress...

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