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Topics - Kornel Kisielewicz

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Announcements / DoomRL RELEASED!
« on: February 28, 2012, 13:03 »
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Forge of Chaos!

DoomRL has been RELEASED!

This release may be the most important release yet -- for finally after many years, the awesome tiles of Derek Yu are in the game... This moment marks the first public GRAPHICAL release!

To make better use of the graphics, the interface has been upgraded, and mouse support has been introduced. The interface has been streamlined in many places, and will be streamlined even more in the near future.

To celebrate the graphical release, DoomRL has also received a significant upgrade in the Audio department, with a MP3 music soundtrack consisting of Sonic Clang's Classic Doom renditions as well as Simon Volperts DoomRL tracks in MP3 quality. Sound effects have been substituted with high quality versions created by Per Kristian Risvik.

Additionally several balance changes and important fixes have been made.

Grab it while it's hot on the official website!

However, before you do, please take a moment and Like! our official ChaosForge Facebook Page and/or ChaosForge Google+ Page, and if you didn't before, follow ChaosForge on Twitter to stay fully informed of the next release!

Downloads for Windows, Linux (both 32 and 64 bit) and 64 bit MacOS X are provided (the last one should be still considered a bit unstable -- read below). The game executables are universal in the sense that you can run graphical, console, sound or no sound using the same files -- for example on Linux the SDL libraries are not needed if running in console/nosound.

Download the new version to jump into the fun or join us on IRC ( #chaosforge on QuakeNet ) to celebrate, or read below for the full changelog!

Keep your eyes open also for a new version of every ChaosForge roguelike -- while there have been no official releases, a lot of work went into AliensRL, DiabloRL and Berserk!. Each of them will have a breakthrough release in the first half of this year -- no one shall be left behind! Don't be surprised if some of them become graphical too!

Note about the Mac OS X version -- coding for this platform is still relatively new for me, so this time the release requires some degree of manual installation. You can only reliably run it from the terminal, and need to manually unpack it to some folder. You'll also need to install SDL bundles -- SDL, SDL_image, and SDL_mixer -- if you have any problem installing, feel free to ask at the forums!

Note about the Linux versions -- you'll need SDL, SDL_mixer, SDL_image and libpng installed, and smpeg if you want to use the HQ versions. On some linux distro's mp3 support is not enabled in SDL_mixer -- a workaround has been posted on the forum.

Full changelist follows...

DoomRL v.
Code: [Select]
[new] -- TR#249: Universal executable -- runs with different sound engines, or tiles vs console without
                 loading libraries it doesn't need
[new] -- TR#260: G-version - fullscreen support (ALT-Enter or Ctrl-F12)!
[new] -- TR#274: G-version - fullscreen resolution autodetection and startup query
[new] -- TR#264: G-version - different floors and doors for Hell
[new] -- TR#263: G-version - liquid edges unblockified and animated
[new] -- TR#261: G-version - full mouse support (smart LMB/RMB on map, menus and mousescroll)!
[new] -- TR#259: G-version - Variable resolution and x2 mode for text and sprites!
[new] -- TR#278: G-version - minimap added and grid overlay (SPACE)
[new] -- TR#---: G-version - Epic background and logo by Derek Yu!
[new] -- TR#249: Graphics and SoundEngine in config.lua
[new] -- TR#249: -graphics, -console, -nosound and -fullscreen command line override options
[new] -- TR#---: hint system serving as a crude tutorial
[new] -- TR#---: all menus/screen rewritten/redesigned
[new] -- TR#---: new keybinding system - you can bind any key, and any CTRL/SHIFT/ALT combination but
                 the syntax is different
[new] -- TR#---: anytime screenshot possible (hardcoded for F10/F9), also in graphics
[mod] -- TR#240: recharge mechanic revamp. (tehtmi, game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#246: lots and lots of assembly changes (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#293: resistances now degrade with durability (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: configuration entries are optional, defaults will be used if not present
[mod] -- TR#---: FRONTAL option removed - all games start frontal
[mod] -- TR#---: Shottyman pulls from equipped ammo pack when no ammo is in inventory. (tehtmi)
[mod] -- TR#---: two equipped pistols can be quickswapped with Dualgunner.
[mod] -- TR#---: level 24 experience requirement dropped to be more in line. (25 unchanged) (tehtmi)
[mod] -- TR#---: Mastermind melee damage increased (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: Badass changed to two-level trait. (tehtmi, game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: the player now has the customary grace period upon enter level 1. (tehtmi)
[mod] -- TR#---: different barrel types accept differnt sound bindings. (tehtmi)
[mod] -- TR#---: weapons that don't use ammo don't display it, can't be unloaded, etc. (tehtmi)
[mod] -- TR#---: added dodgebonus being property and dodgemod item property (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: added IF_FARHIT (attack ignores dinstance penalty) (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: added IF_UNSEENHIT (attack ignoares visibility penalty) (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: sniper weapon pack grants IF_FARHIT/IF_UNSEENHIT for 1/2 mods
                 added to weapon (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: blue armor gives 20% plasma resistance instead of fire (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: all mod packs are now exotic, have higher weights, and uniquely colored (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: Vampyre gives scaling amount of HP (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#270: a lot better and readable crash handling
[mod] -- TR#271: SaveOnCrash now in config.lua, may be turned off
[fix] -- TR#151: trait screen escape fixed
[fix] -- TR#---: message coloring doesn't break on newline
[fix] -- TR#---: combat pistol has dualreload. (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: tactical and assault shotties only get single reload with shottyman. (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: teleboss AI bug fixed. (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: full inventory AI bug fixed. (game_hunter)
[fix] -- TR#---: Ao100 level 100 fix. (game_hunter)
[fix] -- TR#---: fixed minor issue with target line coloring. (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: grammaton Cleric Cross fixed to work with new mastermind. (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: JC AI bug fixed. (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: fixed chainfiring on Tower of Babel. (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: fixed large health globe on Angel of Berserk. (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: fixed scout's stair sense briefly showing stairs in a certain unintended case. (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: barrels can once again be pushed into acid & lava (though it isn't advised). (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: teleboss_ai attack fix (game_hunter)
[fix] -- TR#---: enemy pursuing AI fix (game_hunter)
[fix] -- TR#168: proper error messages if missing files
[fix] -- TR#---: no more cannot resume dead coroutine on program error
[fix] -- TR#265: error and assert can be normally used in modules
[fix] -- TR#105: DoomRL will give now a meaningfull error if console is too small
[fix] -- TR#---: error reports will properly report params passed
[fix] -- TR#---: Linux 64 and Mac OS X player.wad fix

Discussion / Bitcoin donations?
« on: January 07, 2012, 02:00 »
( If you don't know what BitCoin is you can find out on it's site or Wikipedia, but then you're probably not interested :) )

Recently someone asked me if I accept Bitcoin as donations. While my initial reaction was "no", because I already have enough problems with PayPal alone, after reading on the topic of Bitcoins it turned out that it would be even easier for me to withdraw Bitcoins into my bank account than it would be with PayPal money.

However, I only sparsely heard about Bitcoin until now, so I don't know how widespread this method of payment is. So a question -- is anyone present who would donate Bitcoins? Would any of the existing donators prefered to have payed in Bitcoins if there was such a possibility earlier?

Announcements / DoomRL RELEASED!
« on: January 04, 2012, 06:08 »
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Forge of Chaos!

DoomRL has been RELEASED!

This is a special release, because finally DoomRL's world has gotten the shape it was intended to have. While the number of levels got reduced to 24, they are divided into three separate "episodes", with the grand finale in Dis, against the boss you've all asked about!

Apart from the new layout, the AI got its revamp finished -- most of the beings now have a new (hopefully smarter) AI! Also present in this version are two new Challenges and a lot of tweaks to the Badge system, new powerup and a ton of tweaks and fixes!

Grab it while it's hot on the official website!

However, before you do, please take a moment and Like! our brand new Offical Facebook Page, and if you didn't before, follow ChaosForge and my humble self on Twitter to stay fully informed of the next GRAPHICAL release!

Yes, the graphical version you all waited for is almost ready. Even more! ChaosForge Supporters have already been granted access to graphical version beta. So if you can't wait, donate now, become a Supporter and enjoy the graphical beta! Even if ASCII is your game, take a moment and Support us, for DoomRL is happening only thanks to you!

Downloads for Windows, Linux (both 32 and 64 bit) and 64 bit MacOS X are provided (the last one should be still considered a bit unstable). All versions include sound, no-sound versions (if requested) will appear with the next version.

Download the new version to jump into the fun or join us on IRC ( #chaosforge on QuakeNet ) to celebrate, or read further!

DoomRL work has begun, and a great release it will be! The next version will be the first with graphics support, with an epic tileset from Derek Yu. DoomRL will be released earlier than the usual release schedule -- expect it before March, maybe even in the middle of February! Or if you can't wait head up to the Treasury, donate, and see the future now!

Keep your eyes open also for a new version of every ChaosForge roguelike -- while there have been no official releases, a lot of work went into AliensRL, DiabloRL and Berserk!. Each of them will have a breakthrough release in the first half of this year -- no one shall be left behind!

Happy New Year to everyone, the Forge will be strongly with you in 2012!

Full changelist follows...

DoomRL v.
Code: [Select]
[new] -- TR#---: 3*8 levels, Phobos Anomaly, Tower of Babel and Dis as "episode" end levels
[new] -- TR#---: New BOSS!
[new] -- TR#---: New Arch-Vile AI, also damage changed to 20 fire-based
[new] -- TR#---: New Mancubus AI
[new] -- TR#---: The Brick Song by Simon Volpert added as Wall soundtrack!
[new] -- TR#---: new config option "MorePrompt" allowing to turn off confirm on too many msg (kornel)
[new] -- TR#---: Angel of Confidence and Angel of Overconfidence (Angel of Haste removed) (game_hunter)
[new] -- TR#039: New PowerUp! (kornel)
[new] -- TR#025: New AI for formers, barons, teleporting bosses, and spawners (game_hunter)
[new] -- TR#---: Exotic weapon: combat pistol (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: All special levels now guaranteed (unless locked out by ITYTD)
[mod] -- TR#---: Cancelling mods on AoI no longer consumes the mod (tehtmi)
[mod] -- TR#---: rapid fire shotguns now benefit from Trigger Happy (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: monsters are now subject to normal (variable) firing times (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: tweaks in level rewards for very good completion, UE now possible without lucky drops (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: Difficult medals give you easier medals of the same series if you haven't already received them (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: Changes medals that were previously both exclusive and inclusive of each other (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: All current assemblies have fixed bonuses (regardless of mod order) (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: main screen detects beta state (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: combat, assault and tactical shotgun reload time set to 1.0 (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: player sight is calculated also after his turn - looks better (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: lots of AI optimization - please report any slowdowns (kornel)
[mod] -- TR#---: New rewards in Hell's Arena for Berserk, Impatience, Red Alert, Purity, Masochism, Humanity (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: Armorer badges require 12/24/36/48/all specials, up from 10/20/30/40/all (game_hunter)
[mod] -- TR#---: Shorter powerup status names (kornel)
[fix] -- TR#---: Using fists on AoB with a weapon equipped no longer gives an inappropriate message (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: Using Angel Arm can no longer remove stairs (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: JC spawns fixed
[fix] -- TR#---: Sleep timer precision (add)
[fix] -- TR#---: Ballistic armor now gives melee resistance (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#229: Fixed full reload with ammo pack crash (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: Trying to fire with not enough (but non-zero) ammo is now instant (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#145: double shotgun and derivative uniques display x2 modifier (kornel)
[fix] -- TR#203: OnRemove is now correctly ran if armor is destroyed on player (bug with set armors) (kornel)
[fix] -- TR#---: rare bug with possibility to destroy level edge walls fixed (kornel)
[fix] -- TR#---: mortem name fixes (game_hunter)

Discussion / DoomRL Mini-Competition #3! [Ended, Winner : Zecks]
« on: September 21, 2011, 21:39 »
This one will be quick, so the deadline is shorter! And by quick, I mean EXTREMELY QUICK! Deadline is 1st of October!

The goal is quite simple:
Finish Angel of Haste as fast as possible! (realtime!)

The rules:
  • the Challenge Mode is Angel of Haste!
  • any difficulty, class, etc -- allowed
  • the prize is a custom forum title (under your nick) "Speedrunner" and Supporter access ONLY IF you post a Roguelike Studio recording of the run, or a video
  • veteran players and people with source access are allowed and even encouraged to enter, but ONLY if they record the run
  • past games and mortems do not count
  • the run must be posted in the Post Mortem section to be counted (add a tag [COMPO#3|real time] before the normal tag), additionally you must post a link in this thread
  • please describe details of the run in the mortem!
  • if you manage to beat your own record, post a new mortem and edit your post in this thread (you can leave the older one also)
  • in case of a tie, the mortem with proof will win, if both (or neither) have proof, the score will determinate the winner
  • of course, cheating is possible, but I *do* have one way to check it, and I won't reveal it immediately -- just don't, this is a compo for fun anyway :)

You can record your run if you run it via the excellent Roguelike Studio:

Dismissed, and good luck!

Announcements / DoomRL featured on Roguelike Radio!
« on: September 20, 2011, 07:08 »
DoomRL has been featured on Roguelike Radio!

Roguelike Radio is a weekly podcast about roguelikes, where big names of the Roguelike scene dissect and talk about popular modern roguelike games. Be sure not only to check out the recent DoomRL episode as well as former episodes about Brogue, Cardinal Quest and Desktop Dungeons!

The DoomRL episode was quite full of critique, especially arguing that DoomRL has strayed away from it's simple coffeebreak roots, which the podcasters consider a bad thing. What is your opinion? State it on the Roguelike Radio blog, and help out with DoomRL's future direction!

Modding / DoomRL MOD : Simple. Dead Simple.
« on: September 04, 2011, 16:18 »
As our regular modders are still converting their mods to mod format, let me give you a simple example. Dead Simple.


Just copy it into your modules directory, run DoomRL and choose Custom Game. Enjoy! And post your mortems with a proper tag if you want :).

(source can be downloaded here)

Discussion / DoomRL Mini-Competition #2! [Ended, Winner : Midnight]
« on: September 02, 2011, 13:33 »
Let's have some fun! This time the competition will require a lot more time, and probably some strategic thinking... As the competition time is until 15th of September, anyone has the time to try it out!

The goal is simple:
Run the game on a fresh install, and gain as much medals and badges in one run as possible!

The rules:
  • any (as long as accessible from a fresh install) difficulty, challenge, class, etc -- allowed
  • anyone who doesn't have access to source and/or debug console is allowed to enter
  • the prize is a custom forum title (under your nick) "Badge Hunter"
  • past games and mortems do not count
  • the game must be on a fresh install, but copying over a config/sound/music files is allowed
  • the run must be posted in the Post Mortem section to be counted (add a tag [COMPO#2|badge+medal_count] before the normal tag), additionally you must post a link in this thread
  • please describe how you pulled of that particular run in the mortem!
  • if you manage to beat your own record, post a new mortem and edit your post in this thread (you can leave the older one also)
  • in case of a tie, the score will determinate the winner
  • of course, cheating is possible, but I *do* have one way to check it, and I won't reveal it immediately -- just don't, this is a compo for fun anyway :)

Dismissed, and good luck!

I managed to compile DoomRL under Mac OS X on a 64 bit system, however it seems it has stability issues.

You will need to have the SDL Framework installed to test it...

DoomRL MacOS X, 64 bit

Any comments, suggestions or help really welcome!

Announcements / DoomRL RELEASED!
« on: September 01, 2011, 01:59 »
DoomRL has been released!

This releases highlight is the introduction of player Classes -- each class apart from it's own all-game perks has also it's own set of 5 Master Traits! Choose between the hardy Marine, the nimble Scout and the smart Technician!

Apart from classes, there's a ton of new stuff -- a new basic item type (ammo packs), new level events, a rebooted resistance system, new uniques, exotics and assemblies and new AI for many of the beings!

Grab it while it's hot on DoomRL's website!

Both Windows and Linux versions are available -- and there's a experimental Linux 64-bit version too! Also, a MacOS X version has been prepared, but it's untested yet -- if you have a Mac, please drop by the forums and help us add Mac OS X to the supported platforms!

As you may have noted, ChaosForge is upholding it's release schedule -- thanks to your generous support! Next beta will appear for Supporters at most in a month (and I promise it will be BIG, for work on it has already started!), while the final version is scheduled for 1st of January 2012. Please be sure to check out the ChaosForge treasury and if you think that ChaosForge games gave you something, then why not give something back! ChaosForge is being kept alive and rollin' by people like you!

Download the new version to jump into the fun, join us on IRC ( #chaosforge on QuakeNet ) to celebrate, or read further for details!

Three player classes have been introduced, each with their own built in advantages, a slight stats modification, a advanced that that is basic for them, and 5 unique Master Traits. The old Master Traits have been split between the classes, and new ones added so we reached a total of 15.

Marines have the perk of being hardy, which gives them +50% powerup duration bonus, and +20% health compared to other classes. They have Badass as a basic trait, and can choose between Vampyre, Bullet Dance, Army of the Dead, Ammochain and Survivalist as their Master Traits.

Scouts have the unique perk of always knowing where the stairs down are and being generally 10% faster in everything they do. They can take Intuition as a basic trait and have access to the Blademaster, Gun Kata, Shottyhead, Cateye and Running Man Master Traits.

Technicians can use consumables almost instantly, and hack any computer map into a tracking map. WhizKid is their basic trait, and they can choos Malicious Blades, Sharpshooter, Fireangel, Entrenchment or Scavenger as they Masters.

The Master Traits are ordered so that each class has a Melee, Shotgun, Pistol, Rapid-fire Master Trait, as well as a general use one that fits their theme.

Second big change is the introduction of proper resistances -- you can check them at the equipment screen and on any item that grants them. Following resistances are a couple of logical resistances for monsters (Imps are resistant to fire for example), as well as a ton of new items and assemblies.

In the item department there's the addition of a rare basic item group -- ammo packs. Ammo packs not only hold more ammo than a inventory slot, but can be put into the prepared equipment slot granting very fast reload for the weapon in hand. They can't be reloaded though, so keep them for when you need them most!

Finally, there's a lot changes in the AI (and it's still not all!) and a reworked modding system -- check the forums in a while to download a few mods that are already being developed! Next version will probably be a revolution for modding, for a system giving a lot more freedom (and ease of use!) is in the works... Stay tuned!

Last but not least, there's a ton of bugfixes and tweaks, and I'd like to take this occasion to give my special thanks to tehtmi from the ChaosForge forums for his dedication in tracking them down and fixing them -- I hope that you'll continue to help out :).

Big thanks to Simon Volpert, who has traditionally provided some great pieces of music for this release (Something Wicked and Of Skull And Bone). Check the album thread for high quality versions!

A special thanks is also required for Game Hunter, who did a great job with DoomRL tutorials on YouTube -- while the tutorials are aimed at, he already started to do a review which you can watch here

Stay tuned for more action -- DoomRL is in the works! Or head up to the ChaosForge treasury, donate, and take part in the action!

Full changelist follows...

Code: [Select]
[add] -- TR#192: Player Classes added! Marine, Scout and Technician at your disposal!
[add] -- TR#---: Scout Master Traits - Shottyhead, Running Man, Sharpshooter!
[add] -- TR#---: Marine Master Trait - Survivalist, Bullet Dance!
[add] -- TR#---: Technician Master Traits - Scavenger, Entrenchment and Malicious Blades!
[add] -- TR#192: classes have now very valuable inherent bonuses!
[add] -- TR#193: proper mods finally -- currently only single-level
[add] -- TR#025: new AI for imps, mancubi, arch-viles, revenants, arachs and cacodemons, Cyber and JC!
[add] -- TR#---: ammo packs!
[add] -- TR#218: Proper resistances to damage types!
[add] -- TR#---: Something Wicked by Simon Volpert added as Mortuary soundtrack
[add] -- TR#---: Of Skull And Bone by Simon Volpert added as City of Skulls soundtrack
[add] -- TR#---: three new level events, one of them really fun!
[add] -- TR#---: reintroducing Angel of Darkness!
[add] -- TR#---: doom menu sound! :P (can be turned off in config.lua)
[add] -- TR#---: ASCII art for AoD, Revenant, Arch-Vile, Pain elemental, Mancubus (tehtmi)
[add] -- TR#---: 10 new assemblies
[add] -- TR#---: 8 new exotics, 2 new uniques!
[mod] -- TR#---: Ammochain nerfed!
[mod] -- TR#---: RECOLORING - barons and demons light magenta, cybie brown and chaingun/captain lightred
[mod] -- TR#218: revenants have now only 2 armor but resist fire (%25) and bullets (%50)
[mod] -- TR#218: imps resist fire (%25), lost souls resist fire (%75) and bullets (%50)
[mod] -- TR#218: lava elemental immune to fire damage
[mod] -- TR#218: 3 basic armors have some resistances
[mod] -- TR#218: 3 basic boots have some acid/lava resistances, but their protection reduced
[mod] -- TR#218: some uniques/exotics now grant resistances
[mod] -- TR#---: changed the way Berserker works
[mod] -- TR#---: combat shotgun minlev now 6, plain shotgun reload time reduced
[mod] -- TR#---: Berserk gives +60% resist all, +50 speed and double damage
[mod] -- TR#---: balanced some exotics and assemblies
[mod] -- TR#---: Angel of Light Travel revamped!
[mod] -- TR#---: Intuition-nerf - rangebased, also changed default symbol and color
[mod] -- TR#---: items on explored squares visible (experimental)
[mod] -- TR#---: bridges are guaranteed on rivers
[mod] -- TR#---: lava and acid appear slightly later
[mod] -- TR#---: pain elementals appear more often and earlier
[mod] -- TR#---: cyberdemons are immune to lava/acid
[mod] -- TR#193: removed sandbox
[mod] -- TR#---: arena rewards for specific challenges modified a bit
[mod] -- TR#---: Armory, Vaults and Spider's Lair have some ammo packs
[fix] -- TR#---: fixed Fireangel
[fix] -- TR#---: fixed additional door generation on tiled levels
[fix] -- TR#---: Armory only complete if Shambler killed
[fix] -- TR#---: armor and player name colors fixed at extreme values
[fix] -- TR#---: Armory lever indestructible
[fix] -- TR#---: lava/acid waves generate both ways now
[fix] -- TR#---: proper BB screenshot colors
[fix] -- TR#196: single-monster events will appear!
[fix] -- TR#161: invincible barrels fixed
[fix] -- TR#213: fixed errors with > 255 beings/items on map (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#210: fixed rocket launcher after altfire (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#207: fixed duplicate generated uniques (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#206: fixed lua error for teleports (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#202: item proto breakage at save/load (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#198: fixed lua error for explode levers (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#201: fixed medical/armor Gambler's Shield bug (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#200: archi levels no longer disconnected (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#205: cave rivers no longer disconnected (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: lever sound bindings fixed (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: missile targeting ranges fixed (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: shotgun aiming/area fixed a little (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#221: teleport destination is determined at first use, no in-vault teleporting anymore
[fix] -- TR#---: restored the proper placement of status effects on the HUD
[fix] -- TR#220: monster groups are placed as groups again (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#214: overloaded nuclear weapons cannot cover stairs (tehtmi)
[fix] -- TR#---: Ammo rooms and vaults now respect difficulty ammo modifier (tehtmi)

*Compatibility note:* Player and Score files are compatible (and always will be), config files are not

Discussion / More intro-level layouts needed!
« on: June 29, 2011, 07:36 »
By now you probably all know all the intro level layouts, there are only 5 of them. I think that it would be fun to raise that number to 10 or even 20! Instead of coming up with more, I decided to ask you folks for input?

So, here are the rules, this is a sample level:

Code: [Select]

  • the level *must* be 55x15
  • the level will be surrounded by the standard empty space
  • only the markers below may be used
  • the amount of markers needs to be the same, and all need to be present
  • try not to make it too hard for players (e.g. immedate sergeants outside)

The legend:
Code: [Select]
. - phobos rock
, - floor
# - wall
+ - closed door
> - stairs down
* - medkit
P - challenge dependant 1-st level reward (should be by the stairs)
H - guaranteed sergeant (*1)
1 - guaranteed former (*3)
2 - if DIFF > ITYTD former else floor  (*2)
3 - if DIFF > HMP former else floor  (*2)
4 - if DIFF > HMP sergeant else if DIFF > HNTR then former else floor  (*2)

Let's play :D

71 / [M|AoH|97%|YAVP] Second win evah ;) (and RFE's)
« on: June 21, 2011, 09:12 »
 DoomRL (v. roguelike post-mortem character dump

 Epyon, level 7 Former Human Sergeant, defeated the Cyberdemon
 on level 12 of the Phobos base.
 He survived 59956 turns and scored 41593 points.
 He played for 1 hour, 25 minutes and 10 seconds.
 He didn't like it too rough.

 He killed 215 out of 220 hellspawn. (97%)
 He held his right to remain violent.
 He was an Angel of Haste!

-- Special levels --------------------------------------------

  Levels generated : 10
  Levels visited   : 2
  Levels completed : 2

-- Awards ----------------------------------------------------

  Runner Bronze Badge
  Runner Silver Badge

-- Graveyard -------------------------------------------------


-- Statistics ------------------------------------------------

  Health 27/50   Experience 19226/7
  ToHit Ranged +0  ToHit Melee +0  ToDmg Ranged +0  ToDmg Melee +0

-- Traits ----------------------------------------------------

    Tough as nails   (Level 2)
    Reloader         (Level 2)
    Badass           (Level 1)
    Shottyman        (Level 1)
    Army of the Dead (Level 1)


-- Equipment -------------------------------------------------

    [a] [ Armor      ]   nothing
    [b] [ Weapon     ]   high power BFG 9000 (12d8) [25/65]
    [c] [ Boots      ]   tactical boots [1/1] (100%)
    [d] [ Prepared   ]   modified combat shotgun (8d3) [5/5] (P1)

-- Inventory -------------------------------------------------

    [a] micro launcher (5d5) [1/1]
    [b] blue armor [1/2] (38%)
    [c] modified blue armor [1/2] (3%) (B)
    [d] shotgun shell (x5)
    [e] shotgun shell (x50)
    [f] shotgun shell (x50)
    [g] rocket (x9)
    [h] rocket (x10)
    [i] power cell (x10)
    [j] power cell (x50)
    [k] envirosuit pack
    [l] thermonuclear bomb
    [m] bulk mod pack
    [n] blood skull

-- Kills -----------------------------------------------------

    36 former humans
    35 former sergeants
    5 former captains
    36 imps
    33 demons
    35 lost souls
    6 cacodemons
    4 barons of hell
    1 Cyberdemon
    2 hell knights
    12 arachnotrons
    2 former commandos
    1 pain elemental
    2 arch-viles
    3 mancubi
    2 revenants

-- History ---------------------------------------------------

  On level 5 he entered Hell's Armory.
  He left the Armory without drawing too much attention.
  On level 6 he ran for his life from acid!
  On level 6 he assembled a tactical boots!
  On level 7 he assembled a micro launcher!
  On level 7 he ventured into the Halls of Carnage.
  On level 7 he assembled a high power weapon!
  On level 11 he found the Berserker Armor!
  Then at last he found Phobos Arena!
  On level 12 he finally defeated the Cyberdemon.

-- Messages --------------------------------------------------

 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : out of vision
 You don't have enough ammo to fire the high power BFG 9000! You are hit!
 You reload the high power BFG 9000 with power cell.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : floor
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : out of vision
 You reload the high power BFG 9000 with power cell.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : out of vision
 You reload the high power BFG 9000 with power cell.
 Fire -- Choose target...
 You see : out of vision
 You hear the scream of a freed soul! You feel relatively safe now.
 Congratulations! You defeated the Cyberdemon! Press <Enter>...

-- General ---------------------------------------------------

 Before him 4 brave souls have ventured into Phobos:
 2 of those were killed.

 And 1 couldn't handle the stress and committed a stupid suicide.

 Some rumours though, say that the Cyberdemon was killed already!
 Is he immortal? 1 souls claim to have killed him...
 1 killed the bastard and survived.


So, in a moment of free breath, I decided to try legal DoomRL again -- after a failed AoMr (12 lev, stupid key holding) and AoSh (died to cybie due to lack of medpacks), I tried AoH and succeeded!

As usual I was following a AotD build, quite surprised that I actually managed to reach the master trait on AoH. I aimed at 100% but the last level really kicked my butt -- I doubted I would make it, so I was preparing my thermo for a partial win, however, luck had it that after an initial exchange with Cybie, I managed to get a good position behind a pillar, and corner-shoot him with my high powered BFG. Had a ton of cells from the armory, so it actually worked!

Hence, my *second non-cheated victory EVER*.

The three games made me realize a few things about the game -- I made some notes, and these are the major points:

  • lava and acid should appear later or do less damage -- there's a lot of it, however point two might suffice
  • bridges over rivers should be guaranteed -- PITA if you have to cross it once, double-PITA if you have to return to the stairs
  • there should be more shells in later special levels for AoSh players (visiting later special levels gets uneconomic from a ammo-count point of view)
  • guaranteed computer map -- this one is drastic -- it would be fun if there'd be a guaranteed computer map on each level -- after clearing a level I usually wonder what to take with me, where the healing/spheres are -- a computer map would make it more streamlined

What do you think?

Announcements / DoomRL Tutorials on YouTube!
« on: June 20, 2011, 06:24 »
One of our forum regulars and top players, Game Hunter, has started posting high quality DoomRL tutorials on YouTube -- be sure to check them out! For the better players among you, there's a chance to see Game Hunter achieve Hell Arena Pwnage medal -- beating Hell Arena on N! without taking damage!

Thank you, Game Hunter!

Discussion / Request for Help : Competition ideas!
« on: May 29, 2011, 19:51 »
While there was already a DoomRL competition, it got quickly pwned by Game Hunter. True, I made a few mistakes, like making the announcement and start of the competition to close to each other, but frankly I do not have much ideas for the next compo -- suggestions please? :)

Discussion / FireflyRL
« on: May 08, 2011, 02:44 »
Well... who would want to see that...?

Announcements / DoomRL RELEASED!
« on: May 01, 2011, 15:26 »
DoomRL has been released!

While numerous bugs have been fixed, the changes brought by this version serve but a one function: enhance the variety and mood of DoomRL and they do so by many different means.

Grab it while it's hot on DoomRL's webpage!

Both Windows and Linux 32-bit versions are available -- porting to Linux 64 and Mac OS X is planned, but no guarantees as for the date.

As promised, we entered a tighter release schedule -- next beta will appear for Supporters at most in a month, while the official release is scheduled again for no later than in 4 months. Please be sure to check out the ChaosForge treasury and if you think that ChaosForge games gave you something, then why not give something back :).

First, there are numerous enhancements to the level generation - enhancements and additions. Staple of FPS genre, crates lying around randomly will now appear on previously empty levels, filling them with cover and tension - and that is just a first on a list of various additions to level generation. More, a number of new level events have been added, rendering the late game experience much more unique with lava flood, necromantic energies and much more.

Talking about levels: the DoomGuy level cap was raised from 20 to 25 to satisfy the ever growing Ao100 crowd. Along with this change, it has become possible to raise basic traits above their old caps as well - a marine on clevel 25 is now a beast nearly as powerful as Cyberdemon.

In other news: a number of new medals and badges ranging in difficulty from "absurdly easy" to "wait, what?" found its way into DoomRL too, and a few new interesting exotics (including a number of consumables), uniques and a number of assemblies joined them, increasing variability of the game even more.

Last but not least, this version marks the beginning of Grand Work of AI overhaul. Demons and lost souls were made wiser thanks to it, and this, as I have already mentioned in this very sentence is only the beginning.

Code: [Select]
[add] -- TR#---: Level events! Three already implemented, more to come!
[add] -- TR#---: dungeon levels now may have rivers!
[add] -- TR#---: warehouse level-type and room-type
[add] -- TR#---: max level changed to 25, after char level 12 all basic traits are pickable to a higher level (3 or 5)
[add] -- TR#---: Too Hot Down Here by Simon Volpert added as midi for Lava Pits
[add] -- TR#---: Halls of Carnage and City of Skulls... more interesting
[add] -- TR#---: start of AI overhaul -- new AI for demons and skulls
[add] -- TR#---: three new basic assemblies, two new advanced assemblies
[add] -- TR#---: 15 new badges -- ranks adjusted, and a experience rank for masochists too ;)
[add] -- TR#---: two new medals
[add] -- TR#---: four new really fun exotics (one weapon, three "packs"), two uniques!
[add] -- TR#---: new rare power up
[add] -- TR#---: one more inventory slot!
[add] -- TR#185: known assemblies screen in-game
[add] -- TR#178: configurable timestamp format for mortem and screenshot folder (and a sensible default)
[add] -- TR#---: difficulty and challenge codes on player screen
[add] -- TR#---: highlights for invulnerability, berserk and envirosuit status effects
[add] -- TR#---: config allows for command chaining
[add] -- TR#---: command.use_item for quickkeys for using items
[mod] -- TR#134: Ammochain requires TH2 and Rel2
[mod] -- TR#---: armor/boots made more rare, armor shards more common
[mod] -- TR#---: Hell Armory guaranteed on HNTR+
[mod] -- TR#---: max 4 feature rooms in city and tiled levels
[mod] -- TR#---: removed item/being limit from levels
[mod] -- TR#---: power mod color changed to light red
[mod] -- TR#---: armor/medical depot now doesn't waste charges if there's nothing to do (and has custom depletion message too!)
[mod] -- TR#---: minor balancing on existing assemblies
[mod] -- TR#---: alternative reward of Cathedral is guaranteed if req's are met
[mod] -- TR#---: no Vaults special level on ITYTD
[mod] -- TR#176: EmptyConfirm now works with unpumped combat shotguns and multiammo weapons
[mod] -- TR#---: shamblers and LE's will now respect their soundbinds (except .fire)
[mod] -- TR#---: AoPu Hell Armory always spawns a non-schematic reward
[mod] -- TR#---: quick level skips noted in player history
[mod] -- TR#---: UV+ spawns sergeants inside not outside base entry
[fix] -- TR#184: DoomRL is again Windows 95/98 compatible!
[fix] -- TR#---: all corpses are now gibbable
[fix] -- TR#---: fists no longer use wielded weapon attack time
[fix] -- TR#175: the player will no longer teleport or spawn in a locked vault
[fix] -- TR#182: spawning when there's no room (lava) wont crash anymore
[fix] -- TR#189: LS/AA bug fixed (finally!)
[fix] -- TR#186: double nuking cyberdemon bug fixed
[fix] -- TR#187: sound crash on too quick death sequence skip
[fix] -- TR#188: endless teleporter bug fixed
[fix] -- TR#---: Unholy Cathedral is permawalled now
[fix] -- TR#---: acid barrels will once again spawn on higher levels
[fix] -- TR#---: ammo rooms with rockets will be generated again
[fix] -- TR#190: BB code screenshots fixed
[fix] -- TR#---: fixed Arena Master CC on N! bug
[fix] -- TR#---: API inv.add, inv[] and eq[] now take string id's also
[fix] -- TR#174: bulk-modded minigun wont crash (ammo and ammomax limit raised)
[fix] -- TR#177: chaining assemblies not possible anymore

*Compatibility note:* Player and Score files are compatible (and always will be), config files are not -- there's an added keybinding and a few new options.

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