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Messages - thelaptop

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Stickied to help others who might face the same problem.

General Discussion / Re: Wiki / game info?
« on: September 09, 2019, 03:46 »
(Unrelated, but hot damn, isn't a quintuple captcha on posting way overkill?)

Unfortunately, given the tools we have, that's the best we have to keep most of the spammers off the forum.  We used to be hit with at least one per 10 minutes.  This has dropped the numbers to nearly zero.

Rest assured, once you've posted enough, there's no need for all the crazy captcha-like things.

Post Mortem / Re: UV conquerer
« on: September 07, 2019, 23:58 »
Wow, you're good.
I'm quite OK at DRL, but for some reason I'm horrible at JH.

Same.  Things seem to hit much more precisely, and when encounters happen, it is hard to get into cover without taking hits (compared to DRL where you hit the run button then zig-zag your way to cover).  Limited inventory and the inability to stock up on guns, ammo, and health packs make JH a much different game than DRL.

Mind you, this isn't a statement of whether it is better or not -- it's just different.

If anything, JH plays much closer to ARL, and I am terrible at that game, never having won a single one before.

Requests For Features / Re: font and borders
« on: August 19, 2019, 07:32 »
of course no-one is obligated to respond but this is a game in early access, isn't feedback wanted at this stage? views of users that might improve the game? I thought that was the point of the forum?

Feedback is definitely wanted, but between the Steam pages, GoG comments, Discord, Twitter, Facebook, Twitch and the like, the effort becomes much diffused.

I'm not even partaking in half of the conversations that are occurring on those other platforms, and I am the Chaos Fanatic!.  Shows one how much diffusion it has been.

I'd wish that the forum takes centre stage -- it is after all the original Chaosforge communications platform.  But times have been changing, that's all.  JH is built to cater to a slightly different crowd from the old fogies of the rogue-like, and with it comes the various outreach methods.

Please don't feel that I'm being harsh on you -- that wasn't the intention at all.

Requests For Features / Re: font and borders
« on: August 16, 2019, 17:21 »
so.. err.. anyone reading these? anyone think I'm right or wrong?

Right or wrong about what?  I mean, you've expressed an opinion on the state of the game, and an opinion of the anti-spammer efforts.  It is duly noted, but it doesn't mean that someone must respond.

After all, it's a forum, not a private message.

Bug Reports / Re: Crash when using Vulkan renderer
« on: August 01, 2019, 16:25 »
This really isn't the right place for the bug report seeing that it is for Jupiter Hell, but considering that there isn't a forum for it just yet, I'm going to let it stand for now.

Kornel: Can you make a publicly accessible "Bug Reports" forum for Jupiter Hell?

Requests For Features / Re: [IDEA] other graphics modes
« on: May 08, 2019, 17:02 »
ASCII mode is actually already supported.
Pretty buggy though, particularly its interaction with menu subsystems.  Also, the order in which things are drawn in ASCII mode are a bit out of whack -- corpses lie on top of items, which lie on top of the player character.  But I figured that fixing that isn't a high priority right now, so I didn't bring it up.

Also ASCII mode has no sound.  =(

Off Topic / Re: Working on a roguelike...
« on: April 25, 2019, 08:24 »
The new project will also appear here once I have something ready for public testing.

Unless otherwise vetoed, I'd suggest starting a new thread.  If you want to update VA here and if the thread is locked, feel free to contact one of us via PM to unlock it.


Also, "mortem" tags instead of "code" tags for the cooler coloured mortem output?

WAYY off-topic

Yeah, I see it but it's fine considering that the forums are rather quiet.  Great to hear that you're still around!  =)

General Discussion / Re: How to get into beta?
« on: April 04, 2019, 09:01 »
In an old old post it seems that the Steam key for the beta was sent out via email.  I had alpha access, so I received my key on Oct 03, 2018.

In case that url cannot be entered, it just states something to the effect of "beta keys have been sent via email -- if you haven't received it when you should, contact 'us'".  Naturally, "us" would refer to ah Kornel.

Hope this helps.

Post Mortem / Re: [U|100%|YAFW] Scavenger Diamond
« on: March 15, 2019, 18:09 »
(Besides, the forums are pretty quiet; they could use some livening up)  :P

Yes.  I think that it has been quite quiet of late.  Maybe when JH is released, it will be as lively as before.  That said, there has been a dilution of communications platforms, what with the extensive use of Discord and/or streaming outside of the forums.  We'll see how it all ends up.

Century Lounge / Re: [M|Ao100|60%|100|YAVP w/Dragonslayer!
« on: December 23, 2018, 07:07 »
P.S.  This post should probably be in the Century Lounge, although this board is so inactive these days, I don't know if anyone will really notice.
That's done.  As for fixing the report button...

* thelaptop glares at Kornel and Rimmon

Berserk! / Re: [0.8.5|Endless|13|YASD] Second best?
« on: September 26, 2018, 08:12 »
Regular DoomRL is too easy and it's time to conquer Berserk! eh?  =D

That said, nice win!  I think you killed more in one turn in this game than that other one with 1900+ kills.

Releases / Re: Skulltag Arena
« on: August 07, 2018, 08:59 »
Wow... you're basically touring the forums and looking for stuff to play huh... nice win though!  Most excellent!  =D

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