Creating new versions of DoomRL is, for all intents and purposes, modding. The only difference is that said modding is carried out by the game's creator;
Wait a minute... Let me discern a few possibilities here.
The basis of my analogy is that "playing the game = sex". Therefore:
1* Playing the game "the way it's meant to be played" = voluntary sex
2* Figuring out new ways to play it without outside "divine" interventions = kinky sex
3* Developing a new version (definitely different from playing) = helping it discover more potential within itself through self-development
4* Modding with the blessing and tools given by the creator = buying it a new set of clothes
5* Tinkering with "live" (i.e.: while playing the game) code = rape
6* Reverse-engineering = involuntary experiments on a sentient being
Sure - the lines are blurry and highly debatable but I wasn't even trying to be very precise to begin with. I simply figured it would be a witty remark and wondered what the responses would be... Kinda expected more laid-back approach from you all 0_o...
Therefore, you're the kind of person who would pay money to sponsor a campaign of continuous incestuous rape.
Still think that your comparison was valid and/or funny?
If you put it that way - it's even more amusing.
do you think this is pushing things too far, or is it simply funny ?