The Secret Ingredient - Round VIII((Totally my bad. Between college and sleep deprivation it totally skipped my mind. Also I'm going to change the action report format a little. As much as I'd like too, I don't think I could keep up writing these as a summary. Instead Ill quote your actions and their results separately and then summarize the red shirts actions if they haven't been listed already. I may at a later date go back and edit the reports into proper summaries.))
Action: Making an ultimatum and preparing to execute the guard at the first sign of resistance or non-compliance.
(9) One of the guards immediately turns to shoot you at this outburst, but misses terribly
(5). The other strikes one of the escapees in the chest
(13). You immediately ram the scalpel into the guard's throat, evoking a soft gurgle.
Action: Attack the guard with night stick.
(8) With nothing else to do, you turn to the nearest guard and start wailing on him. Your aim is a little off, but your attacks have rattled him. Turning to strike you, he strikes you in the ribs
(12). You think you may have heard a small crack.
Action: Put the guard in a chokehold to kill him. If possible, break his neck.
(5) You loosen your grip on the guard to finish him off only to have deliver a sharp elbow into your gut
(12). He stumbles forward a few steps before slumping to the ground.
Action: Grabbing a guard and charging at a rifleman.
(3) You grab the guard's collar only to have him brush you off immediately. Two other inmates also attempt to grapple him but he shrugs them off just the same
(6)(4). Though despite not being able to grab him, he too seems unable to hit any of you
The remaining two inmates charge the guards in the back, tackling one of them in the process
AlliesEscapees x2
Escapee x2
Mr. Fletch
Bob GreyEnemiesGuard
Guard x3
Dandy Man????
Broken Pipe
Night Stick [E]
Bloody Guard Uniform [E]
Rations x2 Jail Bird????
Tinscrap Knuckles [E]
Tinscrap Lock Pick
Small Keyring
Coin Pouch (?) PharmacistInventory:Clothes
Makeshift Scalpel
Dirty Bandages
Tinware Cups x6
Rations Rent-a-Cop????
Rations Night StickBroken PipeTinscrap KnucklesMakeshift ScalpelTinscrap Lock PickBloody Guard Uniform